Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry
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Sunseed Desert Technology
Sunseed Desert Technology focuses upon sustainable lifestyles and dryland management through the utilisation of low-tech methods which have the least detrimental environmental impact. Sunseed uses limited resources, the near-desert environment and the need to find sustainable solutions to determine...
Kelola Laut Nusantara (KLN)
Kelola Laut Nusantara (KLN) is a franco-Indonesian NGO, established at the occasion of the tsunami of 26th December 2004. Based in Jakarta and managed by a mixed team of European and Indonesian volunteers, it is focused on the reconstruction of the fishing community in Aceh Region. The...
Caritas Paraguay
Caritas Paraguay is involved in humanitarian and development work, and has a special focus on advocating for social change at the grassroots and national levels. The organisation helps to strengthen civil society and advocates to call on the country’s leaders to address these problems and tackle...
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Central African Republic
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. FAO supports efforts by the Central African Republic’s government to boost agricultural production and improve the food security of...
Tanzania Development Trust
The Tanzania Development Trust (TDT) is the charitable arm of the Britain Tanzania Society, established with the aim of alleviating poverty in Tanzania through assistance with projects in health, water supply, education and community based self help activities. They tend to allocate funds to the...
CAMDA (Cambridge Mongolia Disaster Appeal)
CAMDA (the Cambridge Mongolia Disaster Appeal) is a small British charity that provides aid to the nomadic people of Mongolia. Aid is chanelled through three projects: mechanical harvesting equipment, well refurbishment and veterinary aid for horses and camels. CAMDA's overall aim is to assist...
Eid Bin Muhammad Al-Thani Charitable Association
The Eid Bin Muhammad Al-Thani Charitable Association is an Islamic charitable organisation based in Qatar. The organisation manages and invests the endowment of Sheikh Eid Bin Muhammad Al-Thani and other funds for the benefit of needy people in the region.
Assessing Progress in Africa towards the Millennium Development Goals Report 2011
This is the latest edition of the widely read UNDP reports analyzing the progress (or lack thereof) on the African continent towards achieving the MDGs.
Beyond the Midpoint: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals
This paper is UNDP’s forward-looking review of the factors that shape MDG progress, along with the constraints and bottlenecks that have hampered MDG achievement in many countries. The findings build on MDG assessments in 30 countries that were undertaken for this review.
Church World Service - Chaco Initiative
Church World Service (CWS) is a cooperative ministry of 37 Christian denominations and communions in the United States. The Chaco program is a long-term tri-national effort led by CWS to improve the quality of life of the indigenous peoples of South America’s Chaco region by strengthening the...
Fundacion Brethren y Unida (FBU)
The FBU is an Ecuadorian non-profit NGO that works in various areas of development. Their projects aim to improve agricultural and forestry production with an agro-ecological focus, to manage natural resources and train local communities in subjects such as: agro-ecology, environmental education,...
Partners of the Americas
Partners of the Americas is an American NGO that develops leadership, understanding and opportunity in the Western Hemisphere. The organisation relies on the work of dedicated volunteers throughout the U.S., Latin America and the Caribbean, and also employs professional staff who manage federally...
Australian Volunteers International
Australia Volunteers International is Australia's international non-profit volunteer sending agency. The agency is committed to creating a peaceful and just world by promoting exchange of knowledge and cultures. They provide volunteer opportunities in a wide variety of development areas and prepare...
Educate the Children, Inc.
Educate the Children (ETC) began as a child sponsorship programme for orphaned, homeless, and poor children. ETC's work has grown to include programmes for bettering the lives of women. These programmes include literacy classes, business classes, health care and nutrition education, sustainable...
World Neighbours (Vecinos Mundiales)
World Neighbors is an international development organization striving to eliminate hunger, poverty, and disease in the most isolated areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America. World Neighbors invests in people and their communities by training and inspiring them to create their own life-changing...
World Vegetable Center (AVRDC) - Niger
World Vegetable Center (AVRDC) - Niger, a regional office of The World Vegetable Center, works to alleviate poverty and malnutrition through the increased production and consumption of safe vegetables. The Center’s work in Niger began in 1996 with a project to develop home gardening to improve...
Ayuda en Accion - Peru
Ayuda en Accion is the Spanish sister organisation of Action Aid International and it has been present in Peru since 1988. Ayuda en Accion provides emergency aid, and promotes a rights-based approach to poverty reduction. Programmes in Peru sponsored by the organisation focus on land reform, trade...
Fondo Ambiental Nacional del Ecuador (FAN)
The Fondo Ambiental Nacional del Ecuador (FAN) is a private non-profit organisation that acts as a mechanism for long-term financing of environmental conservation activities in Ecuador. Established in 1996, and operational since 1999, it works in conjunction with private, bilateral, and...
Concern Universal - Guinea
Concern Universal is currently one of only two British based NGOs working in Guinea. Concern Universal is an established International Development and Emergency Relief organization which works with people in some of the poorest countries of the world to find local, sustainable solutions to poverty...
Indonesian Education for Permaculture(IDEP) Foundation
IDEP is a local Indonesian NGO that develops and delivers training, community programs and media about sustainable development. IDEP deliver training in local communities and schools as well as to government and non-government organizations. Their extensive media include films, educational...