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Global Hand Standards introductory page You can also view this page in German. Diese Seite ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar.

1.2 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

Global Hand recommends the WHO Guidelines for Drug Donations as summarised here. By describing "good donation practice", these guidelines aim to improve the quality of drug donations.

2. Services

Good cargo, if handled badly, can result in poor, even grievous, outcomes. Related services are therefore included in the development of these standards.

2.1 Freight: Supply Chain Management

Global Hand recommends The Sphere Project's Minimum Standards (Sphere), where applicable to logistics and transportation.

2.4 Freight: Warehousing

Our research has not uncovered enough material for us to prepare draft standards on this topic.

3.1 Financial Auditing

Global Hand and its members endorse the InterAction network's GIK-specific Standards (the AERDO GIK Standards). Global Hand is seeking, however, to apply the embedded principles in a broader, international context, as the AERDO GIK Standards were written specifically for US based non-profit GIK...

Global Hand Principles

Global Hand, and its parent NGO, Crossroads Foundation, aims to ensure that aid given is good aid. You can find a range of standards, specific to sectors of the disaster and development spectrum, in our Standards, Guidelines and Toolkits section. A high level summary of Global Hand's standards...