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Global Hand non-profit listing

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Agape of Hope Female Youth Development Association

Agape of Hope is a Ugandan NGO that aims to equip young women victims of economic and social forces with information and knowledge of reproductive health and human rights.

Push Start Foundation, Inc

The Push Start Foundation is an American NGO dedicated to increasing health and opportunities for development for people living in Jamaica. The Foundation is involved in providing dialysis services, and hopes to be able to promote entrepreurship. The elderly and their needs are a particular focus...

Prime Welfare Foundation

The Prime Welfare Foundation is a Pakistani NGO that promotes volunteerism in Pakistan. The Foundation has a particular interest in human rights, economic development, education and health in rural areas.

Indira Welfare Education Society

The Indira Welfare Education Society is an Indian NGO that runs a school and a home for poor children from marginalised sections of the community. The Society provides free education, uniforms, books, school bags, note books, footwear,and food, including midday meals, and supports more than 200...

Social Awareness and Live Support

Social Awareness and Live Support (SALISU) is a Tanzanian NGO that aims to assist in eradicating poverty and hunger, conserving the environment, supporting widows and orphans, working on HIV/AIDS prevention and mitigation and promoting culture and sports.

Tanzania Agriculture Support Organization (TASO)

Tanzania Agriculture Support Organization is a small non-profit based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. TASO works closely with small-scale farmers in the coastal region (Pwani region) to enhance agriculture productivity by implementing modern tools and technology, providing education/training in modern...

Ngando Universal Centre

Ngando Universal Centre (NUC) is a Kenyan NGO that works with grass roots communities for the welfare of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), widows/single mothers and other needy people.

Hope for Angola

Hope for Angola, is an American NGO working to promote community based development programmes in the Republic of Angola. The organisation works to link the identified needs of local communities with resources, serving as a bridge between poor communities in Angola and possible donors or...

Lift Up the Banner Orphanage centre

Lift Up The Banner Ministries International is a Christian Nonprofit organization engages in reaching out the vulnerable orphaned children through providing education,and the well-being of the orphans , in addition, we are aiming to assist the total orphans and those affected by HIV/AIDS,also...

Mgborie Orphanage and Widows Foundation

Mgborie Orphanage and Widows Foundation is a Nigerian NGO. The organisation runs an orphanage and a widows empowerment programme, providing food, clothing and skills training in a range of areas, including tailoring, computer skills, food processing, soap making and photography.