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The Brokering Guidebook - a guide to navigating effective sustainable development partnerships

The Brokering Guidebook, produced by IBLF in collaboration with Rio Tinto, UNDP and the UN System Staff College, illuminates the critical role played by brokers in a cross-sector partnership, and outlines the many tasks that a broker may have to carry out during the life of a partnership.
Business and the millennium development goals: a framework for action

This report provides a framework for action on how companies and business coalitions can work with the UN system, governments, and civil society organisations to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), aimed at making globalisation a more positive force for more of the world's people.
World Business and Development Awards

Established by the International Chamber of Commerce in 2000, the biennial World Business and Development Awards (WBDA) are the first worldwide business awards to recognize the crucial role of the private sector, large and small, in implementing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Mining minerals and sustainable development in Southern Africa

Report of the regional mining minerals and sustainable development process: Volume 1 focuses on the unique problems and opportunities of the South African mining context. It identifies the current trends in mining and makes future projections for growing sustainability efforts in this sector.
Toolbook Series: developing Partnership Initiatives

The Toolbook Series, published by the Partnership Initiative, is developed from action research and in close collaboration with practitioners worldwide. The aim of the toolbooks is to enable a flexibility of application across cultures and sectors.
Talking the Walk - A Communication Manual for Partnership Practitioners

Talking the Walk is a toolbook for partnership practitioners from all sectors, to enable them to understand the importance of good communication to their work, and to help them develop techniques to improve their communications - both inside, and beyond, the partnership.
Useful Information and Resources for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development in Tunisia

This site provides news, information and resources regarding environmental protection and sustainable development in Tunisia. In particular, this link provides other useful organisations and links relating to Tunisia's environment and development, with links to other governmental and...
Promoting Small and Medium Enterprises for Sustainable Development

Promoting Small and Medium Enterprises for Sustainable Development, a paper published by the WCSD, discusses the way in which governments can help alleviate poverty by focusing on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and how larger corporations can help themselves by including SMEs in their value...
Sigma Guidelines - Putting Sustainable Development into Practice: A Guide for Organisations

The Sigma Guidelines provide clear, practical advice to organisations to enable them to make a meaningful contribution to sustainable development. The guidelines help organisations to effectively meet challenges posed by social, environmental and economic dilemmas, threats and opportunities and...
Towards More Coherent United Nations System Support To Africa

A number of reports with a regional focus on the Millennium Development Goals have been issued by the United Nations Regional Commissions.
Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals

Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals, a UN Millennium Project Report, recommends concrete actions toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The report presents an overview of the findings and recommendations of the UN Millennium Project. The document was co-authored...
Doing Business with the World: The New Role of Corporate Leadership in Global Development

Doing Business with the World, a publication of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), describes how companies can contribute to global sustainable development through their core businesses in a way that is profitable for the companies and good for development.
Water and sustainable development: A business perspective

"Scarce, cheap, and wasted. In too many places water is a triple paradox," says this updated WBCSD paper on water, which was originally prepared for the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) in April 2004. Its message is straightforward: with no water there can be no business.
Draft Two SFTMS (Sustainable Fair Trade Management System) Standard

SFTMS is the new worldwide standard for the independent certification of organisations which demonstrate Fair Trade business practices. The requirements of this standard are applicable to any organisation applying Fair Trade principles in all its business processes regardless of the nature of...
Inclusive business for sustainable livelihoods - Facts Reports

This article highlights the concept of inclusive business in the current global context, provides a few examples of its application in practice, highlights the foundations for its success, and briefly presents an interactive tool, the “Inclusive Business Challenge”.
Business group supports sustainability via the market economy

Business group supports sustainability via the market economy, a report issued by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, shows how open, transparent markets can drive sustainability. The report also makes the business case for implementing sustainable practices and outlines seven...
Harnessing Private Sector Capabilities to Meet Public Needs: The Potential of Partnerships to Advance Progress on Hunger, Malaria and Basic Education

Harnessing Private Sector Capabilities to Meet Public Needs: The Potential of Partnerships to Advance Progress on Hunger, Malaria and Basic Education, a report of the WEF, discusses the four main ways in which businesses typically engage in the process of economic development: core business...
How can Public–Private Cooperation contribute to sustainable economic development in Fragile States? – from policy to practice

The Dutch report presents the overall findings of the project ‘Public–Private Cooperation (PPC) in Fragile States’ carried out under the 2007 Millennium Accord on the Network for Peace, Security and Development. The Network aims to support and encourage the sharing of expertise and cooperation...
Heifer's Cornerstones for Just and Sustainable Development

Heifer's Cornerstones for Just and Sustainable Development reflect the sustainable development principles utilised by Heifer International. Heifer is a development agency that aims to alleviate poverty by providing appropriate livestock and training to small-scale farmers worldwide.
From Awareness to Action: WBCSD

From Awareness to Action is the catalogue of publications by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).