Retail trade
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Carulla Foundations promotes early childhood education in Colombia through initiative AeioTu

Carulla Foundation was founded by José Carulla Soler, then owner of the Carulla chain of department stores, in 1962. For 47 years the foundation provided scholarships to thousands of low-income employees of the company.
A to Z Textile Mills: A Public Private Partnership Providing Long-Lasting Anti-Malaria Bed Nets to the Poor in Tanzania

Malaria, transmitted through mosquito bites, kills a million people worldwide each year. In 2004, A to Z Textile Mills of Tanzania became the sole African producer of long-lasting insecticide treated bed nets, able to kill mosquitoes on contact for five years without retreatment and resistant to...
Research Foundation of Lund Vietnam Childhood Cancer Program
In 2008, IKEA Social Initiative entered a six-year co-operation with the Research Foundation of Lund Vietnam Childhood Cancer Program, Lund University Hospital, Sweden. The programme aims at making a permanent improvement of cancer care in order to increase the number of children surviving and...
Air Terminal Gifts and Catholic Community Services provide donations and employment opportunities for refugees

Catholic Community Services (CCS) has, for decades, helped hundreds of refugees start new lives in Utah. Air Terminal Gifts has donated $12,000 to the CCS refugee resettlement program. Both companies work in partnership, employing refugees and trying to recognise and respond to their immediate...
Sustainable Cashew Production in Guinea

Guinea grows about 5,000 tons of raw cashew nuts a year. Meanwhile, its much smaller neighbour Guinea-Bissau, with similar soil and climate, produces 80,000 tons. Encouraged by the growing consumer demand for cashews, Guinea has begun to focus on expanding cashew production—a good candidate for...
Amanco: Providing Irrigation Systems to the Rural Poor

For decades, small farmers in Latin America have faced a grim outlook: low productivity and inefficiency. That was the background for the decision of Amanco, a subsidiary of the conglomerate GrupoNueva, to develop a hybrid value chain model for serving low-income markets. As part of that plan, the...
Danone Poland: Affordable Milk Porridge for Low-Income Families

In 2006 Danone Poland launched a breakfast product which has a high nutritional value for children and is affordable for low-income consumers. A milk porridge product based on semolina and milk. Milk Start is enriched with vitamins and minerals. To make the initiative financially sustainable,...
Food for Development in Nigeria
In 2004, the Nasarawa State Government (NSG), under the mandate of Nigerian President Obasanjo, collaborated with Tetra Pak West Africa (TPWA) in the development of a state‐wide school feed programme using Nutri‐Sip, a maize‐based meal supplement that had been developed and deployed in South...
Vitmark partners with small scale fruit farmers in Ukraine

Annually Vitmark, a leading beverages producer, purchases about 40,000 tons of fresh fruits and vegetables from small–scale farmers (more than 2,500 employees) and from about 25 large domestic agricultural suppliers in Ukraine.
Natura beauty productsenefit Colombia's lowest social class and recycle tonnes of waste

Natura is a Brazilian organization operating for 40 years with a portfolio of 800 cosmetics, perfume and personal hygiene products. The company has adopted a direct sale scheme as its unique distribution channel.
Tinex Supermarket has successful project employing foster Children

Tinex was founded by Vladimir Todorovich in 1994 in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). It has grown from a single location supermarket with 15 employees and 700m2 to being the country’s second largest chain of supermarkets in terms of revenue.
Kohl's Department Stores Donates $250,000 to Support Hurricane Irene Relief Efforts

Kohl’s Department Stores has donated $250,000 to the American Red Cross toward Hurricane Irene relief efforts.
Timberland promotes a healthy workplace and cohesive community in Vietnam

Timberland partnered with CARE to offer a program focusing on improving the quality of life for production workers of our factory partners.
Fairtrade goes luxury with Traidcraft

Through working with Traidcraft, the UK’s leading fair trade organisation, Glisten Confectionery has recently begun supplying products for the Traidcraft confectionery range.
Starbucks and Fairtrade partner in Rwanda

Starbucks, Fairtrade organisations join in sustainable development efforts in Rwanda; new Rwanda Fairtrade Certified Coffee coming to UK Starbucks in 2010; business forum explores entrepreneurial spirit focusing on responsible capitalism.
TOMS Shoes: One for One Movement

TOMS Shoes is a for-profit business with a philanthropic component. TOMS Shoes was founded on a simple premise: With every pair purchased, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need.
MDI Betterday Fairtrade Products: Better Quality, Better Health and Better for Society

MDI is a young and small 20 staff company specialized in equitable trade of agricultural products, including coffee, green tea, jasmine tea, snow mountain tea and cashews grown in eight provinces across Vietnam under the trademark Betterday Fairtrade. Production and primary processing of products...
Mai Vietnamese Handicrafts: Crafting a Brighter Tomorrow for Disavantaged Women and Minorities in Vietnam

Mai Vietnamese Handicrafts (MVH) is a small and successful business, founded in 1990 by two passionate and energetic women. Building on the belief that social development is intricately tied to economic self‐reliance, Mai Vietnamese Handicrafts reaches out to artisans in underdeveloped areas and...
Kenya Agricultural Commodity Exchange (KACE): Linking Small-Scale Farmers to National and Regional Markets

KACE is the first and only national agricultural commodity exchange in Kenya, and it differentiates itself by dealing with a variety of commodities of which maize and beans are the most heavily traded. KACE acting as an intermediary further empowers rural farmers with market information and...
Begeli and Elkana: BIOtiful Life Through Organic Products and Biodiversity

“Begeli” Ltd is a Georgian commercial company, whose objective is to sell and promote local organic products. Begeli was founded in 2005 by the Georgian Fruit and Vegetable Ltd and Biological Farming Association "Elkana", a Georgian NGO. Elkana currently unites about 344 individual farmers, 12...