Accounting and management services
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How financial illiteracy becomes both the cause and consequence of economic inequality

This is a blogpost on the CRS newswire that questions the usefulness of CSR programmes provided by banks and other financial institutions.
Private Sector Supply-Chains Incorporating Social Enterprises

Some big businesses are currently active in the social business and enterprise sector using their skills to help entrepreneurs improve their business skills.
Ernst & Young (E&Y) helps to improve social conditions in the developing world

Through the Corporate Responsibility Fellows program, Ernst & Young is dedicating its best resources - talented, experienced people - to improving the success of promising entrepreneurs in underserved communities, to help create scalable sustainable economic value.
Accenture works with VSO on its corporate volunteering programme
Accenture's Voluntary Services Overseas/Business Partnership Scheme (VBP) sends its consultants to work with nonprofits and governments on business, management, and technology issues.
Venture capital for low-income markets in Latin America and the Caribbean

Investing in housing, healthcare, education, basic utilities and nutrition can not only fulfill a social mission, but can also be a profitable business venture.
Banks team up with Endeavour to provide training for SMEs in Brazil

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is teaming up with Banco Itaú and Endeavour Brazil to provide training for small and medium-sized companies in Brazil that are interested in developing high-quality products and services to the neediest population in the country, in the so-called base of...
PwC helped Fundacion Paraguaya to develop a strategy and business plan for their work in microfinance and education

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) partnered with Fundacion Paraguaya to develop a strategy and business plan for the organisation.
PwC partnered with BasicNeeds to help people with mental illnesses

PwC worked in Ghana with BasicNeeds, an organisation which works to alleviate the suffering of people with mental illnesses. The team acted as a facilitator to develop the organization's strategy and bring together stakeholders to discuss the potential implications of government legislation on...
PwC provides assistance to World Vision Ethiopia staff for capacity development and local market development strategy

PwC assisted World Vision Ethiopia staff to formulate a draft strategy for local market development.
PwC supports minority children education project in collaboration with Save the Children and local government

The PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) team provided support to the Yunnan Minority Basic Education Project (YMBEP), which was formed through a collaboration between Save the Children International and the local government.
Grameen Foundation received $150,000 Amex grant

American Express has donated $150,000 to Grameen Foundation. The donation will help impart advanced training and technical assistance on accounting, management information systems, human resources and operations to Grameen's local partners: Activists for Social Alternatives in Tamil Nadu, Cashpor...
Partnership between Allianz and The Climate Group

The Climate Group Leadership Coalition of major regional governments and companies - including one of the founding members Allianz - has committed at the highest level to leadership on the issue of climate change. The Climate Group works with members of this coalition to advance global efforts on...