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Shelter, housing, land management and construction

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Fundacion Vivan los Ninos (Funvini)

Fundacion Vivan los Ninos (Funvini) is a Colombian NGO established to partner the UK-based charity, Let the Children Live, which has been raising funds for Colombian street children since 1982. Funvini currently assists 450 children living on the streets in Medellin through educational,...

City Textiles (PVT) Ltd.

City Textiles is a Pakistani manufacturing&exporting company that can provide tents, canvas, yarn and textile products for use in disaster areas.

Mountain Trust

Mountain Trust builds school classrooms and provides furniture, uniforms, teaching and sports equipment to primary and secondary schools in the more disadvantaged sector of Nepal's educational system. The Trust also provides buildings and other support for adult literacy, family planning, health...

Perus Challenge

Perus Challenge is a not for profit organization working with volunteers to create opportunities for children living in the Peruvian Andes - primarily in the Cuzco area. Organisational aims include education, improving health, and providing a happy and safe environment for children.

Foundation for Young Orphans

The Foundation for Young Orphans (FYO) is a Christian NGO registered in Kampala. FYO works with orphans and widows by providing physical and emotionl support. The organisation runs vocational training centres, social centres and medical centres for abandoned and abandoned children, and aims to...

Youth Forum For Social Action (YFSA)

Youth Forum For Social Action (YFSA) provides social, empowerment, and educational programmes to the indigenous peoples of the eastern parts of the newly-created Tribal State of Chhatisgarh in Central India.

Masomphenya (Vision) Africa - Zambia

Masomphenya (Vision) Africa - Zambia, part of Vision Africa International, aims to care for the sick, the poor, the abandoned, and those with HIV/AIDS by providing medical care and personal compassion; to provide stable environments and education to orphans, especially those who lost their families...

Manifold Grace Care Foundation

Manifold Grace Care Foundation, an initiative of the Love Fellowship Bible Church, provides aid for less-privileged in Nigerian society.

Lugger Logistics

Lugger Logistics are relief aid and general order suppliers of Clothing, Bedding, Communications, Consultancy, Food Items, Freight/Transportation, Human Resources, Medical Equipment, Procurement, Public Health, Security, Shelter/Housing, Training, Vehicle Parts, Vehicles, Water, and Sanitation.

Spirit of America (SoA)

Spirit of America (SoA) provides support through American military and civilian personnel to people who call to them for humanitarian assistance.

Terre des hommes (Tdh) - Senegal

Terre des hommes (Tdh) is a private Swiss organization for international child relief, with active groups in Switzerland, Africa, Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. Tdh’s priority areas include child trafficking and exploitation, mother-child health and nutrition, child...

Diakonie Emergency Aid - Azerbaijan

The Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DK) or Diakonie Emergency Aid was established with the objective of providing humanitarian aid worldwide during catastrophes. It supports people who have fallen victim of natural disasters, war and displacement and who are not able to cope on their own in the...

Habitat for Humanity - China

Habitat for Humanity (HFH) is an international, non-governmental, non-profit organization devoted to building "simple, decent, and affordable" housing for the needy. Homes are built using volunteer labour and through donations. These are sold to low income families at no-profit, and are financed...

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) - Indonesia

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is an independent humanitarian agency established in 1984 for the specific purposes of individual and community development and disaster relief. ADRA helps people in need, especially those most vulnerable, such as women, children, and...

Habitat for Humanity Argentina

Habitat for Humanity (HfH) is a non-denominational Christian charity dedicated to eliminating poverty housing worldwide. HfH builds and renovates houses through volunteer labour and donations of money and materials. The organisation has been working in Argentina since 2003, building houses and...

In: Resources

Dubai International Humanitarian & Re-Development Conference & Exhibition (DIHAD) 1-3 April 2012

DIHAD is a humanitarian aid, disaster management and re-development event that takes place in Dubai every year. DIHAD is recognised as the leading humanitarian event in the region and aims to help facilitate a greater and more efficient relationship between aid agencies, NGO's, suppliers and needy...

World Bank - China

The World Bank is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. It is a development Bank which provides loans, policy advice, technical assistance and knowledge sharing services to low and middle income countries to reduce poverty. The Bank promotes growth to create jobs and to...

Fauna & Flora International

Established in 1903, Fauna&Flora International (FFI) is a longstanding guardian of global biodiversity. FFI works with in-country partners to address locally identified issues in a sustainable manner, devising strategies that both alleviate poverty and conserve the environment. In addition, it...

Women And Children In Africa (WACIA)

Women and Children in Africa (WACIA) is a registered charity committed to the relief of poverty in Africa. In particular, it works to alleviate the hardship and distress of women and children affected by the war in Uganda. By funding and supporting projects that make a real difference to the people...


SOLIDARITES is a humanitarian organisation which provides aid and assistance to victims of war or armed conflict. For over 20 years the association has concentrated its action on meeting three vital needs - water, food and shelter - by carrying out emergency programmes followed by reconstruction...