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Global Hand non-profit listing

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Kenyan Community Support Initiative

Kenyan Community Support Initiative (KCSI) is an NGO based in Kisii, Kenya. KCSI aims to improve life for the poorest people, and also to protect and conserve the environment. The organisation believes that, wherever possible, it is better to give people a way to earn an income, or grow sufficient...

People to People International Togo

People to People International - Togo is an NGO in Togo. The organisation was established as a chapter of People to People International, an organisation established by President Eisenhower to promote international understanding and friendship through educational, cultural and humanitarian...

Community Sustainable Development Empowerment Programme

The Community Sustainable Development Empowerment Programme (COSDEP) is a Kenyan NGO. The organisation began as a training programme for farmers in the Kiambu district, and now covers the entire central region of the country. COSDEP promotes sustainable development initiatives among the poor...

Church of the Living God Ministries

The Church of the Lliving God Ministries is an Indian NGO that runs an orphanage and a primary school in Andra Pradesh. The organisation also runs a leprosy camp in addition to its faith-based work. The Oasis Elim school provides free education through English for 50 children from poor and...

SID Child Care Foundation (SCCF)

The Sid Child Care Foundation (SCCF) is a Ugandan NGO that focuses on HIV/AIDS, orphans, youth, people with disabilities,widows, and promotion and protection of children rights.

Association of Health, Food, Nutrition & Dietetics (AFND)

The Association of Food, Nutrition & Dietetics (AFND) is an Indian NGO that aims to encourage the interlinking of food, nutrition and public health in order to promote optimal health for all. The Association also aims to promote greater transparency and collaboration between individuals...

Urunji Child-Care Trust

Urunji Child-Care Trust (UCCT) is a local NGO in Malawi working to combat malnutrition and illiteracy by providing free meals and educational materials to underprivileged children. The organisation also runs a Senior Citizens project and an environmental recovery project (planting trees). The Trust...

Kiranmayi Socio Educational Society (KISES)

The Kiranmayi Socio Educational Society (KISES) is an Indian NGO established by a group of women social activists and educationalists. The organisation works with marginalised communities, including Dalits, Adivasi, women and people with disabilities. The Society has carried out many social welfare...

Divine Ministries International

Divine Ministries International is a religious organisation in Zimbabwe. Its mission is to spread the Christian gospel.

Khadarlis for Sierra Leone

Khadarlis for Sierra Leone is an NGO based in the USA dedicated to rebuilding Sierra Leone by providing homes, sustainable electricity, and clean water. The organisation runs a store in Providence, Rhode Island to fund projects in Sierra Leone. All the profits from the store go to building...