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Food security and nutrition

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The Ethan Foundation

The Ethan Foundation is a new organization focusing on better livelihoods of especially children who are orphaned and those that come from poor backgrounds whose parents cannot support their basic needs like food and education. It is focusing on creating self sustaining projects like Fish farming...

Team Hope (Ireland)

TEAM HOPE is an Irish, interdenominational Christian development aid charity, working with children, and through them, into their families and communities in Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union and Africa TEAM HOPE is running community based projects that • Supply clean water • Give...


Gen Rwot Family Care Association is a community based organization that works with the urban and the rural community to address the challenges faced by the vulnerabilities within Uganda. GEFCA is an NGO that cares for disadvantaged people covering the eight Districts in Lango Sub-region with...

Livelihood Development for Human Rights Promotion-Sierra Leone

Livelihood Development for Human Rights Promotion-Sierra Leone is an indigenous local voluntary organization registered with the Ministry of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs and Waterloo Rural District Council with a Vision to lead communities where women, men and children can live,...

Verve Foundation

The Verve Foundation is a faith-based Nepalese NGO comprising young leaders committed to serving the community through social work. Verve works for the welfare and rehabilitation of street children and parentless kids and for skill development and empowerment of girls and young people.

Institute for Development and Welfare Services (IDEWES)

The Institute for Development and Welfare Services (IDEWES) is a Kenyan NGO working in the Kibera area of Nairobi. The organisation runs a number of programmes including home based care, care and support for orphans and vulnerable children; reproductive health awareness; HIV/AIDS awareness and...

Global Impact, Inc.

Global Impact, Inc. is an American NGO that provides humanitarian relief to people in need both in the USA and abroad. The organization builds partnerships and raises resources that help the world’s most vulnerable people by providing integrated, partner-specific advisory and backbone services;...

Samara's Aid Appeal

Samara’s Aid Appeal is a new humanitarian NGO that has been sending relief goods to Iraq, Syria and Jordan since October 2014. The organisation is appealing for donation of medical and other items.

Janamangal (Centre for Independent Living)

Janamangal (Centre for Independent Living) is an Indian NGO that aims to help tribal women to improve their lives through training, counselling and entrepreneurship.

Humanist Watch Salone

Humanist Watch Salone (HUWASAL) is an NGO in Sierra Leone. The organisation envisages a society that empowers marginalized people and vulnerable groups to participate fully in peaceful and sustainable development initiatives. HUWASAL works in war affected rural communities, designing and...


Guzakuza is a Ghanaian NGO working on agricultural issues in order to improve food security.

Volunteer Action for Change Kenya

Volunteer Action for Change Kenya (VACK) is an NGO that aims to offer opportunities for young men and women to become actively involved in the development process through volunteering. The organisation is also involved in capacity building and enterprise development. ...

Education Village

Education Village is an NGO in Tanzania. The primary aim of the organisation is to improve the quality of education in villages across the country. Our first project involves the establishment of a feeding scheme in a primary school.

The Pemba Island Relief Organisation (PIRO)

The Pemba Island Relief Organization (PIRO) is an NGO in Tanzania. The organisation aims to improve the lives and welfare of the people of Pemba through education and health projects. PIRO has experience in child protection and in food security and nutrition. At the national level PIRO advocates...

Lchokuti Foundation

Lchokuti Foundation is a community-based organization in the Northern part of Kenya. It works with the community in and around Merille, regarding education, poverty, water and other issues. Firstly it educates the mostly illiterate population, be it women, morans, elders, or those bush-grazing...

Tanzania Antischools' Dropout Educational Orgarnization (TADEO)

Tanzania Antischool’s Dropout Educational Organizaion (TADEO), REG No:ooNGO/00006744 is an NGO that aims to facilitate self-help and to provide assistance with education and training, advocacy, and other support to vulnerable people in including widows, young people, street children, orphans and...

Dembe Youth United

Dembe Youth United is a non governmental organization in eastern part of Uganda east Africa. This organization offers services to orphans, vulnerable, elders, widows, help disadvantaged societies, feeds Muslims during Ramadan,provides flash meat to the needy during al-eid al-adhuha and helps areas...

Care Love Charity Organization

Its Objectives 1. To establish and run orphanages for poor and helpless children especially of those from families affected by aids epidemic. 2. To provide feeding program for the orphans who are already in orphanages and street children. 3. Providing free health care/medical relief through...

Action against Malnutrition

Action against Malnutrition (AAM) is an NGO in Malawi. The organisation works with rural communities on nutrition education and helps to provide food security and avoid poverty. AAM works with agricultural extension workers to promote sustainable agricultural practices and to provide rural...

Mustard Seed Fund

The Mustard Seed Fund is a social enterprise in Zambia working to empower impoverished women and youths from rural and peri-urban communities so that they can effect social change in their communities.