Non-profit portals
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Assistance Georgia Website
One of the largest databases of humanitarian aid in Georgia, also providing an information clearing house for relief and development organisations. Provides links to UNOCHA Georgia Directory, a Map Centre for Georgia and tables of international organisations in Georgia.
Tools and resources for helping non-profits to make the most of the Internet. Information includes resources to provide help with doing web research and setting up websites, and a list of charities in the US.
A database of 26,000 organisations in 153 countries. Provides a one-stop shop for volunteer opportunities in communities around the world. The user is able to search by country, area of focus or type of work. Also has various tools for non-profits.
Je Veux Aider
Je Veux Aider aims to act as a tool to people and organisations who want to volunteer or otherwise help, specifically in the fields of alleviating human distress. It seeks to offer visibility to aid organisations involved, to provide a comprehensive listing of these organisations, and to act as an...
Council for International Development (CID) - New Zealand
Council for International Development (CID) works to achieve effective high quality international development programmes which focus on the alleviation and eradication of poverty. CID works to enhance the capacity and participation of member agencies, the New Zealand Government and other sectors of...