Medical and health
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Reducing Disaster Risk

Business Contributions to Disaster Risk Reduction
In March 2015, the UNISDR (The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction) is gathering government, business and NGO leaders, from around the world, to develop a framework that will make the world a safer place in today’s disaster...Corporate Social Responsibility: Overview and Case Studies

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an integral part of business especially for larger corporations. Their programs address issues of poverty, unfair labour practices and the environment alongside government programs and civil society activities. This article will showcase some...
Volunteering for Impact: Best Practices in International Corporate Volunteering
This paper produced for Pfizer and the Brookings Institute seeks to explore and understand the lessons learned among major corporations whose employees have engaged in international volunteering. While multiple studies have been published on domestic corporate volunteering activities, only a few...
Dare to Lead: public health and company wealth

This is the first in a series of briefing papers analysing the human development impact of transnational corporations (TNCs). The series aims to examine the links between trade and poverty eradication and to illustrate the challenges facing industry as a whole in contributing more systematically to...
Accelerating Progress towards the MDGs; Delivering Results: Moving towards Scale

Accelerating Progress towards the MDGS and Delivering Results: Moving towards Scale is a report on an inclusive business dialogue held on September 21st 2010 during the UN Summit on the MDGs.