Russian Children's Fund - Russia - Pskov

Unverified non-profit organisation

Pskov Regional Branch of Russian Children’s Foundation is a non-governmental non-profit public charitable organization founded in February 26, 1988. The status of the organization is regional branch of All-Russian public foundation.

Its mission is overall assistance in creating conditions for life of full value, child’s development, and family priority support.

The main activities of Pskov Children’s Foundation (PCF) are the legal protection and rendering different kind of aid to inmates of boarding schools and children’s homes and gifted children from indigent families and children’s social establishments, as well as children with disabilities, children and teenagers from indigent families, former pupils of boarding schools and children’s homes, and juvenile delinquents.

The main aims of the organization are solving problems in children’s establishments and indigent families with children, creating conditions for all-round development of children and teenagers.


About this organisation

Regions / countries / territories

Europe: Russian Federation

Global issues

Children, youth and family welfare