Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry
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Cooperazione E Sviluppo (CESVI) - Mali
Founded in 1985, Cooperazione e Sviluppo (CESVI) is an independent humanitarian organisation based in Italy. CESVI supports environmental initiatives concerning the management of natural resources, agricultural training and education, rural infrastructure, food sovereignty, income generating...
CARE International - Azerbaijan
CARE is one of the world's largest private international humanitarian organisations, committed to helping families in poor communities around the world and operates programmes in over 65 countries. They aim to provide economic opportunity, emergency relief in times of disaster, support...
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - China
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - China, a country office of the Food and Agriculture Organization, aims to make the technical expertise and the knowhow of the Organisation readily available within its three covered countries. FAO - China works to raise levels of nutrition and standards of...
Children of Rural Africa
Children of Rural Africa (CORAfrica) is an NGO that promotes social learning, character development, dignity of the human person and self reliance for rural children in Nigeria. The organisation plans to build community education centres in Nigeria and has a working volunteer vacation programme....
Rayland Rural Development Organisation
The Rayland Rural Development Organisation (RARUDO) is a Ugandan NGO that aims to work with communities in the Tororo district to promote sustainable development through capacity building and education. Programmes supported by the organisation include HIV/AIDS prevention, support and care services;...
CARE International - Philippines
CARE International is an international humanitarian organisation that helps families in poor communities improve their lives and overcome poverty. In the Philippines, CARE’s projects include promoting economic and conservation development to protect biodiversity and natural resources, empowering...
Association for Aid and Relief - Japan
The Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR Japan) is a non-governmental organisation providing emergency assistance to refugees and survivors of humanitarian crises, assistance to people with disabilities and landmine actions including landmine clearance and support for landmine victims. AAR...
Bharath Abhyudaya Seva Samithi (BASS)
Bharath Abhyudaya Seva Samithi (BASS) works for the welfare of children, women, and persons with disabilities, the elderly and other vulnerable and marginalised groups in about 40 villages in the Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh, including Edlapadu, Prathipadu, Nadendla Mandals and Cyclone Prone...
Rotary Club of Sierra Vista
Rotary is a worldwide organisation of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 32,000 clubs in more than 200...
Rotary Club of Matale
Rotary is a worldwide organisation of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. RI Dist. 3220, emcompasses the entire Island nation of Sri Lanka and consists of 66 Rotary...
Heifer's Cornerstones for Just and Sustainable Development
Heifer's Cornerstones for Just and Sustainable Development reflect the sustainable development principles utilised by Heifer International. Heifer is a development agency that aims to alleviate poverty by providing appropriate livestock and training to small-scale farmers worldwide.
HOPE International Development Agency
HOPE International Development Agency is a non-profit international development organisation working in Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas. Its offices are located in Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Japan, Myanmar, New Zealand, the UK and USA. HOPE's projects focus on...
Mercy Ships USA
Mercy Ships USA operates a fleet of ships which provide medical and dental assistance, food, agricultural skills, and relief and development services.
Peace Corps - Kyrgyzstan
Peace Corps is an NGO which organises American volunteers' participation in projects around the world. Collaborating with local community members, volunteers work in areas like education, youth outreach and community development, health and HIV/AIDS, the environment, information technology, and...
Peace Corps - Niger
Peace Corps is an NGO that organises the participation of American volunteers in projects in the developing world. Volunteers work with members of the local community in areas such as education, the environment, information technology and business development. Peace Corps volunteers have been...
Women's Federation for World Peace International (WFWP International)
Women's Federation for World Peace International (WFWP International) is an international NGO that supports work with and for women worldwide. WFWP's four major focuses are: empowerment of women; the reinforcement of family values; a sound upbringing of children, and building partnerships for peace...
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Samoa
FAO was founded in 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. Today, FAO is one of the largest specialised agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for...
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Mongolia
FAO was founded in 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. Today, FAO is one of the largest specialised agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for...
Women's Organisation in Rural Development (WORD)
The Women's Organisation in Rural Development (WORD) is a non-profit organisation founded in 1985. WORD volunteers support economic development, provide health care, support and empower women and children in rural areas of Tamilnadu, South India. Currently, WORD focuses its activities in Erode and...
Send A Cow
Send a Cow is a Christian charitable organisation founded in response to a plea from a Ugandan bishop during the Ugandan civil war. Now operating in countries throughout Africa, Send a Cow helps poor farmers gain self-sufficiency through the provision of training and livestock. The organisation...