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Propoor is committed to the dissemination of information and promotion of sustainable development initiatives, in response to the needs of under represented and marginalised sectors of society in South Asia. It provides information on NGO's, funding agencies, events, projects, job opportunities and...

Project RISHI (Rural India Social and Health Initiative)

Project RISHI (Rural India Social and Health Improvement) is an American NGO whose mission is to promote the sustainable development and growth of rural Indian communities. In partnership with local community members and social enterprises, the organisation identifies issues central to itd...

Misuuni Development Self Help Group

Misuuni Self Help Group (MSHG) is a community based NGO in Kenya. The Group is working on a water drilling project to help the local community access a sustainable water supply.

Agro EnviroTech outreach initiatives limited

Agro EnviroTech Initiatives Limited is a Ugandan Non Government organization (in the sense that it provides services that would have been offered by Government)that works on capacity building and helps to build health centres. The organisation aims to educate communities about primary health care...

Congo in the Picture

Congo in the Picture is an NGO in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation focuses on peace, democracy, healthcare and ICT for sustainable development, and works largely through music,video and drama.

El Porvenir ('The future')

El Porvenir ("the future") promotes sustainable development in rural Nicaragua. El Porvenir provides financing and transportation for the materials to construct village wells, spring capture systems, lavanderos and latrines. The organisation also supports reforestation projects in the communities...

Unternehmen: Partner der Jugend e.V. (UPJ)

Unternehmen: Partner der Jugend e.V. (UPJ) combines 19 regional and local intermediary organisations and more than 60 companies in order to promote Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Social Responsibility in Germany. UPF aims at fostering long-term co-operation between businesses, community...

Université de Genève

Université de Genève offers educational classes and consultancy services to the community. The university also participates in the Geneva International Academic Network whose goal is to facilitate collaboration between researchers and international bodies on subjects such as humanitarian law and...


ECOLOGIA is a non-profit organization providing information, training, and technical support for grassroots environmental groups. ECOLOGIA’s programs bring international perspectives and resources to local sustainable development projects, and bring locally based ‘on the ground’ experience back to...

Global Village of Beijing Environmental Education Center

Global Village of Beijing Environmental Education Center(GVB) is a non-profit non-governmental organization working on issues regarding sustainable development in the People's Republic of China mainly through environmental education in the form of production and distribution of multimedia...

American Center for International Labor Solidarity (Solidarity Center)

The American Center for International Labor Solidarity, or Solidarity Center, launched in 1997, is an organization dedicated to helping workers around the world build independent and democratic trade unions. It works with NGOs and unions worldwide to improve living conditions and promote equitable,...

Acción RSE

Acción RSE is a non profit member company organisation created by the private sector to promote Corporate Social Responsibility practices in Chile. Acción RSE has five main businss- oriented action areas, which are ethics and corporate governance, workplace, environment, supply chain, and...

Global Institute for Tomorrow

The Global Institute for Tomorrow (GIFT) is an independent social venture think tank based in Hong-Kong. GIFT aims to link business, public policy and civil society issues in order to foster constructive dialogue and address globalisation-related challenges in Asia. The organisation runs a...

Cooperative Coffees

Cooperative Coffees is a green coffee importing cooperative comprised of 23 community-based coffee roasters in the USA and Canada, who are committed to building and supporting fair and sustainable trade relationships for the benefit of farmers and their exporting cooperatives, families, and...


CSRwire is a global source of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability news. Founded in 1999 to advance the movement towards a more economically-just and environmentally-sustainable society and away from single bottom line capitalism, CSRwire has paved the way for new standards of...

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is an international treaty between 195 countries which aims to enable Parties to the Convention to cooperatively consider what they can do to limit average global temperature increases and the resulting climate change, and to cope with the...

Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

The Pan American Health Organisation is the regional office of the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the Americas. PAHO recognizes that health is a necessary pre-condition for securing development. Health facilitates economic growth, reduces poverty, advances education, preserves the...


Eticambiente specializes in working with medium-to-large sized companies and multinationals struggling with integrating sustainable development principles into their core business model, day-to-day operations and risk analysis, as well as maximizing stakeholder engagement and communications. ...

Gaplink International

Gaplink International is an NGO in Kenya. The organization exists to provide relief to needy people around the country, focusing on health and sanitation, disaster and humanitarian aid, human rights and advocacy, public policy, research and sustainable development. Examples of such projects include...

Congolese Union of Breeders and Veterinarians

The Congolese Union of Breeders and Veterinarians (UCEV) is an NGO that works for the reconstruction and sustainable development of the Democratic Republic of Congo through support for rural grassroots communities.