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Yad Sarah

Yad Sarah, an Israel-wide network of volunteers, provides a spectrum of free or nominal-cost sevices designed to make home care possible for the sick, disabled, elderly&recuperating people and their families. Some of Yad Sarah's core services include: lending medical equipment, transportation... is an internet community of persons dealing with grief, death, and major loss. It provides online help to people working through loss and grief issues of various kinds through e-mail support groups, an online library of helpful articles, and related resources and links.

Asia Foundation: Books for Asia

The Asia Foundation’s Books for Asia program provides books, software, and other educational materials throughout many countries in Asia. More than 90 percent of donations are new textbooks, mostly university-level, donated by US publishers. Used books are accepted from bookstores, libraries,...

Coopération Internationale pour les Equilibres Locaux (CIELO)

Coopération Internationale pour les Equilibres Locaux (CIELO) works in disadvantaged communities across Latin America. It establishes ‘toy libraries’ and aims to create safe places where children can play. It also provides early childhood development projects that emphasize ‘play’ activities as...

PeaceTrees Vietnam

PeaceTrees Vietnam is a Seattle-based humanitarian organization working in Central Vietnam to assist those whose lives and livelihoods are threatened by the explosive remnants of war. It sponsors the removal of landmines and unexploded ordnance to promote a safe and healthy environment for...

Children Toy Foundation (CTF)

The Children Toy Foundation (CTF) is a Mumbai-based NGO that aims to educate children through play. CTF collects toys and games and sets up toy libraries in places such as orphanages, schools, creches, industrial sites, prisons and slums. Children and other users are encouraged to have fun and to...

Eurasia Foundation - Uzbekistan Programme

Eurasia Foundation - Uzbekistan Programme, operated out of the Kazakhstan office of the Eurasia Foundation (EF), assists selected of local partners in the improvement of the education system. EF does not currently operate in Uzbekistan. From 1994 to 2006, EF maintained an office in Tashkent, where...

Mission Enfance

Mission Enfance is a NGO based in Monaco that specializes in providing assistance to and education for needy children globally. The organization runs literacy campaigns, teacher training and basic education. The philanthropy organization helps to strengthen the school systems so as to make...


Based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Energize, Inc. is an international training, consulting and publishing firm specialising in volunteerism. Energize developed its web presence in 1997 and contains volunteerism resources, including a referral network and an online library of articles,...

Asian Health Institute (AHI)

Group of medical practitioners that provide both preventive and curative health care programmes, and medical training for local communities in Asia.

Romanian Aid Foundation

The Romanian Aid Foundation works with Romanian people to bring help to the needy. They distribute clothing, furniture, food, kitchen equipment, bedding and basic medical equipment, to improve the lives of people in rural communities. Projects include supporting hospitals and clinics, schools and...

Association of School Aid in Cambodia

ASAC is a non-profit NGO in Cambodia, which supports adults and children who have been suffering from civil war. It provides educational support through literacy programmes, construction of primary schools and libraries, well digging in remote areas with water problems and other Educational Aid...

Al Salam International Hospital

Al Salam International Hospital (S.I.H.) is a modern medical and surgical facility in Kuwait. S.I.H. offers diverse nursing, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic services, such as: diabetes, hypertension, obesity, maternal-child healthcare, allergy and dietetic service etc. The institution also...

ActionAid - Burkina Faso

ActionAid is an international charity working with poor and marginalised people in more than 50 countries worldwide to help eradicate poverty by overcoming injustice and inequity. ActionAid's work in Burkina Faso focuses on helping families to improve their farming techniques, improving access to...

Mission Harvest America Inc

Mission Harvest America Inc (MHA) provides global disaster and humanitarian aid donations of materials for free distribution only. In response to the Haiti earthquake, MHA sent over 260 containers of relief goods. 5 semi-truck loads were sent to the northern states in response to Hurricane Sandy...


GreenCurb is a small, nonprofit, student-run organization aiming to promote literacy and provide essential goods to underprivileged communities throughout the world. The organization's primary operation lies in the collection, distribution, and set-up of e-readers in disadvantaged schools across...

Fair Trade Egypt

Fair Trade Egypt (FTE) is s nonprofit organization whose goal is to empower Egyptian artisans through the practice of fair trade. FTE surveys the developing areas of the country, finds local treasures that have been traditionally manufactured for centuries and brings them to consumers. FTE...

Bamenda Handicraft Cooperative Society Ltd

Bamenda Handicraft Cooperative Society Ltd is a non-profit making organization to enhance and encourage the cultural heritage of the North West Province of Cameroon through quality craft production. Bamenda Handicraft Cooperative Society Ltd was established in 1964 by American peacecorp...

Jirmit Papyrus Group

Jermit Papyrus Group is a company that makes hand-painted cards, bookmarks and other art on authentic Egyptian papyrus. The company aims to generate work for unemployed young people in the Upper Egyptian town of Mallawi, located approximately 300 km south of Cairo. Jermit Papyrys employs 42...

Global Mamas

Global Mamas is a fair trade clothing cooperative located in Ghana, West Africa supporting the sustainable development of women artisans by producing Fair Trade products. Global Mamas infuses business social responsibility in all aspects of their work while promoting Fair Trade clothing for...