Media and PR
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Text 100 expands its CSR Partnership with TechnoServe

Text 100, a global public relations agency, is engaged in a pilot employee volunteer programme with TechnoServe, a global NGO, which benefits thousands of entrepreneurial men and women in developing countries each year.
Corporate charitable partnerships come alive with Five Talents
Five Talents UK, a microfinance charity, has secured several corporate partnerships which have had a transformative effect.
Le Déclick establishes a digital workshop for the mentally ill

Le Déclick, a Canadian NGO established to assist young people with a range of mental and physical problems with re-entering the workforce, has set up a digital workshop in partnership with a private company, Les Chantiers Numériques inc.
Mercy Corps teams up with Sesame Workshop in Haiti

Mercy Corps has teamed with Sesame Workshop to integrate Elmo, Cookie Monster, and other Sesame Street characters into the emotional recovery work the organisation is doing with children in Haiti.
Mindframe Stage and Screen provides advice for the TV, film and theatre industries on mental illness and suicide themes in media
Mindframe Stage & Screen (MSS) is a project funded by the Australian Government's Mindframe National Media Initiative, aiming to promote accurate and sensitive reporting and portrayal of suicide and mental illness.