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SELCO makes solar-lighting accessible to poor families in India

SELCO India is a Bangalore‐based social enterprise that makes solar lighting technology accessible to economically impoverished people in India.
Partnership between UNDP and World LP Gas Association provides clean energy to rural areas of Morocco

In many developing countries, including Morocco, there is still a high dependence on traditional biomass fuel in rural areas, which has many negative consequences, such as deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, health issues and gender inequality. Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) represents a safe and...
SELCO partners with India's state banks to bring sunlight to rural India
SELCO India is a Bangalore‐based social enterprise that makes solar lighting technology accessible to the economically impoverished people in India. SELCO’s mission is based on a simple but powerful idea that the economic conditions of the impoverished can be improved substantially if they are made...
Tengizchevroil identifies and facilitates loans at no interest to boost small business development in Kazakhstan

In the 20 years since the dissolution of the former Soviet Union, Kazakhstan has experienced economic setbacks and increased poverty. One major hurdle to small business growth is lack of financing for loans. However, the Central Asian nation has attracted investors.
Partnerships allow Maison Energy to provide energy to rural communities in Morocco

About two million people live without access to electricity in Morocco, mostly in remote rural areas where scattered and unevenly distributed homes make their connection to the national power grid difficult. As a solution, the National Office of Electricity (ONE) opted for a decentralized system of...
Dutch development bank FMO funds E+Co clean energy development

FMO, the entrepreneurial development bank of the Netherlands, has created a clean energy investment facility to be managed by E+Co.
ExxonMobil and Synthetic Genomics Inc. partnership on the Advance Algae Biofuels Program

The primary aim of this R&D partnership is to test the hypothesis that algae biofuels could become commercially viable and make a meaningful contribution to meeting future energy demand.
Walmart Stores and the World Environment Center launch a Cleaner Production Partnership in Central America

In 2009, the World Environment Center (WEC), in partnership with Walmart Stores, Inc., launched a major initiative which aimed to increase cleaner production and energy efficiency (CP/EE) practices in two countries, El Salvador and Guatemala.
Walmart partners with Clinton Climate Initiative

In 2007, Former President Bill Clinton announced a new partnership between the Clinton Climate Initiative(CCI) and WalMart Stores Inc., in order to help bring environmentally friendly technologies to cities across the United States and around the world.
British Gas supports Save the Children improve the living conditions and lives of children in Britain

In 2004, Save the Children UK and British Gas partnered to launch the 'Help Yourselves' scheme, a funding project designed to make one million homes in Britain warmer, safer and more comfortable. Since then, over 180 grants of £1,000 or £3,000 have been given to groups of vulnerable children and...
Developing hybrid diesel-electric delivery trucks

In 2000, FedEx Express and Environmental Defense Fund struck an alliance to develop a delivery truck that dramatically decreases emissions while increasing fuel economy. The result was a diesel-electric hybrid, an ideal application for hybrid technology, given the frequent stopping and starting of...