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Extractive industries and chemicals

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SIRIUS International Charity Foundation

The SIRIUS ICF is a reliable partner with many years of experience in implementing international projects in the socio-economic sphere. The SIRIUS ICF is guided by the principles of impartiality, in accordance with the Geneva Convention, and does not belong to armed and political forces. The...

Omuto Foundation

Omuto Foundation is a dynamic and impactful youthled national organization dedicated to youth development and sustainable change in Uganda. Our core competencies lie in fostering community mobilization, promoting social action, and advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ...

Lucinda's Beautiful Heritage Charity Foundation

«LBH Charity Foundation» is an independent, not for profit making, non-political, charitable associative organization and foundation, created in 2020 to help improve the quality of life for victims of societal ills such as rape, sexual harassment, sexism, domestic abuse, basic human right violation...

Phoenix Resource Centre (Northampton) Limited

We are a UK registered charity with our own registered NGO's in Djibouti and Somaliland in East Africa, and Ghana in West Africa. We also work with partner organisations covering 61 countries in total. Our main strengths lie in product resource volume / capacity handling, setting up, running and...

Transform Youths Life Foundation

Transform Youths Life Foundation is a Christian NGO in Malawi. The Foundation works with children in remote areas, encouraging them to go back to school. Coaching for Sport.......Coaching for Life and Share a Simple Message of God's Amazing Love Our Mission ...

The Ubusha Foundation

The Ubusha Foundation (TUF) is a multifaceted nonprofit organization (NPO) with a mission of changing lives, improving livelihoods, setting platforms for socio-economic inclusion, and creating a culture of innovative problem solving. The organisation has a focus on children, youths and women as...

Shine Epilepsy Support Organization

Shine Epilepsy Support is a Non-Governmental Organization based in Nairobi, Kenya that is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of people (children, young people and adults) with epilepsy through information, education, advocacy, support services and research throughout Kenya. Shine...

Tanzania Economic Empowerment and Environmental Management Initiative ( Teeemi )

Teeemi is a National Non governmental registered organization having an aim to serve the community in terms of social, economical, education, health and nature activities for better future. Teeemi major projects are: 1.Tanzania Agriculture Initiative 2.Vocation Education Project 3.Tanzania...

African PRIDE Centre

African PRIDE Centre (APC) helps to educate children who live in poverty. Starting from Early Childhood Education (ECD) through to secondary education that is the hallmark of basic education, poverty remains a significant barrier to access and quality. APC helps to secure the right to access good...

Yaweh Save Life Foundation Ghana

Yaweh Save Life Foundation Ghana is a non governmental organization registered under the companies code of Ghana. The Foundation helps children, including the most vulnerable, access quality education and attain functional levels of literacy, numeracy and essential life skills for the children....

Professionals Doing Good

Professionals Doing Good This is a group of professionals based in Cambodia who recruit, place and mentor qualified and skilled professionals wordlwide willing to volunteer for ethically responsible and socially conscious organizations (NGOs, social enterprises, responsible businesses) in...

Green Enviro-Watch

Green Enviro-Watch is a non governmental organisation based in Zambia established to mitigate and fight climate change and improve the standard of living of people in communities that have been adversely impacted by climate change. This organization provides skills training, entrepreneurship...

Imperative Initiative for Motivation of Global Care IIMGC

Imperative Initiative for Motivation of Global Care (IIMGC) is an International human right, development and empowerment Non-Governmental Organization registered in Nigeria with special interests in vulnerable population, health, education and economic empowerment. The organization has a retinue of...

Key Farmers Savings and Loans Cooperative Society Limited - KEFACCUL

Key Farmers Savings and Loans Cooperative Society Limited - KEFACCUL was formed in 2012, after the food riot in Cameroon in 2008, to provide financial support to needy farmers and small business investors in under-served rural communities in the Republic of Cameroon and beyond. Since most...

Gen Rwot Family Care Association

Gen Rwot Family Care Association (GEFCA) is a registered community base organization (CBO) with registration number LF/NGO/LR/1018, formed in 2001 by groups of families who are infected and affected by TB/HIV/AIDS in Lira district. The organization was formed with the sole aim to reduce the...


TACTic TECH Sarl is a company in Cameroon that assists with site issues regarding reciprocating compressors from minor trouble shooting to major refurbishment.

BetterWorld Energy

BetterWorld Energy (Zambia) Ltd, is an environmental and social enterprise working to develop sustainable and economically productive Sub-Saharan landscapes. BetterWorld is a vehicle by which innovative solutions to environmental and social problems can be researched, tested, demonstrated and...

Centre for Environment Justice

Centre for Environment Justice (CEJ) is a registered youth led non-governmental organization. The mandate : CEJ believes that a safe environment is a basic fundamental human right and that individual children, youths, women, men and the general population have the right to access quality and...

Defum Human Rights Association (DHRA)

The Defum Human Rights Association (DHRA ) is an independent non-governmental, nonpolitical and non profit making organization, which is registered under the Trustees incorporation Act of Malawi. DHRA was established on 13th June 2007 and get registered as an NGO on 08th February 2013. Its...


Tacticthesarl is a company in Csmeroon that works in the construction sector.