Timor Aid

Unverified non-profit organisation

The Timor Aid is a non- governmental aid organisation that is focused on long term development work. Through the help of professionals and donations, they have been able to focus on several major areas including: Micro-finance, Heath, Training Centers, Women Development, Civic Education, Fisheries, Welfare, and Scholarships. Timor Aid has been able to provide financial aid to support entrepreneurs. They have provided ambulance services and free dental services to health clinics. They have helped East Timorese women in finding employment, education and training in order to improve their quality of life for themselves and their children. Through their Training Centers and Scholarship program, they help the local population in job training and finding employment. They help promote a civic education programme in order to strengthen the people’s awareness of their rights and obligations as members of a democratic society. Timor Aid identified fisheries as a key area for alleviating poverty and building a strong economic foundation for the future of East Timor. Through their welfare program, dispossessed and disabled children and youth of Timor are able to obtain education and health services.

