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Tree Aid
TREE AID is a dryland/forestry-focused development charity unlocking the potential of trees to reduce poverty and protect the environment in the African Sahel. Its aim is to provide greater understanding of how best to manage and secure long-term access to natural resources as a means to alleviate...
Grameen Bank
Grameen Bank, a microfinance enterprise agency, provides credit to the poorest of the poor in rural Bangladesh for economic projects of their own. Their website includes information on the program and models for microcredit lending.
ASSIST is an Indian NGO that helps create and support village-level decision making bodies for the empowerment of the poor. It works in the villages of Prakasam and Guntur Districts of Andhra Pradesh in South India.
Grameen Foundation China Microfinance Programme
Grameen Foundation China Microfinance Programme, an initiative of the Grameen Foundation, utilises microcredit and donor support to provide thousands of Chinese women access to financial services.
Triodos Bank
Triodos Bank is one of the world's leading sustainable banks. Triodos connect savers and investors who want to change the world for the better with entrepreneurs and sustainable companies doing just that. We are the only specialist bank to offer integrated lending and investment opportunities in an...
Eurasia Foundation - Uzbekistan Programme
Eurasia Foundation - Uzbekistan Programme, operated out of the Kazakhstan office of the Eurasia Foundation (EF), assists selected of local partners in the improvement of the education system. EF does not currently operate in Uzbekistan. From 1994 to 2006, EF maintained an office in Tashkent, where...
Terror Victims Association
Terror Victims Association is the grass-roots movement spearheading the campaign against terrorism in Israel. The Terror Victims Association was founded in 1986 in response to the release of a thousand terrorists by the Israeli government of the time. Terror Victims Association became a support...
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) - Uzbekistan
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) – Uzbekistan deploys technical, financial and humanitarian cooperation instruments in the five main thematic domains of health care reform, water management and disaster risk reduction, basic infrastructure, private sector development, and public...
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - Uzbekistan Programme
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - Uzbekistan Programme provides support for small enterprise assistance and microfinance development, technical assistance for the nationwide roll-out of activities related to high-quality primary health care, evidence-based medicine, and...
Aschiana assesses the needs and promotes the welfare of vulnerable street working children and their families in accordance with basic child and human rights. Aschiana also provides services to create opportunities for developing life survival skills, basic education, literacy and numeracy, skills...
Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF)
Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF), an international fund company, aims to encourage entrepreneurs in emerging markets and help sustain the new economy. SEAF invests in small and medium size businesses that are unable to obtain long-term equity due to their size or location and provide...
World Vision - China
World Vision – China, a country office of World Vision International, helps the poor communities break away from poverty and achieve sustainable development through projects in partnership with government counterparts, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and local villagers....
Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) - Tajikistan
The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is a private, not-for-profit international development agency. The organization works towards the vision of an economically dynamic, politically stable, intellectually vibrant, and culturally tolerant Tajikistan. Through its programmes in Tajikistan, the foundation is...
Heifer Project International (Thailand)
The first activity of Heifer Project International (Thailand) started in 1974, focused on marginalized ethnic minorities living in the mountainous regions of northern Thailand. The first project, providing cattle to families in 21 villages, was conducted with one of these groups. Later fish ponds...
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) / Mozambique
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) / Mozambique supports programmes which improve the health of women and children, strengthen democracy and municipal governance, raise rural incomes, and increase imports.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) / Nepal
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) / Nepal supports programmes including peace building and conflict mitigation initiatives at national and community levels; the re-establishment of representative democracy and restoration of the public’s faith in political institutions;...
World Neighbours (Vecinos Mundiales)
World Neighbors is an international development organization striving to eliminate hunger, poverty, and disease in the most isolated areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America. World Neighbors invests in people and their communities by training and inspiring them to create their own life-changing...
A Community Oriented Rehabilitation Network (ACORN)
A Community Oriented Rehabilitation Network (ACORN) offers assistance to and initiates income generating project for children and widows amongst the Kurdish people in Northern Iraq. ACORN also supports a children's rehabilitation centre in the Altai Republic of the Russian Federation. ACORN has...
Five Talents International
Five Talents International is committed to combating poverty in the developing world by equipping the poor with small business training and microfinance programmes. The majority of businesses are in food production and sales, street vendors, brick manufacturing, shoe making, carpentry, auto repair,...
Ministry of Revenue - Ethiopia
The Ministry of Revenue of Ethiopia is responsible for implementing government revenue policy. The Ministry aims to run an administrative system that is not exposed to corruption and delivers an efficient service to the public. The Ministry oversees the operation of the federal inland revenue...