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A short introduction to Microfinance by
A graphical, easy-to-understand video about how microfinance works.
The Global Partnership Social Investment Fund seeks investments in Latin America

The NGO Global Partnerships is redefining microfinance and moving beyond the concept of microloans as working capital. It aims to achieve greater impact in reducing poverty by combining these loans with affordable social investments, such as health services, training and low-cost pensions and...
Public-Private Partnership for Low - Cost Housing Investments

Thousands of Salvadorans with no credit history can access loans now to make home improvements and expand their home businesses. El Salvador has developed a unique and sustainable financial business model that enables low-income consumers to improve and expand their homes by mobilizing...
Vision Banco partners with Habitat to provide low-income housing in Paraguay

Thousands of low income Paraguayans will be able to make home improvements with credits provided by a Vision Banco-Habitat partnership.
Pro Bono in Action

"Pro Bono in Action" is a video made by the Taproot Foundations Pro Bono Action Tank (PBAT)
VisionSpring creates a new method of distributing reading glasses in India and other developing countries

This video introduces VisionSpring, a project jointly implemented by the SCOJO Foundation, Goldman Sachs, and various other groups in the private sector.
Bank of America supports Habitat for Humanity in Dallas
A 30-second video describing how Bank of America works in partnership with Habitat for Humanity in Dallas.
WIZZIT reaching the Unbanked of South Africa

It is estimated that 40 percent of South Africa's 45 million population are un-banked or under-banked. However, nearly 60 percent of South Africans have mobile phones. The proliferation of mobile services worldwide has created a unique opportunity to provide social and financial services over the...
Western Union and MercyCorps
Mercy Corps CEO Neal Keny-Guyer and Senior Vice President Paul Dudley Hart discuss their organisation's partnership with Western Union to help individuals and families connect to key economic opportunities.
PriceWaterhouseCoopers provides mentors on Big Brothers, Big Sisters programme
This video features a news item about a workplace volunteer mentoring programme in which PwC employees work with the Big Brothers Big Sisters NGO in New York City.