Search Results

Revelation Children's Ministries International

Revelations Children’s Ministries International (RCMI) is a community- based NGO in the Jinja District of Uganda. Its aim is to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged people, especially people living with HIV/AIDS and their families, orphans, widows and victims of war. RCMI offers...

Allgemeines Recht auf Gesundheit und Ausbildung (ARAGUA)

Aggemeines Recht auf Gesundheit und Ausbildung (ARAGUA) is a German charitable organisation that focuses on advocacy for educational provision, particularly in regions where such provision is insufficient. Its main focus is on the Himalayan region. In addition to advocacy, ARAGUA links donors...

Fair Trade Group Nepal

The Fair Trade Group Nepal (FTG Nepal) is a consortium of fair trading organisations that work together to improve the socio-economic status of underprivileged and marginalised producers in Nepal.

Liberia Science Foundation

Liberia Science Foundation is an NGO that promotes, supports and encourages science, technology, engineering and mathematics education. The Foundation works with development partners to help improve the quality of science education and solicit funding to support scientific research activities...

Coalition of Womens Organisations for the Fight Against HIV/AIDS and Malaria (CWOAM)

The Coalition of Womens Organisations for the Fight against HIV/AIDS and Malaria (CWOAM) is an umbrella organisation made up of fifteen rural women's associationa based in Cameroon. CWOAM's activities include farming, agricultural trade, running a revolving credit scheme, and gari processing among...

Community Based Initiative Centre - Rwenzori (COBIC-R)

The Community Based Initiative Centre – Rwenzori (COBIC-R) is an NGO based in the Kasese district of Uganda, operating in the Rwenzori region. The organisation focuses on the improvement of livelihoods, health and human rights. COBIC-R works for the welfare of people in the Rwenzori region,...

Anchalika Jana Seva Anusthan (AJSA)

Anchalika Jana Seva Anusthan (AJSA) is a grass roots organisation in Orissa, India. The organisation aims to reduce poverty and social injustice for under privileged sections of society including small farmers, women and children, landless labourers and the Dalit community. The organisation...

Growing Inclusive Markets (GIM)

The Growing Inclusive Markets (GIM) Initiative is a UNDP-led global multi-stakeholder research and advocacy initiative that seeks to understand, enable and inspire the development of more inclusive business models around the globe that will help to create new opportunities and better lives for many...

Chaka MarketBridge

Chaka MarketBridge is an American company that exists to provide customers with access to high-quality and stylish, handmade products; to provide undiscovered, impoverished artisans with the global market they need to grow and succeed; and to connect artisans and customers in both fair trade and...

Saude em Portugues

Saúde em Português is a Portuguese NGO established in 1993 which aims to provide basic health care in Portuguese-speaking countries. The organisation also works in countries outside the Lusophone world and has been a presence in several fields both in humanitarian disasters scenarios and in...

Kaana Foundation for Outreach Programs (KAFOP)

Kaana Foundation for Outreach Programs (KAFOP) is an NGO established by social workers in the Rwenzori region of western Uganda to promote the rights, health and well-being of the most marginalized persons. KAFOP promotes and advocates for fundamental human rights for the marginalised and most...

Business Figths Poverty

An online platform facilitating a global community of professionals fighting poverty through business. This network supports enterprise development in developing nations by the pooling of aid and development expertise and resources.


Dara is a Spanish NGO. Working with partners, DARA actively promotes humanitarian principles and best practice; provides quality analysis and evaluation of humanitarian interventions and monitors the human impact of climate change around the world.

Women Rights Action Group (WRAG)

The Women Rights Action Group (WRAG) is a Tanzanian NGO. The organisation aims to improve the social economic welfare of women through education and health programmes, and through promoting their human rights. WRAG also fights against HIV/AIDS. WRAG is currently involved in a capacity building...

Humanist Watch Salone

Humanist Watch Salone (HUWASAL) is an NGO in Sierra Leone. The organisation envisages a society that empowers marginalized people and vulnerable groups to participate fully in peaceful and sustainable development initiatives. HUWASAL works in war affected rural communities, designing and...

Indevfunds is a web portal set up by Indev Consultancy Private Limited (ICPL) an organisation that innovates technological products and services to assist NGOs, government departments and other development sector stakeholders. The portal is intended to assist civil society organisations by...


Hivos is a Dutch development organisation guided by humanist values. Together with local civil society organisations in developing countries, Hivos aims to contribute to a free, fair and sustainable world, and works with more than 600 partners in 26 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America in...

Orphan Coalition

The Orphan Coalition is an independent non-profit global alliance that protects and supports orphans who can’t defend or care for themselves Through the various nonprofits that make up the Coalition, 100% of funds go directly to the orphans in such forms as food, shelter, clothing, education,...

Seva Samiti

Seva Samiti is an Indian NGO that supports women and children. The organisation runs a school for child labourers, orphans and children with disabilities, and a technical training centre where a range of courses are offered including computing, cooking and painting, A specialist computer centre...

Divya Jyoti Mahila Vikash

Divya Jyoti Mahila Vikash (DJMV) is an Indian NGO working towards women's empowerment, education and livelihood promotion. DJMV aspires to improve the living conditions of the poor and marginalized. Founded in 2000, the organisation work among backward communities in the interior in one of the...