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Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry

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International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialised agency of the United Nations, focuses upon eradicating rural poverty within developing countries. With the help of its partners, IFAD gives people access to technology, services, and natural resources. IFAD's overarching...

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

FAO was founded in 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. Today, FAO is one of the largest specialised agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for...

Movimento Sviluppo E Pace (MSP)

Formed in 1968 in Turin, Italy, Movement Development and Peace is involved in education, agriculture and promotion of the role of women.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Philippines

Approximately one-third of The Philippine’s 93.6 million residents work in agriculture, while 66 percent live in urban areas. The Philippines is making improvements on undernourishment throughout the population, but malnutrition figures in children must be bettered; they currently register at 28...


Proshika, a NGO is dedicated to training, education and action within poor districts through a broad range of programmes. The programmes are supported by research activities and advocacy campaigns PROSHIKA's mission is to conduct an extensive, intensive, and participatory process of sustainable...

Istituto Sindacale Per La COoperazione allo sviluppo (ISCOS)

Founded in 1983, Istituto Sindacale per la COoperazione allo sviluppo (ISCOS) is a non-governmental organisation based in Italy. ISCOS aims to promote integrated rural development and development of cooperatives. In Mali, ISCOS has helped to create a transportation and distribution system to boost...

Rangpur Dinajpur Rural Service-RDRS

RDRS Bangladesh (Rangpur Dinajpur Rural Service) is a NGO working to empower the rural poor in northern Bangladesh. It aims to improve their living standards of landless and marginal farmers. RDRS' Development Programme has a core of eight components: social organisation and development education,...

Il Centro di Educazione Sanitaria e Tecnologie Appropriate Sanitarie (CESTAS)

Formed in 1979, Il Centro di Educazione Sanitaria e Tecnologie Appropriate Sanitarie (CESTAS) is a non-governmental organisation that promotes health, human and animal sanitation, women's rights, education and rural development.

IFAD Associate Professional Officer (APO) Programme

The Associate Professional Programme (APO) provides training and experience for young professionals who wish to pursue a career in international development assistance. Successful applicants are given the opportunity for professional development through on-the-job experience and exposure to IFAD's...

Dortmunden Helfen Kurden

Dortmunden Helfen Kurden (People of Dortmund help the Kurds) is a citizens' action group. Following the destruction of hundreds of Kurdish villages it aims to rebuild and teach the fundamentals of sustainable village life through agriculture, animal farming and construction.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Jamaica

FAO was founded in 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. Today, FAO is one of the largest specialised agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for...

Integrated Developmental Education Activate Society [IDEAS]

Integrated Developmental Education Activate Society (IDEAS) is a non-governmental organisation based in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. IDEAS provides emergency relief projects and rehabilitation to tsunami-hit women through income generation activity like fish pickle making programmes.

Association Malienne Pour La Promotion Du Sahel (AMAPROS)

Association Malienne pour la Promotion du Sahel (AMAPROS) is a non-governmental organisation working to promote public health in sub-Saharan Mali. Its activities include increasing women's involvement with local vegetable gardens, augmenting animal protein production, increasing availability of...

Global Network for Good Governance - Zambia (GNGG-Zambia)

Global Network for Good Goverance - Zambia (GNGG-Zambia) is a non- governmental organisation involved in human rights, good governance, and improving the standard of living for the poor, especially women and the disabled. GNGG-Zambia is also involved in child protection and rights.

Food for the Hungry International - Uganda

Food for the Hungry International - Uganda, part of a global Christian partnership, is involved in programmes that provide community health education, assistance to enable children to attend school and receive health check-ups and medical treatment, and assistance to Uganda prisons. Working in...

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Guyana

FAO was founded in 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. Today, FAO is one of the largest specialised agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Guyana

UNDP is one of United Nation organisations that has targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women by 2015. In Guyana the UNDP supports the peoples of Guyana in pursuit of national goals and objectives as articulated by the...

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - EU / Belgium (LOBR)

FAO was founded in 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. Today, FAO is one of the largest specialised agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for...

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Turkey

FAO was founded in 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. Today, FAO is one of the largest specialised agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Honduras

UNDP is one of United Nation organisations that has targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women by 2015. In Hoduras the UNDP is currently working on projects focused on crisis prevention and recovery, energy, democratic...