Kaana Foundation for Outreach Programs (KAFOP)

Unverified non-profit organisation

Kaana Foundation for Outreach Programs (KAFOP) is an NGO established by social workers in the Rwenzori region of western Uganda to promote the rights, health and well-being of the most marginalized persons.

KAFOP promotes and advocates for fundamental human rights for the marginalised and most at risk, raises awareness and prevention of HIV/AIDS and works to prevent domestic violence. The organisation also promotes reproductive health, and has trained district stakeholders, women, sex workers and a number of communities on HIV prevention and reproductive health rights.

KAFOP assists women to develop income-generating projects to provide money for school fees and other basic necessities.

Year established


Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)

Less than 500,000

Participant in relevant networks

Association of Human Rights Organization (AHURIO) Kabarole NGOs and CBOs Association (KANCA) Uganda Harmonized Rights Alliance

Further information

About this organisation

Partnership types

Advocacy of global issues; Project funding

Regions / countries / territories

Africa: Uganda

Global issues

Community development; Gender issues; HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical