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Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry

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Fairtrade Africa

Fairtrade Africa is the independent non-profit umbrella organisation representing all Fairtrade certified producers in Africa. Fairtrade Africa is a member of Fairtrade International (FLO) which unites three producer networks (Fairtrade Africa; CLAC – Latin America and the Caribbean; and NAP –...

Unilever commits to purchase all of its tea from sustainable and ethical sources

Since 1999, the Unilever Corporation, a Europe-based international conglomerate, has been executing a pilot program on its tea estates in Kericho, Kenya. The program is part of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) Platform, a food industry initiative to actively support the development of...

Dupont and ADS joint initiative provides agricultural assistance to more than 10000 farmers in India

Pioneer Hi-Bred, a DuPont business and one of the world's leading seed companies, and Access Development Services, a non-governmental organisation (NGO), announced their partnership to launch ‘Uday', an initiative for Andhra Pradesh farmers.

Chevron subsidiary partners with local charity to engage impoverished communities in Angola

Search for Common Ground, an organisation dedicated to conflict transformation, has been working in Angola's oil-rich enclave of Cabinda since October 2006. In a private-public partnership co-funded by USAID and Chevron's local oil subsidiary, SFCG has collaborated with nine impoverished fishing...

Virgin Atlantic offers Fairtrade tea and coffee aboard all flights

In September 2007, following a series of blind tastings of a variety of Fairtrade teas and coffees, Virgin Atlantic announced a switch to offering passengers a variety of Fairtrade products, including organic green and white teas from QI teas, a range of fresh and instant coffees by Costa Coffee...

KPMG supports The Prince's Rainforests Project

KPMG supports The Prince's Rainforests Project, which draws people together from governments, businesses and NGOs to find practical solutions to slow tropical deforestation and combat climate change. KPMG has committed to use its expertise and international footprint to bring deforestation up the...

Boeing helps critical Mercy Corps programs get off the ground

Immediately following the the Indian Ocean Tsunami, Boeing committed $1 million to tsunami relief efforts, split among three humanitarian organisations including Mercy Corps.

Haygrove establishes Gambia is Good to market fresh produce

Gambia is Good is a fresh produce marketing company which was conceived as a partnership between Haygrove Limited and Concern Universal, a leading development charity, with the purpose of linking small scale rural producers with the high value tourist market.

IKEA and WWF Joint Cotton Projects

IKEA and WWF cooperate on a project in India and Pakistan to develop better cotton farming practices. About 2,000 farmers in Pakistan and 500 in India are being trained in Farmer Field Schools where they learn how to reduce the amount of water and chemicals they use. This has a positive impact on...

IKEA is cooperating with WWF to reduce impact on the climate.

IKEA is cooperating with WWF and implementing several projects globally in an effort to reduce the impact on the climate, the forests, and cotton. IKEA and WWF hope to encourage considerate, efficient, long-term economically sound usage of natural resources with the ultimate goal of ensuring that...

British American Tobacco establishes a biodiversity partnership with NGOs

British American Tobacco has established a biodiversity partnership, now in its third five-year term (2011-2015). The partners (Fauna & Flora International, Earthwatch, Tropical Biology Association, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and British American Tobacco) have appointed an independent programme...

WWF and IKEA Conservation Partnership

IKEA and WWF began a co-operation in 2002 to jointly promote responsible forestry in priority regions around the world. Together the two organizations have planned and implemented a series of projects in China, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The projects are important...

Greenpeace and Marks & Spencer: Sustainable seafood procurement

Marks & Spencer (M&S) has adopted a Policy on Sustainable Sourcing of Fisheries Products, which applies to all seafood sold, including fish used as an ingredient. M&S came top of Greenpeace UK's Recipe for Disaster, a study of UK supermarkets, ranking them by their seafood policies.

Unilever and WWF establish certification for sustainable fisheries

The MSC Standard by the Marine Stewardship Council is the only internationally recognised set of environmental principles for assessing fisheries to establish whether they are well managed and sustainable. The MSC is an independent, global, non-profit organisation which was set up to find a...

KREDO (Kaah Relief and Development Organisation)

KREDO (Kaah Relief and Development Organsation) is a Somalian NGO operating in the Gedo region. Its top priority is to create an environment that is conducive to sustainable development by helping communities to secure peace, sustainable development and self-reliance. KREDO aims to facilitate...


ASCHOP is a social and religious organisation which serves as the social wing of churches in Haiti. The organisation works on various poverty reduction initiatives.

Sainsbury's assisted a charity gardening enterprise

Sainsbury’s was one of the few companies which supported Mow & Grow when it was a tiny voluntary group. Its funding in the early days ensured its survival of this social enterprise offering a gardening and horticultural service to those in need.

Cadbury and Earthwatch conduct joint research in sustainable cocoa production

In December 2004 Cadbury launched the Earthshare programme. The Earthshare programme creates a partnership between all stakeholders interested in cocoa farming in Ghana: Earthwatch, Cadbury staff and business units, early careers Ghanaian scientists, researchers, local communities in Ghana,...

FISD Institute of Agriculture Water and Environment (FIAWE)

FISD Institute of Agriculture, Water and Environment (FIAWE) is an arm of the Foundation for Irrigation and Sustainable Development (FISD). FIAWE is currently running a Diploma Programme in Irrigated Agriculture and is planning to introduce a Diploma in Agribusiness Management and Bachelor Degree...

Coca-Cola partners with WWF to promote sustainable agriculture

Coca-Cola’s partnership with WWF promotes sustainable agriculture in Coca-Cola’s supply chain, focusing on the production of sugar cane, and more recently oranges and corn. They have initiated a number of pilot projects to improve production and farm practices.