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Lango Action for Community transformation Agency

Lango Action for Community Transformation Agency is a committed community based and non-profit making organization that works with the community to improve the lives of vulnerable children and youth through venturing on education and health in Lango sub-region, Northern Uganda.

Imaginer et Construire le Congo de Demain (ICCOD-ONG)

ICCOD-NGO is an indigenous Pygmy organization that works for the well-being of communities and the preservation of the environment. Founded in Nyabibwe Centre, Mbinga-Nord Group, Kalehe Territory, South Kivu Province in DR Congo, ICCOD-ONG brings together young people, women and indigenous...

PureTrust Foundation LBG

PureTrust Foundation LBG is an integrated service, advocacy and Community Foundations Development NGO established in Tamale Ghana, on June 2014 by nine local leaders. The vision of this foundation is to promote community action for the cause of equitable inclusive society in Ghana. Its mission is...

Local Sustainable Communities Organization (LOSCO)

LOSCO is a Church not-for- profit Non- Government Organisation founded to bring about practical inclusive development through promoting inclusive policies and practices. LOSCO emerged as a result of informal discussions and sharing of experiences between Church Leaders, Social Workers and Local...

Rainforest Action Network

Rainforest Action Network campaigns for the forests, their inhabitants and the natural systems that sustain life by transforming the global marketplace through education, grassroots organizing and non-violent direct action. RAN uses hard-hitting markets campaigns to align the policies of...

Asmita Samajik Sanstha

Asmita Samajik Sanstha is an India based non-government organisation which works to provide sustainable livelihood training for the deprived people of the rural and forest area. It also conducts socio-economic study for the betterment of the deprived people. Its work is also related to blood safety...

Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere) - Tajikistan

Project HOPE's mission is to achieve sustainable advances in health care around the world. The essence of Project HOPE is teaching - the basis is partnership. Identifiable to many by the S.S. HOPE, the peacetime hospital ship, Project HOPE now conducts land-based medical training and health care...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Armenia

The UNDP focus is to support Armenia in addressing the challenges of: Achieving the MDGs and reducing human poverty, fostering democratic governance, managing energy and environment for sustainable development and supporting crisis prevention and recovery. In all our...

Malindi Handcraft Co-operative Society

The Malindi Handcraft Co-operative Society was registered in 1986 under the Kenya Co-operative Act with a beginning membership of 30 highly skilled woodcarver artisans. The primary aim of the formation of the co-operative was to give the power of business ownership back to the people, in this case...

Disability Initiative for Sustainable Development

The Disability Initiative for Sustainable Development (DISUDE) is a Ugandan NGO. The organisation works on advocacy and capacity building programmes.

Yambest Sustainable Development Common Initiative Group

The Yambest Sustainable Development Common Initiative Group is an NGO in Cameroon. The Group aims to promote agriculture,livestock,fishing and vegetable gardening, and has identified a farm the members would like to buy. Currently, however, there are insufficient funds to do this. The Group hopes...

Forest and Agroforestry Promoters Cameroon (FAP NGO) Cameroon

Forest and Agroforestry Promoters (FAP NGO) Cameroon is an NGO that aims to to promote the sustainable management of the natural and wetland resources in the Western highlands of Cameroon. The organization FAP was created in May 2001 by indigenes of the North West Region who have interest in the...

Business Environment Council (BEC)

The Business Environment Council (BEC) promotes corporate social and environmental responsibility in Hong Kong. Set up by business for business in 1989, BEC offers sustainable business solutions covering baseline assessment, advisory, research, training and award programmes for companies across all...

Uganda Sustainable Agricultural Support Organization (USASO)

The Uganda Sustainable Agricultural Support Organisation (USASO) is an NGO that promotes sustainable agriculture through participatory and innovative practices, including organic farming. The organisation provides training in sustainable methods particularly for small scale farmers. ...

Rebuild Zimbabwe

Rebuild Zimbabwe is an organisation that is working to rebuild the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans. The organisation, driven by Zimbabweans and friends of Zimbabwe in the Diaspora, aims to spearhead sustainable development programmes that target the most disadvantaged communities and also to assist...

Mercy Ships Verified non-profit organisation

Mercy Ships is an international faith-based organization, with a mission to increase access to health care throughout the world. Mercy Ships uses hospital ships to bring hope and healing to the poor, mobilizing people and resources worldwide. The global charity provides a variety of training...

Esquel Foundation (EGF)

The Esquel Foundation (EGF) is a non-profit, private foundation and a member of the Grupo Esquel network. EGF promotes policies and programs for social equity and sustainable development with special emphasis in the strengthening of civil society primarily in Latin America.

Tools For Self Reliance (TFSR)

Tools for Self Reliance is a small UK based charity working to help relieve poverty in Africa. Self Reliance's vision is a world free of poverty, where people can use their own skills and energies to meet their needs and aspirations. Their mission is to contribute to poverty reduction in Africa by...

Secours Islamique (Islamic Aid)

Begun in 1984, Secours Islamique is a non-governmental international organisation providing emergency aid and sustainable development. Secours Islamique assists victims of natural disasters like earthquakes, distributes hygiene packs, drinking water, food, tents, medicines and clothing and...

Rwanda Hope Society

Rwanda Hope Society is committed to empowering grass-roots community projects through education, sustainable development and global partnerships for poverty alleviation.