Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry
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New Hope Bethesda
New Hope Bethesda is a Christian NGO in the Congo. The organisation is dedicated to the discipleship movement and to charitable work, caring for orphans, widows, raped women and HIV/AIDS positive people.
Wisdom Fountain Ministries
This is a faith-based organisation in South Africa, Zeerust, that is involved in local community projects, including helping the needy in rural areas with food and clothing, giving support to aids victims and youth programmes. They are planning to implement a supply center for the rural areas in...
Glory Inventing & Research Mission
Glory Inventing & Research Mission is a relief and development charitable organization providing training in employable skills to youth and children, and providing care for widows and the elderly.
CTRD Trust (Centre for Tribals and Rural Development)
The Centre for Tribals and Rural Development (CRTD) Trust is an Indian NGO that works with tribal and rural communities in the Nilgiri Hills, the mountainous region in Tamil Nadu. CTRD implements projects to empower women and children, to improve health and education, to improve infrastructure...
Baptist Churches Association for Relief and Community Development (BCARCD) and Yahweh's Assemblies in Yahshua Ministries for Youths and Women Promotion (YAIY/MYWP)
Baptist Churches Association for Relief and Communitu Development (BCARCD) and Yahweh's Assemblies in Yahshua Ministries for Youths and Women Promotion (YAIY/MYWP) are faith based non-profits. Working together and dedicated to fighting for conservation and protection of environment in Fizi...
Papine Development Area Committee
The Papine Development Area Committee (PDAC) is an NGO in Jamaica with the responsibility to oversee development in the Papine area and to make recommendations to the relevant authorities.
Partners For Productivity Foundation ( PFPF)
The Partners For Productivity Foundation (PFPF) is an NGO in Cameroon. The Foundation works on conservation and development issues. PFPF aims to sensitize and work with rural communities in their self-help activities by taking into consideration relevant socio-cultural and ecological aspects to...
Christian Development Foundation
The Christian Development Foundation is a faith-based community development organization based in Guyana. The organisation runs projects in a number of countries in South America, targeting people and communities in need. The organisation also assists organisations to develop business plans. ...
African Foundation for People In Need (AFFPIN)
The African Foundation for People in Need (AFFPIN)is a Christian NGO in Uganda that aims to protect the rights of impoverished children through small-scale development programmes and advocacy, capacity building and promoting access to education. AFFPIN also promotes HIV/AIDS awareness, builds...
Aids Counselling Network Intiative
The Aids Counselling Network Intiative is an organisation in Uganda. The Network offers counselling and guidance services. education on food security, and access to education for orphans, people with disabilities and women.
Mtwara People's Umbrella Organization (KIMWAM)
Mtwara People's Umbrella Organization (KIMWAM) is a Tanzanian NGO. The organisation brings together grass roots groups involved in integrated development activities including agriculture, small scale fishing, environmental management and small businesses.
Media For Excellence
Media For Excellence is a Ugandan NGO established to help people to improve their lives through training. The organisation is currently working on a fish farming project designed to improve the incomes of participants.
Voluntary Action for Development (VAD)
Voluntary Action for Development (VAD) is a Ugandan NGO that works with rural poor and disadvantaged communities in Wakiso , Mpigi and the North-Eastern districts of Uganda. VAD aims to improve livelihoods through the implementation of development oriented programs/projects includiing water,...
Corporate Social Responsibility: Overview and Case Studies
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an integral part of business especially for larger corporations. Their programs address issues of poverty, unfair labour practices and the environment alongside government programs and civil society activities. This article will showcase some...
Poultry innovation platform (entrepreneurship)
RIU Tanzania is building up a programme of poultry-related activities in partnership with a range of private sector organisations. The programme is seeking to develop agri-business entrepreneurship capacity through poultry farming for sustainable income generation and enterprise development in the...
What is Global Hand?
Meet David, one of Global Hand's partners, who shares about the horrific experiences that led to his starting an NGO in northern Uganda. Discover how your company can get involved by giving time, funding, skills or resources to Global Hand partners like David, improving the lives of thousands...
Twerwaneho Orphans Community Initiative (TOCI)
The Twerwaneho Orphans Community Initiative (TOCI) is a small locally run community initiative that focuses on helping HIV/AIDS affected orphans, child headed households and children with disabilities and special needs to live healthy, sustainable and successful lives. TOCI provides financial,...
Bala Vikasa
Bala Vikasa Social Service Society is an Indian NGO in Andhra Pradesh. Bala Vikasa aims to help the poor to help themselves through capacity building in target communities through effective motivation, community organization, exposure, and training programmes. The organisation is currently ...
Alwe'am Charitable Society
The Alwe'am Charitable Society is a Palestinian NGO working in the Gaza Strip. The Society supports families living in the Gaza Strip financially and morally, offering free social and health services, and promoting access to education and training. Alwe-am also works in agriculture and sport...
Forum of Women for Accelerated Rural Development (FOWARD)
The Forum of Women for Accelerated Rural Development (FOWARD) is a Ugandan NGO that aims to link grassroots communities to services and opportunities and to build their capacity for collective action to address the challenges they face. FOWARD targets mainly women and children. Its programme...