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Food security and nutrition

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Tem Foundation

The Tem Foundation is a South African NGO that works in Cameroon and a number of other African countries, training the underprivileged in skills and activities to improve their lives. Areas in which TEM is involved include: health and HIV/AIDS, education/ training and skill development,...

Snekithi Charitable Trust

Snekithi Charitable Trust is an Indian NGO that works with and for poor and downtrodden women, children, dalits and tribal communities. The Trust is involved in the formation of self help groups, providing women with skills that will allow them to access credit for self employment and...

International Islamic Youth League

The International Islamic Youth League-African Youth Development Centre is an internationally accredited humanitarian non-governmental, non-political, non-profit-making charitable organization, thus registered with respective ministries, departments and agencies wherever the organization activities...

Sahara Rural Development Program

The objectives of life society are to promote self-help, mutual aid and better living to archive these objectives, a) To assist and point our human rights violation in any stage. b) To establish educational / vocational institutes and training centers. c) To provide training and guide lines...

Project GreenWorld International

Project GreenWorld International is a children's environmental and humanitarian organization. They aim to create a committed and responsible generation of humane and eco-friendly young people. The organization focused on: •Global Warming & Climate change •Ecosystem Conservation •Recycling...

Impact Counselling Centre

Impact Counselling Centre is a registered non-governmental organization working in the field of Education & Literacy, Health & Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Micro Finance (SHGs), Micro Small & Medium Enterprises, Minority Issues, Rural Development & Poverty Alleviation, Urban...

Holy Heart Centre for Abused Women and Children

Holy Heart Center for Abused Women and Children Malawi is charity organization that was established and founded in 2013;the organization was legally registered under the laws of Malawi on 14th April 2016 . Our is aim is bring lasting JOY to abused women, children and vulnerable people across Malawi...

Uganda Christian Orphans Foundation Fund

Uganda Christian Orphans Foundation Fund (UCOFF) is an NGO that supports needy households, orphans and other vulnerable children through the provision of scholastic materials, psychosocial support, community sensitization on child protection and legal support, nutrition and food security, basic...

HIMILO Foundation (HIMFO)

The HIMILO Foundation (HIMFO) is an NGO that works in Somalia, and has a base in Kenya. The organisation works on issues related to food security, nutrition, health, water and sanitation, agriculture and livelihoods, human rights, peace and education. ...

Initiative Camerounaise pour la Sante et le Developpement (ICAM)

Initiative Camerounaise pour la Sante et le Developpement (ICAM) is an NGO in Cameroon that aims to improve the lives of communities across the country. The organisation works on issues related to health, education, social welfare and water and sanitation.

Childline Uganda

Childline Uganda (CL) is a local community based organization working on issues related to HIV/AIDS, education and food security.

Sesithule Vamanani Caring Association (SEVACA)

Sesithule Vamanani Caring Association (SEVACA) is an NGO in Zimbabwe that aims to improve the lives of women and vulnerable children through providing physical and psychosocial support to vulnerable individuals. SEVACA runs a number of projects related to income generation, education, food...

Alternative for Rural Movement (ARM)

Alternative for Rural Movement (ARM) is an Indian NGO working for the empowerment and sustainable development of deprived village communities in North Orissa with an emphasis on backward rural women, children and dalit communities. The main activities of ARM include but are not limited to the...

Kush Emergency Relief and Development Organisation

Kush is one of Nuba Mountains' active NGOs who are working within lira community since 2005 and it is now expanding its work to raise awareness of Nuba people. Now they are working with CU NETWORK, based in Juba, South Sudan and with NRRDO in Nairobi. Kush is involved in many programs such as...

Anglican Development Services of Mount Kenya East (ADSMKE)

Anglican Development Services of Mount Kenya East (ADSMKE) is a Kenyan NGO established as the development arm of the Anglican Church of Kenya covering former Mt. Kenya East Diocese. The organisation aims to empower the poor, marginalized and the less endowed in the region to realize their potential...

Continental Youth Watch Development Organization (CYWADO) Tanzania

Continental Youth Watch Development Organization Tanzania is an NGO that works on legal and human rights, social development, formal and informal education, conflict resolution and environmental issues. CYWADO promotes the Millennium Development Goals.

Women Support and Health Care (WOSHEC)

Women Support and Health Care (WOSHEC) is a NGO in Uganda that aims to promote the participation of women in community development and women's empowerment. The organisation works on issues related to health and education. Current projects include a back yard gardening scheme, a women's community...

Fondation Eddy Mesidor Pour Le Developpement (FEMED)

Fondation Eddy Mesidor Pour Le Developpement (FEMED) is an NGO in Haiti. FEMED works on a range of issues, including education, health, sport, arts and culture, and general humanitarian aid. The organisation helps children go to school, and runs mobile health clinics where free medicines are...

Resource Hub for Development (R.H.D)

Resource Hub for Development (R.H.D) is an NGO that aims to alleviate poverty and empower poor rural communities through economic and social programmes. The organisation currently carries out projects in health care, water and sanitation, education, agriculture, environmental management and energy...

Save Their Lives

Save Their Lives is an NGO in Haiti. The organisation aims to help the poorest of the poor through projects that include relief for earthquake, flood and hurricane victims, care, education and sponsorship programmes for orphans and other vulnerable children, housing; medicine and health care and...