Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry
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Corporate Social Responsibility: Overview and Case Studies

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an integral part of business especially for larger corporations. Their programs address issues of poverty, unfair labour practices and the environment alongside government programs and civil society activities. This article will showcase some...
Sustainability and Equity - A better future for all

The 2011 Human Development Report argues that the urgent global challenges of sustainability and equity must be addressed together – and identifies policies on the national and global level that could spur mutually reinforcing progress towards these interlinked goals.
Assessing Progress in Africa towards the Millennium Development Goals Report 2011
This is the latest edition of the widely read UNDP reports analyzing the progress (or lack thereof) on the African continent towards achieving the MDGs.
Beyond the Midpoint: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals

This paper is UNDP’s forward-looking review of the factors that shape MDG progress, along with the constraints and bottlenecks that have hampered MDG achievement in many countries. The findings build on MDG assessments in 30 countries that were undertaken for this review.
Inclusive Business: Creating Value in Latin America

The Alliance for Inclusive Business is a joint effort of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and SNV Netherlands Development Organization and has recently launched a report highlighting its joint work in Latin America over the past 4 years.
Inclusive Business at the Base of the Pyramid - an ADB project
The BoP-related ADB technical assistance (TA) project, first approved in 2008, aims to develop inclusive business ventures in six selected Asian countries and prepare them for project financing.
Creating Value for All: Strategies for Doing Business with the Poor - a UNDP report

Creating Value for All: Strategies for Doing Business with the Poor is the new and groundbreaking report launched on 1 July by the UN Development Programme.
Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS)

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) are a set of international guidelines and standards for the design, implementation and assessment of livestock interventions to assist people affected by disasters. LEGS is based on three livelihoods objectives: Providing immediate assistance to...
Inclusive Business in Agrifood Markets: Evidence and Action

A report based on proceedings of an international conference held in Beijing.
Publications on PPPs and Inclusive Business

Many agencies are working to build a vibrant private sector, and to partner with business for development goals. But donor coordination is only possible if agencies share a ‘world view’ on how to do this most effectively. The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) works to build that...
Food Sustainability: a Guide to the Private Sector

A practical and illustrative guide for businesses that presents sets of inspirational examples of how companies can contribute to sustainable food production and supply. Examples cover various sectors and show actions of small companies as well as multinational corporations from around the world. ...
Heifer's Cornerstones for Just and Sustainable Development

Heifer's Cornerstones for Just and Sustainable Development reflect the sustainable development principles utilised by Heifer International. Heifer is a development agency that aims to alleviate poverty by providing appropriate livestock and training to small-scale farmers worldwide.