New Hope International

Unverified non-profit organisation

New Hope International is all about empowering God’s people in Eastern Europe
to win the next generation for the Lord Jesus Christ.
From 1971 until the early nineties, New Hope trained and encouraged Christian leaders behind the Iron curtain by leading clandestine camps and by placing Bibles and other Christian literature into their hands.

When Communism fell and this secret activity was no longer necessary, church leaders requested that New Hope continue to care for believers in Eastern Europe by helping them reach out beyond the walls of their churches to penetrate their people with the love of Christ.

New Hope sends teams to Eastern Europe to be involved in camps for the training of nationals. They have programmes where people can partner with relief workers to make a difference for youth and families in Eastern Europe. They have an ongoing Ukraine Foster Care programme where they find foster families for orphaned children.


Year established


About this organisation

Regions / countries / territories

Americas: United States