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ECVM donates PVC pipes for waste water project in Pemba, Zanzibar

ECVM, in partnership with Dutch NGO Agua4All, has donated PVC pipes and technical expertise for a new waste water system on Pemba Island in Zanzibar.
General Electric Company brings business know-how to Girls Inc. Dallas

The General Electric Company's (GE) partnership with Girls Inc. Dallas has provided Girls Inc. Dallas with both financial support and with volunteers to help the NGO improve its delivery of services.
The power of strong relationships between Dow Company and the International Organization for Migration

In a project funded by Dow Chemical Company in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), modular housing units were provided to the earthquake affected Nias Island.
Promoting safer operations and emergency preparedness in China

Dow Chemical Company is a diversified chemical company that offers a broad range of products and services. A partnership between the ministry of environmental protection (MEP), UNEP, and Dow promotes chemical safety, emergency preparedness and safer production in the chemical sector in China.
Earthquake Disaster Reduction in Turkey

In 2000, following a major earthquake in Turkey, Arup joined five other British engineering and construction firms operating in the country to form the British Earthquake Consortium for Turkey (BECT).
Babcock Engineering and Blythswood Care partner to provide a water purification plant in Aceh, Indonesia

A water purification plant has been donated to Blythswood Care by Babcock Engineering to assist tsunami survivors in Aceh, Indonesia. It is capable of producing 100 cubic metres of drinking water per day, sufficient for a small town. The Reverse Osmosis plant is accompanied by water storage...
In partnership with WaterAid, Willy and Partner supports rehabilitation of a gravity fed system in Malawi

Willy and Partner, an engineering based consultancy specialising in water supply, is WaterAid's partner in the rehabilitation of an existing gravity fed system at Chagwa in the Machinga District of southern Malawi. Together with Willy and Partner, WaterAid is supporting the local community in...