NGO offering to design and build schools
General information
Overall description
Article 25 has been designing and building sustainable, cost-effective, child-friendly and appropriately designed schools across the world for many years We always work in close collaboration with local communities and we offer technical design expertise and train workers in construction skills, so that we not only leave a building behind but a community able to build for themselves.
We are always looking for new partners, small and large, who want to build. Our designs take climate challenges and local contexts into consideration to make sure that the designs are appropriate, durable and sustainable.
All Article 25’s projects are done in partnership with other NGOs, local communities and aid agencies.
Attached to this description is a video from a school Article 25 helped build with the local community in Gourcy, Burkina Faso.
The timing will depend on the scale of the project.Partnership types
Doing business with the poor; Provision of services / personnelGlobal issues
Education and training; Gender issues; Shelter, housing, land management all (3)Services / personnel details
Services / personnel description
Article 25 provides beneficiary communities and other international NGOs with the technical expertise and services required to deliver a sustainable, and appropriately designed school.Type(s) of services / personnel
Community and social services; ConstructionOne off or ongoing partnership
I will be offering these services / personnel on an ongoing basis.
This offer requires no payment.
We ask for for a small cost contribution for our work out of the overall construction budget. Where required we can help community groups raise funds for construction.
Organisation details
Organisation name
Article 25Business sector(s)
Construction; Education and trainingAnnual turnover (US$)
500,000 - 1 millionContact details
Only verified non-profit organisations who have exchanged contact details may view this.Responses
Latest responses:
Hands of Good Samaritan international
12 months ago -
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
about 1 year ago -
Ignite students network Kenya
over 1 year ago -
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
over 1 year ago -
Tehakatuu Conservation and Development Association
over 1 year ago
26 Jul 2018 04:55 GMT
Hope Children's Centre
(Verified non-profit organisation)
Hope Children's Centre says: Hope Children's Centre an educational institution for vulnerable and orphaned children in Uganda we would very much interested in this offer by Article 25 as it will boost the classroom learning environment for more information visit
26 Jul 2018 09:04 GMT
International Development Partnerships
(Verified non-profit organisation)
Andrew Chadwick says: International Development Partnerships (IDP) is a London-based charity working in the Simien Highlands of northern Ethiopia. We are improving education and health services by providing material support to primary schools and health centres among some of the most disadvantaged communities in the country. We would be very keen to partner with Article 25 in the design of sustainable, low-cost schools and health centres and the transfer of construction skills to local workers.
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this offer further.
Andrew Chadwick, Director.
27 Jul 2018 09:23 GMT
Epiphany Trust
(Verified non-profit organisation)
Bill Hampson says: Epiphany Trust, which works primarily with disabled and disadvantaged children and young adults, has educational projects in Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka which could benefit from a partnership with Article 25
I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss things further.
27 Jul 2018 11:35 GMT
Living Bread Missions
(Verified non-profit organisation)
Sampson Dorkunor says: We are strongly interested in this offer and will love to know the conditions and offer details. We have projects which are influencing communities and providing necessary sustainability aside preparing the next generation for impact.
27 Jul 2018 10:48 GMT
Rural Development Centre
Unverified non-profit organisation
Botame Augustine Mboh says: Dear sir or madam,
we are a community based organization by name Rural Development Centre (RUDEC).
We foster health programs in the most remote communities in Cameroon.
Recently,we planned to design a program to construct two hospital clinics in two rural communities in Cameroon but due to insufficient conception,finances and technical support we are unable to actually begin this.
sir or madam, we plead for your urgent support in any form so this could be realized.
kind regards,
Botame Augustine Mboh,
Coordinator RUDEC,
tell: +237 677 95 35 86
30 Jul 2018 10:44 GMT
Community Health And Social Development For Cameroon-(COHESODEC)
Unverified non-profit organisation
CHENWI ELVIS FUH says: We of "Community Health and Social Development for Cameroon-(COHESODEC), are very much delighted with such a commendable gesture as there are very limited school and health infrastructure across Cameroon especially in the rural areas.We will therefore very much welcome such a beneficial partnership that will greatly help us in designing and building sustainable, cost-effective, child-friendly and appropriately designed schools across Cameroon especially in remote communities where children study under trees and herds and old deplorable infrastructure. We are also very much interested working in close collaboration with Article 25 so as to ensure that we together significantly change the situation of absence/deplorable nature of schools,health centers, hospital e.t.c infrastructure across Cameroon.This offer of technical design expertise and training of workers in construction skills in Cameroon is very much welcomed.
Currently, Cameroon is largely deficient as regards health and educational infrastructure.Across all the 10 regions of Cameroon, there is an acute shortage of over 10,000 health centers, hospitals, primary and secondary schools in both rural and urban communities.
We are therefore patiently waiting for the services of Article 25 here in Cameroon which we strongly believe will go a long way to ameliorate on the health and social living conditions of a significant proportion of Cameroonians.
We will be grateful for such a wonderful opportunity and we look forward to discussing more in this regard with Article 25,so that together we can greatly improve on the situation of health and social Infrastructure in Cameroon.
Best Regards!
Coordinator COHESODEC
P.O Box 317,Mankon-Bamenda-Cameroon
Tel;(00237) 675 405 478 /695 110 313
31 Jul 2018 09:59 GMT
House of Glory Blessed Church
Unverified non-profit organisation
Moses Gitari says: Great work by Article 25!,would you like to build a school for children of imprisoned parents in Kenya? visit our profile on globalhand and contact us.
20 Aug 2018 04:44 GMT
Majd ALYemen Company for contracting trading ltd
(For-profit organisation)
MAJD ALYEMEN, Is pleased to introduce itself as one of Yemen's leading growing suppliers of industrial equipment and services to heavy industry, utility providers and contractors.
We are a specialist service company that caters to the exact requirements of clients using advanced technologies, talented teams of multi-disciplinary professionals, and best practice models and standards.
We represent several International manufactures and service providers In Yemen.
MAJD ALYEMEN, has a proven track record of experience in providing innovation and customer satisfaction across a wide variety of industries.
Ranging from Small to large enterprises and corporations,we have extensive
experience across the following sectors:
1- Construction sector (construction works), engineering services and real estate
2. Commercial sector (general trade).
*We would like you to approve the registration of the company in your supplier lists in order to deal with you .
Your sincere love and respect,,,
21 Sep 2018 10:12 GMT
Manzi Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Aloys Manzi says: We are strongly interested in this offer and will love to know the conditions and offer details. We would like to build schools in the northern province of Rwanda, where we have a large Manzi Foundation's community.
23 Sep 2018 03:35 GMT
Volset Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Volset Uganda says: We are interested in this offer and will love to know the conditions and offer details. We would like to build schools in Central Uganda. Looking forward to hearing from you with details on what we should do next.
Thank you
24 Oct 2018 07:42 GMT
Odollo Self Help Group
Unverified non-profit organisation
Steven Were says: Should nothing be done to equip teen mothers and young widows without necessary life skills and economic tools requisite to support themselves and their orphans; the society should ready itself to face a storm of street children and crime, an up-tide in prostitution and related health implications; a clear propagation of the unfortunate cycle of human suffering. We are rebuilding lives of 100 teen mothers and through Training in Tailoring and design as well as other craft courses.
We strongly feel that this offer posted by you can be of some great help to our youth. Our email is;
21 Nov 2018 08:35 GMT
Anglican Church of Ghana
Unverified non-profit organisation
KOBINA SMITH says: We are interested in partnering you to assist our various projects. We look forward to being in touch with you
25 Nov 2018 07:58 GMT
Christian Community Healthcare Foundation- Kenya (COHECF KENYA)
Unverified non-profit organisation
Michael Ochieng Nyawino says: COHECF KENYA would like to partner with you to build primary school for children in Kitale.
This offer will be able to help many children who cannot afford the existing schools.
Kindly visit our website at:
26 Nov 2018 12:14 GMT
CINTA Foundation Uganda
Unverified non-profit organisation
GERTRUDE MASEMBE says: CINTA-Uganda would like to partner with you to build at least one block of classrooms for a school almost 119 Kilometers from the city Center. The school has 4 semi permanent structures comprising 4 rooms and some of them lack windows. The school can barely afford furniture and some learners have to sit on the floor while attending lessons.
However, the school is only in position to mobilize in-kind contribution in form of labor but the classroom block once constructed will not only contribute towards a better learning environment but also lead to increased enrollment.
Am positive that Article 25 will partner with CINTA Uganda towards this cause and anxiously waiting for your feedback
28 Nov 2018 05:12 GMT
Radio Uhai FM Station Limited
Unverified non-profit organisation
Radio Uhai FM Station Limted says: Hello Brothers and Sisters!
Grace and peace to you!
We are a Christian Radio Station in Tanzania found in the city of Tabora to the Western part of the Country. Our Mission has been to reach people with the Word of God in our region and also educate them through different issues such as Environment, Education, Women, and Children Issues. and
Since the radio station established in 2017 we have been experiencing the change of bad behaviors to good behaviors in the society. We have been doing conferences and open air meetings to provide different educations to the people in Tanzania and also have made some Mission trips to meet some religion leaders in the countries of Malawi, Rwanda, Burundi, and DR Congo. We have experienced the poverty of the people in these countries and different needs to the society.
We have seen that people needs some training to make them self reliance, people needs to have a fear of God in order to make them away from bad behaviors so Church leaders needs Training in order to help them to teach people and young men according to what going on now in the world. Because of these needs, radio Uhai currently is in need or desire to develop the following Projects.
Expand the area of coverage from District Level to Regional or National Level in order to provide hope to the people of Tanzania as a whole
We are praying for God to help us to develop a Training center where by different people can get Vocational training to help them to fight against poverty and become producers in the society. At the Center we will introduce also Bible School for the Church leaders to help them to have good knowledge in the word of God
We desiring to have Charity Schools for the Orphans and Vulnerable Children and empower them to have good education as those have been given to other Children in the country.
Therefore, we are writing you to make a request if we can partner with your Organization in any one of the needs mentioned above projects so that to help our people here to see the Love of God in the their lives and feel they belong in the society. We are ready to answer if there additional questions needs to get elaborated. Thank you and we hope to hear from you!
Deus Kanunu
12 Dec 2018 07:28 GMT
Pesuben Ministries
Unverified non-profit organisation
peter mukaabya says: PESUBEN ministries is in neeed of this offer to elevate our rural secondary school with the major aim of put more evansis to the girl chuld.
12 Dec 2018 07:31 GMT
Pesuben Ministries
Unverified non-profit organisation
peter mukaabya says: pesuben ministries
is in need of this offer to elevate our rural secondary school with the major aim of putting more emphasis to the girl child.
12 Feb 2019 08:15 GMT
Godson Charity
Unverified non-profit organisation
(VERIFIED non-profit organisation)
Godson Charity Says;Godson Charity is a non governmental organization which based on caring children who are living in poor condition.The aim of empowering orphans and vulnerable people through provision of services such as Education,Love,Health and all necessary needs in daily lives in order to return the hope and build a better future.We will be very happy to partner with Article 25 in the design sustainable.
Recently:We planned to design a program to construct a hostel were homeless children and volunteers with accommodation will be staying,but due to insufficient conception,finances and technical support we are unable to actually begin this.
Looking forward to hear from you with details on what we should do next.
Best Regards;
+255 743501865
23 Feb 2019 11:36 GMT
Assist Development Solutions (ADS)
(For-profit organisation)
Cyprian KABBIS says: We would like to partner with you to develop Early Child Care schools in the Westaren part of Kenya
23 Feb 2019 11:36 GMT
Assist Development Solutions (ADS)
(For-profit organisation)
Cyprian KABBIS says: We would like to partner with you to develop Early Child Care schools in the Westaren part of Kenya
25 Feb 2019 09:23 GMT
Godson Charity
Unverified non-profit organisation
Godson Charity says:We would like to say thank you to accept our request to partner with you,thanks.
25 Feb 2019 09:24 GMT
Godson Charity
Unverified non-profit organisation
Godson Charity says:We would like to say thank you to accept our request to partner with you,thanks.
25 Feb 2019 09:24 GMT
Godson Charity
Unverified non-profit organisation
Godson Charity says:We would like to say thank you to accept our request to partner with you,thanks.
25 Feb 2019 09:50 GMT
CINTA Foundation Uganda
Unverified non-profit organisation
GERTRUDE MASEMBE says: CINTA Foundation Uganda would like to partner with you to at least develop and support ECD centers in rural areas where there is none within 5 and above kilometer radius.
25 Feb 2019 09:50 GMT
CINTA Foundation Uganda
Unverified non-profit organisation
GERTRUDE MASEMBE says: CINTA Foundation Uganda would like to partner with you to at least develop and support ECD centers in rural areas where there is none within 5 and above kilometer radius.
28 Feb 2019 12:09 GMT
Unverified non-profit organisation
Abukari Shaibu Niendow says: SEDARVP - GHANA in west Africa will like to partner in building a school for communities that we have identify and they need it so badly. Below is our website AND our email address:
Thank you all.
01 Mar 2019 12:18 GMT
Centre for Empowerment of Females with Disabilities (CEFED)
Unverified non-profit organisation
Emmanuel Chia says: The Centre for the Empowerment of Females with Disabilities (CEFED)Santa, Northwest Region, Cameroon provides special needs and inclusive education and vocational rehabilitation to learners with disabilities. Founded in 2002, environmental factors have over the years exposed the Centre to some hazards and we badly need support to rehabilitate the Centre. Please, we need support,,
05 Apr 2019 11:14 GMT
The Kings House Orphan and Widows Care Malawi
Unverified non-profit organisation
Motala Mtonga says: How can we partner with you here in Malawi?
11 Apr 2019 02:48 GMT
Joyland Prime Academy
(For-profit organisation)
Joyland Prime Academy says: Hi
11 Apr 2019 02:51 GMT
Joyland Prime Academy
(For-profit organisation)
Joyland Prime Academy says: Joyland Prime Academy in Kenya educates orphans and children living extreme poverty. Our plan is to increase the number in 2020 to 100 children. We are limited by lack of classrooms. We have building master plan with us.
Your offer is good fit
30 May 2019 03:57 GMT
Ventures For Good Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Joanne clemente says: I am awaiting verification from Global Hand. In the meantime, I am too excited to wait before I contact you. Ventures For Good Foundation would like to partner with you to build a Secondary School for Science and Technology in Uganda. I have partnered with the amazing MST Primary School to extend their reach, their drive and determination, not to mention their incredible methodology to the more advanced secondary level in order to graduate skilled girls and boys who can lift the Ugandan place in the global economy. Please contact me at
We are a 501 c3 non profit organization. Thank you!
Dr. Joanne Clemente
03 Jun 2019 02:16 GMT
Ventures For Good Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Joanne clemente says: I am awaiting verification from Global Hand. In the meantime, I am too excited to wait before I contact you. Ventures For Good Foundation would like to partner with you to build a Secondary School for Science and Technology in Uganda. I have partnered with the amazing MST Primary School to extend their reach, their drive and determination, not to mention their incredible methodology to the more advanced secondary level in order to graduate skilled girls and boys who can lift the Ugandan place in the global economy. Please contact me at
We are a 501 c3 non profit organization. Thank you!
Dr. Joanne Clemente
04 Jul 2019 03:26 GMT
All-In-One Family Empowerment Group
Unverified non-profit organisation
Wafula David says: We are a registered indigenous NGO operating in Namayingo district in Uganda. We would like to work with you. Kindly, advise on how best we can connect with you.
Thank you
05 Jul 2019 11:36 GMT
Ventures For Good Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Joanne clemente says: Hello,
I see you responded to my comments. I am looking to partner with a group who can help fund the building of a secondary school for Science and Technology. Do you have support for building a school? If so, I would be happy to work with you and provide additional support. I am looking to raise $500,000 US dollars. Who do you work with? US or Europe funders?
Thank you for your interest,
Joanne Clemente
05 Jul 2019 11:43 GMT
Ventures For Good Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Joanne clemente says: To All-In-One-Family Group, you can contact me at
Please give me more details about your group and its funding sources.
Thank you
11 Jul 2019 05:24 GMT
Totera Pre & Primary School
Unverified non-profit organisation
Charles Totera says: I am looking to partner with a group who can help fund the building for classes, library and laboratory for our primary school for Science and Technology. Do you have support for building a school? If so, I would be happy to work with you and provide you with any information you may need. I am looking to raise $100,000 US dollars.
14 Jul 2019 10:54 GMT
Communities in the Fight Against Hunger & Poverty-Sierra Leone
Unverified non-profit organisation
Timothy G Bockarie says:
From: Communities in the Fight Against
Hunger & Poverty-Sierra Leone
42A Kowama Road, Coronation Field
Bo, Southern-Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Subject: Strategic Partnership
Dear Sir/Madam;
On behalf of the Communities in the Fight Against Hunger & Poverty-Sierra Leone (CiFAP-SL), would like to
introduce our organization whose objective is to fight hunger, poverty and disease by undertaking charity work through project planning and
implementation. This letter is to bring to your attention that we are interested in strategic partnership with Article 25, We would like to team up with your organization for charity work in the areas of building schools and strategic
CiFAP-Sl is a small charity Community Based Organization, with limited funding resources to implement projects that are beneficial to the indigenous people in the rural communities in Sierra Leone. Also, we will appreciate strategic partnership that is important to our organization mission and objectives in the areas of;
1) Community Health and HIV/AIDS and 2) Agriculture and Food Security,
3) Water and Sanitation participation, 4) Rights to Education and
Information Communication Technology (ICT), 5) Women, Youths, Adolescents
and Children Participation as core program areas.
Hence, it would be tremendous if a reputable organization with ordinate
experiences in social services shall be our charity partner.
14 Jul 2019 10:54 GMT
Communities in the Fight Against Hunger & Poverty-Sierra Leone
Unverified non-profit organisation
Timothy G Bockarie says:
From: Communities in the Fight Against
Hunger & Poverty-Sierra Leone
42A Kowama Road, Coronation Field
Bo, Southern-Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Subject: Strategic Partnership
Dear Sir/Madam;
On behalf of the Communities in the Fight Against Hunger & Poverty-Sierra Leone (CiFAP-SL), would like to
introduce our organization whose objective is to fight hunger, poverty and disease by undertaking charity work through project planning and
implementation. This letter is to bring to your attention that we are interested in strategic partnership with Article 25, We would like to team up with your organization for charity work in the areas of building schools and strategic
CiFAP-Sl is a small charity Community Based Organization, with limited funding resources to implement projects that are beneficial to the indigenous people in the rural communities in Sierra Leone. Also, we will appreciate strategic partnership that is important to our organization mission and objectives in the areas of;
1) Community Health and HIV/AIDS and 2) Agriculture and Food Security,
3) Water and Sanitation participation, 4) Rights to Education and
Information Communication Technology (ICT), 5) Women, Youths, Adolescents
and Children Participation as core program areas.
Hence, it would be tremendous if a reputable organization with ordinate
experiences in social services shall be our charity partner.
22 Jul 2019 07:16 GMT
Unverified non-profit organisation
Joint Campaign For Children Community Based Organisation says: We Shall Be Happy If We Get A Partnership Chance With You As We Such Funding For Construction Of A Community Centre! Thank U. Email:
23 Jul 2019 07:02 GMT
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
Unverified non-profit organisation
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie says: I am reaching out to you because we are interested in your partnership or collaboration in building a community school project in New Georgia Township, Montserrado, Liberia.
24 Jul 2019 05:52 GMT
Unverified non-profit organisation
Joint Campaign For Children Community Based Organisation says: We Welcome Any Support From You Millenium Hope International And We Would Like To Learn More From You. We Are Seeking Solely, A Fund To Build Community Centre In Uganda Here!
14 Aug 2019 02:08 GMT
Lerne AdamsFoundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Otieno Bob says: Lerne Adams Foundation (LAF)is an indigenous Kenyan NGO registered as non-religious, non-political and non-profit organization. The organization is registered under Kenyan laws as a foundation Instituted, staffed, and managed by group of professionals. The organization has its base in Kisumu and works with communities living around L.Victoria region. The organization was officially strengthened and founded in January 2016 has now taken up the challenges of articulation and contribution to the country’s development priority agenda.
A professional service delivery organization national standing – African in spirit, conception and composition. Lerne Adams foundation exemplifies Kenya’s humanitarian initiative at the best. In a region that has lagged behind in socio-economic development, Adams foundation commitment is to transpose the standards of development in the regions of Green Growth ,Education & Youth mentorship, Community health & sanitation, Food security & Nutrition ,Water infrastructure development and Women empowerment &advocacy. These actors of change are firmly reflected in the organization’s philosophy, objectives and operational strategy, guided by the principle of asserting a defining role for the Lakeside communities.
The organization has the support from other partners. Lerne Adam’s foundation iswilling to implement projects in collaboration with development partners and county governments in achieving its vision We have the capacity and network to mobilize the right expertise and experience
Therefore the organizations seriously interested in this partnership in building g schools and hospitals
14 Aug 2019 04:58 GMT
Unverified non-profit organisation
Joint Campaign For Children Community Based Organisation says: Oh, We Are Sincerely Interested In Partnership, and any consideration please:
17 Aug 2019 08:20 GMT
Amis des Étrangers au Togo: ADET
Unverified non-profit organisation
Dosse SOSSOUGA says: L'ONG: ADET désire vous accueillir au Togo.
17 Aug 2019 08:21 GMT
Amis des Étrangers au Togo: ADET
Unverified non-profit organisation
Dosse SOSSOUGA says: L'ONG: ADET désire vous accueillir au Togo.
08 Sep 2019 11:01 GMT
Planning For Tomorrow Youth Organisation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Daniel Ameny says: P4T Nursery and Primary School has been providing quality education to children in the Kyangwali Refugee Settlement and the host community in Uganda. This offer a perfect solution to our problem of the unconducive learning environment. We need better structures to better care for the over 500 children we teach (from 3 years old). See the current discussions (on school building) in our group and contact us through the page or email
08 Sep 2019 04:24 GMT
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
Unverified non-profit organisation
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie says: We at Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc. are very much interested in your partnership or collaboration in helping to build schools to help those disadvantaged people of post war Liberia. There's great need for those kids that has no means but have the desire to learn.
08 Sep 2019 05:27 GMT
Joyland Prime Academy
(For-profit organisation)
Joyland Prime Academy says: The children exposed and live in extreme poverty, right from their births, are coming to Joyland prime Academy in large numbers. This has led to a higher imbalance in student to classrooms ratio that led to a loss of over 250 pupils into streets, early/involuntary marriages, prostitution due to lack of enough classrooms in 2015-2018 that led to the loss of over 250 pupils into streets, early/involuntary marriages, prostitution. School is identified as a safe place for girls. ):
Girl child discrimination and son preference in surrounding communities limit girls chances of surviving, thriving, growing up equally valued, cared and opportunities they need to learn, develop fully, build self-confidence and relate well to others. Your partnership will go to building classrooms, Sun computer lab Wise library, dormitories, washrooms, kitchen or water for life. School is identified as a safe place for girls.
19 Oct 2019 05:45 GMT
Fairland Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Dr. Solomon Wakabi says: Fairland Foundation an NGO striving to improve the plight and welfare of the vulnerable here in Uganda is keenly interested in your construction offer. We offer affordable education for the less advantaged and have since 2009 been implementer of Government's Universal Secondary Education (USE) program in Mukono Municipality through our Fairland High School. The high demand requires us to set up additional infrastructure for improved service delivery. For details one may visit We would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss theis offer further. Dr. Solomon B. Wakabi, Executive Director.
19 Oct 2019 06:17 GMT
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
Unverified non-profit organisation
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie says: There's great need for the underprivileged people in West Africa Liberia, especially in the areas of HEALTH AND EDUCATION.
21 Oct 2019 09:43 GMT
Ventures For Good Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Joanne clemente says: Ventures For Good is also looking for funding partners to build a Secondary School for Science and Technology. I apologize to those who believe we are in a position to construct a school. We are still seeking funds for our great proposal!
21 Oct 2019 03:40 GMT
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
Unverified non-profit organisation
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie says: Your partnership is highly appreciated we are looking forward to join us for this worthy case for the vulnurable population in Libera. Especially the women and children. Thank you so much as we look forward to hearing back from you.
18 Nov 2019 02:48 GMT
Unverified non-profit organisation
Angeki Emmanuel says: Bibblesforuganda works by supporting rural children access quality education besides offering spiritual support, we are currently bulding school for primary school and we welcome your partnerships, just reach us on
19 Nov 2019 08:21 GMT
(For-profit organisation)
MRS FLORENCE NKURANGA says: WE are SHOBORA interested in updates and offers on construction. Please consider us in future. Regards
19 Nov 2019 08:22 GMT
(For-profit organisation)
MRS FLORENCE NKURANGA says: WE are SHOBORA interested in updates and offers on construction. Please consider us in future. Regards
19 Nov 2019 08:22 GMT
(For-profit organisation)
MRS FLORENCE NKURANGA says: WE are SHOBORA interested in updates and offers on construction. Please consider us in future. Regards
19 Nov 2019 09:05 GMT
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
Unverified non-profit organisation
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie says: We are still interested in your partnership and awaiting for your positive response from your good office we can be reached at or
24 Nov 2019 03:05 GMT
Sustainable Rural Community Development Organisation
Unverified non-profit organisation
January Mvula says: We are a local organisation in Malawi, please consider to partner with us
24 Nov 2019 03:31 GMT
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
Unverified non-profit organisation
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie says: Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc
are very much interested in your partnership and awaiting for your positive reply from your side.
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie
12 Dec 2019 08:56 GMT
Hope for a Better Future (H4BF-CAMEROON)
Unverified non-profit organisation
Ngo Abdulai Banfogha says: Congratulation on the Amazing Job, we will like to partner from Cameroon. you can read more about us at email:
23 Feb 2020 08:14 GMT
Kabolebo Primary School
Unverified non-profit organisation
Remmy Butia says: We are a public primary school located in rural Tinderet Sub County in Nandi County Kenya. We need your support to expand the school infrastructure hence improve the learning environment for our kids. Contact: kipyaisul@gmail
23 Feb 2020 12:14 GMT
Joyland Prime Academy
(For-profit organisation)
Joyland Prime Academy says: Joyland Prime Academy building plan designed but we only looking for your helping fundraising for construction work.
23 Feb 2020 12:16 GMT
Joyland Prime Academy
(For-profit organisation)
Joyland Prime Academy says: Joyland Prime Academy building plan designed but we only looking for your helping fundraising for construction work.
26 Feb 2020 09:55 GMT
Omuto Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Mark Mutumba says: We would love to partner with you to build a children's center. Please reach us at
01 Mar 2020 06:40 GMT
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
Unverified non-profit organisation
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie says: We are interested in your partnership, just returned from West Africa-Liberia. We need your collaboration.
01 Mar 2020 06:50 GMT
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
Unverified non-profit organisation
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie says: Kindly contact us at we need your partnership for West Africa-Liberia
21 Sep 2020 12:53 GMT
Defender Africa Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
CHARLES MALOBA says: Interested in this kind of offer, Please advise on the way forward
29 Sep 2020 04:03 GMT
Helpers Social Development Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Okeke Chidi Chinwendu says: Nice initiative. We are interested to work with your organization on this initiative. This is opportunity will have been looking for. We identified many public schools without good learning environment for
education to stribe. We have writing difference proposal to Embassies , donors and fundraising website without success.
See some of our discovery
2. This school has a lot of damage building , student and teacher duficate openningly , no water etc.
We planned establishing school for less privilege children and youth, The School will offer 100% free education. This is an opportunity to work with your organization.
See our website and our social media handle to see our activities.
11 Nov 2020 07:45 GMT
Favour international christian ministries-FICM.
Unverified non-profit organisation
Auma Agnes. says: We are working with vulnerable children and youth in Namayingo District in Uganda.we are running three nursery and primary schools with no good structures. our website is, would you please consider serving us?.
07 May 2021 01:08 GMT
Christ Towers Junior School Kiboga Ltd.
Unverified non-profit organisation
Lyakota Richard Kent says: Dear Article 25, We are a rural school based in Kiboga Uganda. Our Mission and goals are:
Mission: Helping local communities to attain an excellent primary education training for a brighter future for their children.
Vision::Expanding technical, cognitive and affective skilling for better family development.
1. Providing good class room infrastructure development tools.
2. To avail a good quality of teaching and learning through access to well trained teachers and up grading instruction of education delivery.
3. Providing an equitable remuneration for teachers of young children and staff.
4. Providing good and safe housing for disadvantaged learners across our communities
5. Providing safe drinking and houseuse water supply to our school community.
6. Providing safe housing for a minimal number of staff.
7. Providing a strong food & nutrition bank for the school community.
8. Growing a strong christian body of young people in our community.
We would kindly invite you in this Pandemic-Year to aid us on fallen class rooms and building teachers' hosing!
We have our fund raisng efforts via,
We thank you very much for your interest and response!
08 Jun 2021 08:25 GMT
Haitian Christian Outreach
Unverified non-profit organisation
Megan Schreiber says: Dear Article 25,
Haitian Christian Outreach has been ministering in Haiti for 36 years this past April.
Our Mission
We partner with Haitian Christians to transform a culture for Christ. Together, we can do something in Haiti that will last!
HCO is building generations of new believers through work in four primary areas.
Through Church Planting we equip Haitian leaders.
We minister to Children by meeting their educational, spiritual, and physical needs.
We serve through Health Care, providing medical and dental services.
We empower through Community Development projects that provide economic transformation.
Our goal is to evangelize, equip, empower, and encourage our partners using a biblical model of ministry.
For the past three years, we have attempted to build a new school building for our Grand Bois students. This is the largest of our schools with over four-hundred students. The reasoning behind a new building is that the current floods with mud on a weekly basis due to the consistent cool, rainy weather and lack of root system to hold back the mountain.
We are looking for a partner to assist in building this school in order for the students to have a safe and conducive learning environment as well as for the teachers to have a building to divide the classrooms, creating a calmer learning environment. Currently, we have the foundation poured and are working to raise funds for the remainder of the building. As the students and teachers have been watching this dream take three years to come to fruition, we seek to partner with Article 25 to make this become a reality!
Please visit for more information regarding our ministry and our goal to equip and empower the future of Haiti!
Thank you in advance for your careful consideration and I pray I have the opportunity to speak with you soon!
Megan Schreiber
US Director
Haitian Christian Outreach
09 Jun 2021 05:02 GMT
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
Unverified non-profit organisation
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie says: Am stayed interested in your partnership and will appreciate if you contact me.
I can be reached at 623 759 3263 or
09 Jun 2021 05:02 GMT
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
Unverified non-profit organisation
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie says: Am stayed interested in your partnership and will appreciate if you contact me.
I can be reached at 623 759 3263 or
11 Jun 2021 07:20 GMT
LAZ Harapan Dhuafa
Unverified non-profit organisation
Mirna says: Dear Article 25, I am responding with enthusiasm to your offer to design and build school. As I ensure your organization by checking directly to Article 25 official website, I believe that our organization could make a great partnership. Firstly, let me introduce our organization. My name is Mirna, I am working as program development staff at one of Non Government Organization named LAZ Harapan Dhuafa (LAZ Harfa). One of our focus sector is education sector that we already have some program, such as scholarship provision for orphan and poor children, construction of school and islamic boarding school, and provision of school stuff for children who live in rural area of Banten province, Indonesia.
I do believe that according to our organization's experience, we are the best candidate for this program. For further information, you could directly find our organization web at: and our instagram account @laz.harfa to ensure our organization or you can reach me at +62895331368333 I am very keen to have a partnership with your organization. I would be honored to have further discuss regarding to your offer. Thank you for your time and consideration.
16 Jun 2021 07:40 GMT
Article 25
Unverified non-profit organisation
Bea Sennewald says: To LAZ Harapan Dhuafa
We have seen your request and we will happily get in touch with you if you give us an email contact.
Thank you,
Article 25
16 Jun 2021 07:41 GMT
Article 25
Unverified non-profit organisation
Bea Sennewald says: To LAZ Harapan Dhuafa
We have seen your request and we will happily get in touch with you if you give us an email contact.
Thank you,
Article 25
17 Jun 2021 07:32 GMT
LAZ Harapan Dhuafa
Unverified non-profit organisation
Mirna says: Thankyou for responding the comment, here's the email address I would be happy to have a further discuss with you.
Best Regards,
Mirna Nuriana
18 Jun 2021 05:29 GMT
Helpers Social Development Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Okeke Chidi Chinwendu says: Dear Support at Article 25,
I am writing to you on behalf of the Helpers Social Development Foundation, a non-profit based in Enugu State, Nigeria. Helpers Social Development Foundation is a project to eradicate the root cause of poverty in Africa countries starting from Nigeria. Helpers Foundation started in 2016 by Mrs. Okeke Amarachi Sophia, a school teacher and Okeke Chidi, an entrepreneur with aims to support less privileged children through the provision of learning materials and skill acquisition training for unemployed youth.
Our Vision:
To see a society where children, youths, and women have access to social amenities in relation to good health care delivery, economic empowerment and sound education irrespective of their religion or tribe.
We have constructed school toilet, provided meals, educational materials, scholarships, hosted skill acquisition workshops and run AIDS awareness campaigns and HIV and community testing, Covid-19 palliative to support poor families in rural communities, child sex abuse prevention programs etc. These projects could not be possible without the support of our donors. Having gone through your website and your social media handles, I am impressed with your organization's impact around the globe.
We are looking for collaboration with Article 25 to construct a toilet block at Uwani Rivers primary school Enugu State which correctly using open defecation due to lack of toilet facility. During our humanitarian outreach at Uwani Rivers primary school on 16th June 2021, we discovered that pupils age 2-12 years and teachers in the school are using open defecation.
Pupils and teachers are moving out of the school due to infrastructure decay in the school. Constructing this toilet and wall water in the school will keep pupils and teachers safe in the school. It will also increase the enrolment rate in the school. This project will serve 155 pupils and eight teachers in the school.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please reach out with questions and comments via email: Thank you for your consideration.
Chidi Okeke
Co-founder and Chairman
Helpers Social Development Foundation
Uwani Rivers Primary school condition report:
03 Jul 2021 09:25 GMT
City of Peace Initiative, Lagos
Unverified non-profit organisation
Moyinoluwa Sylvia Abiloye says: City of peace initiative (CPI) Is a nonprofit, tax-exempt association dedicated to connecting, promoting, and encouraging the global cities of peace movement. An Advisory Council of leaders from global Cities of Peace organizations is working to create an all-inclusive, non-polarizing network of world citizens working on the ground to bring peace to their communities .We need to build peace schools of culture of peace, non violence, and compassionate school communities in Lagos state as a model.
Also look at the available donations that includes shipping cost by donors and that tallies with our objectives.We would be very keen to partner with Article 25 in the design of sustainable, low-cost schools and health centres and the transfer of construction skills to local workers.
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this offer further.
25 Oct 2021 01:51 GMT
Shule Foundation Inc
Unverified non-profit organisation
Jacqueline Wolfson says: Shule is looking to build a school on our 20-acre farm in Kigumba, Uganda, for street-connected boys. Housing 100 to 150 kids, Shule will offer the students a place to live and learn.
We will provide boys who otherwise will never step foot into a classroom the opportunity to learn. The majority of the boys in our program are over 12 with an academic equivalent to first grade, making it very difficult for them to enter formal education.
Our school will offer classes in reading, writing, mathematics, computers, life skills, and business literacy. The kids will gain hands-on experience in poultry and pig rearing while learning how to operate and manage their own business. The boys will participate in all aspects of running the farm. There will be skills training in welding, auto and boda mechanics, and construction.
Please contact us if this is a project that interests you.
06 Dec 2021 09:12 GMT
Unverified non-profit organisation
MAKKI INTERNATIONAL says: We are self introduction about us that our one of the project we are serving and provide Home for homeless or needy families in Pakistan they also need school building and they will need education for their childrens In your offer it can be helped to needy famiilies. please describe that what kind of help them? our email:- and WhatsApp 0092300 2184885 Attn Rahim Baig
29 Mar 2022 07:42 GMT
Hope and Service to Mankind Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Kim Vantrees says: We are very interested to partner with you to complete our school in Ashiaman, Ghana. Our school, Floating Crystals Academy has 150 children. We offer free primary education to this impoverished community. The school is located in an unfinished wooden structure and is in desperate need of renovation and repair.
29 Mar 2022 07:42 GMT
Hope and Service to Mankind Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Kim Vantrees says: We are very interested to partner with you to complete our school in Ashiaman, Ghana. Our school, Floating Crystals Academy has 150 children. We offer free primary education to this impoverished community. The school is located in an unfinished wooden structure and is in desperate need of renovation and repair.
29 Mar 2022 11:11 GMT
Ventures For Good Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Joanne clemente says: I am afraid there is some misunderstanding. I was looking for help in building my school in Uganda.
14 Jul 2022 08:22 GMT
City of Peace Initiative, Lagos
Unverified non-profit organisation
Moyinoluwa Sylvia Abiloye says: City of peace initiative (CPI) Is a nonprofit, tax-exempt association dedicated to connecting, promoting, and encouraging the global cities of peace movement. An Advisory Council of leaders from global Cities of Peace organizations is working to create an all-inclusive, non-polarizing network of world citizens working on the ground to bring peace to their communities .We need to build peace schools of culture of peace, non violence, and compassionate school communities in Lagos state as a model.
Also look at the available donations that includes shipping cost by donors and that tallies with our objectives.We would be very keen to partner with Article 25 in the design of sustainable, low-cost schools and health centres and the transfer of construction skills to local workers.
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this offer further.
26 Jul 2022 03:13 GMT
Abang Ashu Academy (3A)
Unverified non-profit organisation
Bishop Abang Anthony Ashu says: Abang Ashu Academy in Cameroon offers vocational training to girls and women. We need your assistance to biuld a training center.
26 Jul 2022 03:14 GMT
Abang Ashu Academy (3A)
Unverified non-profit organisation
Bishop Abang Anthony Ashu says: Abang Ashu Academy in Cameroon offers vocational training to girls and women. We need your assistance to biuld a training center.
21 Oct 2022 11:53 GMT
Proud of Tanzania Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Firmi Banzi says: Proud of Tanzania is recenttly joined in the globalhand and is interested to receive offers related to supporting the activities related to poor orphans and vulnerable children living in rural areas of Tanzania on education, economy, self reliance
01 Apr 2023 08:45 GMT
Rivers of Living Water Mission
Unverified non-profit organisation
Chisenga Kunda says: Zambia, with a population of over 18 million people, has only one dedicated cancer hospital located in Lusaka. Cancer patients who live away from the capital city, must endure the cost and discomfort of travel to be treated.
To provide comprehensive cancer care in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia, Rivers of Living Water Missions is sponsoring this important project. Named in memory of the founder’s father, who died from cancer in 2022, the Samson Kunda Memorial Cancer Hospital is a 114 bed hospital with a focus on Cancer Care. The master plan prepared by Msaada Architects is planned for growth with the first phase being a diagnostic and infusion therapy building. Radiation treatment and in-patient wards will later be added to serve cancer patients. Other general outpatient and inpatient services are also planned. And if the full dream is realized, a medical college is also proposed.
To assist Rivers of Living Water Missions in the realization of this dream, please contact them at
21 May 2023 04:19 GMT
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
Unverified non-profit organisation
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie says: Dear Sir/Madam,
Through the help of the internet we have learned about your organization and with great interest we request partnership .
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Liberia Inc. Is an indigenous multifaceted, holistic & charitable organization aimed to help the underprivileged/disadvantaged children & women Our focus is presently in the areas of Health-care, education and social services. Etc.
Today, post war Liberians are plagued with serious political, social and economic crises as a result of the 24 years conflict and civil war (1980 to 2003). This nation has had a sad legacy of the stagnation of rural communities, the deterioration of the quality of life, unemployment, hunger, violence, child abuse and old age abandonment, illiteracy, housing shortage, deterioration of public service, especially in the areas of Education and Health care delivery.
If there is any question that might need our clarifications please don't hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Liberia Inc.
+14805146306, +231776527277/+231886133339
25 Aug 2023 02:26 GMT
Tehakatuu Conservation and Development Association
Unverified non-profit organisation
Willie Sau Kaituu says: Nukumatangi Community Association (NCA) is planning to establish a school for children, and We would be very keen to partner with Article 25 to build the classrooms and teacher houses.
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this offer further.
25 Aug 2023 05:46 GMT
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
Unverified non-profit organisation
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie says: We at millennium Hope Int'l do have interest in the partnership of Article 25
Post war Liberians are plagued with serious political, social and economic crises as a result of the 24 years conflict and civil war (1980 to 2003). This nation has had a sad legacy of the stagnation of rural communities, the deterioration of the quality of life, unemployment, hunger, violence, child abuse and old age abandonment, illiteracy, housing shortage, deterioration of public service, especially in the areas of Education and Health care delivery.
If there is any question that might need our clarifications please don't hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
J.Mulbah Soloyanwollie
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Liberia Inc.
+14805146306, +231779074854/+231886133339
04 Dec 2023 12:41 GMT
Ignite students network Kenya
Unverified non-profit organisation
Simon Karuga Ndirangu HSC says: Ignite students network Kenya
We have a project that is new. Our goal is to start a free school for marigat region in Kabarnet in rift valley kenya. The region is witnessing intercommunity conflicts and female genital mutulations. Our goal is to save these students from being forced into early marriage and young men from joining fighters in the region. With your help plus our determination, this will have tremendous impact. We have the necessary framework and manpower to run facility.
For more information:
WhatsApp :+254742042316.
You can also visit us physically. Contact us for organising this
19 Feb 2024 06:59 GMT
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.
Unverified non-profit organisation
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie says: Dear Sir/Madam,
Through the help of Global Hand we have learned about your offer & organization and with great interest we request partnership .
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Liberia Inc. Is an indigenous multifaceted, holistic & charitable organization aimed to help the underprivileged/disadvantaged women and children. Our focus is presently in the areas of Health-care, education and social services. Etc.
Today, post war Liberians are plagued with serious political, social and economic crises as a result of the 24 years conflict and civil war (1980 to 2003). This nation has had a sad legacy of the stagnation of rural communities, the deterioration of the quality of life, unemployment, hunger, violence, child abuse and old age abandonment, illiteracy, housing shortage, deterioration of public service, especially in the areas of Education and Health care delivery.
If there is any question that might need our clarifications please don't hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
J. Mulbah Soloyanwollie
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Liberia Inc.
+14805146306, +231776527277/+231886133339
25 Mar 2024 01:58 GMT
Hands of Good Samaritan international
Unverified non-profit organisation
Alameth Brian Jesse says: We Hands of Good samaritan international community organization here in gweri dokolo agwara village have seen your request and we kindly request your team to visit and partner with us, we have one acre of land we prayerfully trust God to provide funds to build victory christian nursery and pre school we shall be happy get in touch with you our email or
+256781988111/ +256759827072.
Thank you,
Brian Jesse Alameth