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Shelter, housing, land management and construction

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Education Training & Service for Community - Nepal (ETSC-N)

Education Training&Service for Community - Nepal (ETSC-N) addresses poverty alleviation, economic development, human trafficking, rehabilitation for landless people and conflict resolution within Nepal, with special emphasis upon women, youth and Dalit communities.

Rayland Rural Development Organization

Rayland Rural Development Organization (RARUDO) is a voluntary, not-for-profit, community-based organisation, that was formed to support, unite and promote community development in Iyolwa Sub County of Tororo district in Uganda. RARUDO serves as a mobilising, networking, information and advocacy...

Social Awareness and Development Organisation for Women (SAADOW)

Social Awareness and Development Organisation for Women (SAADOW) assists the welfare and vocational development of women, children, youth and the elderly. In addition, SAADOW helps with the rural health development in prevention, medicine and education. SAADOW also provides other general awareness...

Karuna Trust

Karuna Trust is a voluntary organisation dedicated to improving the living standards of materially poor people in Sri Lanka.

Ali Welfare Society

Ali Welfare Society is an organisation which participates in different welfare programmes and coordinates with many welfare organisations. It aims to alleviate poverty, help the poor generate their own income independently and help the agriculture sector to stand on its own feet.

New Life Foundation

The New Life Foundation was established in 1964 under the patronage of H.R.H. The Princess Mother. During the past 39 years, the Foundation's main activities have been to help underprivileged Thais with a physical or mental handicap in 3 villages located in Northern part of Thailand. The New Life...

EMPAC International Relief, Inc.

EMPAC International Relief, Inc. provides different types of emergency shelters worldwide after catastrophic events such as natural disasters and homelessness caused by war or riots. EMPAC offers various types of prefabricated homes as shelters. It also provides medical supplies worldwide.

National Veterans Foundation (NVF)

National Veterans Foundation (NVF) offers emotional support and information about the services and resources available to veterans in the community. NVF provides crisis intervention, benefits counseling, medical treatment, food or shelter, legal aid, and training for employment.

Scientific-Industrial Firm ORT

Scientific-Industrial Firm ORT (SIFORT) produces high quality tents and skeleton awning constructions, including products designed for humanitarian agencies.

Priyanka (India) Pvt. Ltd. (PIPL)

Priyanka (India) Pvt. Ltd. (PIPL) manufactures and supplies emergency relief items around the globe to United Nations organisations, non-governmental organisations, and other procurement agencies. PIPL's product line includes multi-usage tents, mosquito nets, plastic sheets, kitchen sets, teacher...

Mary Anne Charity Trust (MACT)

The Mary Anne Charity Trust (MACT) is an Indian NGO which works in the general area of sustainable rural development as a means to help poor and needy people in India. Projects target the elderly, the illiterate and the unemployed aiming to empower them for a secure future. MACT also runs a...

Comprehensive Rural Health Project (CRHP)

The Comprehensive Rural Health Project, Jamkhed, has been working among the rural poor and marginalized for over 40 years. By partnering with village communities and expanding upon local knowledge and resources the project aims to effectively meet the immediate and long term needs of these groups,...

Auroville Village Action Group

The Auroville Village Action Group was set up to better organise the various activities in Auroville, India which had developed out of the Village Action Group which began in 1983. All these activities were based in the perception that in its search to realise an actual Human Unity, Auroville had...

Tecimer Dıs Tic. Ltd.

Tecimer is a company based in Turkey that provides relief items to disaster areas. It is a recognised and registered supplier to United Nations humanitarian agencies, Red Cross groups and several other non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Tecimer products include blankets, sleeping bags, cots...

Rotary Corrimal Village Project

The Rotary Corrimal Village Project is an initiative of the Corrimal Rotary Club in Australia. The project provides houses (in the shape of raw materials for self-build), food and medical assistance to the inhabitants of Bohol in the Philippines. Assistance is targeted especially at children and...

The International Award for Young People - India (IAYP)

The International Award for Young People - India (IYAP)is an award for young people between the ages of 14 and 25 based on individual achievement without competition. Its main aim is to encourage young people to achieve their full growth potential, and to improve moral, social and intellectual...

Norwegian Free Evangelical Mission India Dhanora

Norwegian Free Evangelical Mission India Dhanora is a non-profit faith-based organisation.


Scientific Educational Development for Community Organization - abbreviated as SEDCO is a registered organisation working for the empowerment of the marginalised children, women and agricultural labourers in Thoothukudi District of Tamilnadu, India. It focuses on addressing the problems and the...

Global Concern

Global Concern is an international Christian organisation that works to alleviate poverty in developing countries by providing assistance and training to help people obtain skills necessary for sustainable development. Global Concern aims to demonstrate that a concern and response to global...

Star Social and Human Welfare Organisation

Star Social and Human Welfare Organisation is a social service organisation based in Kumbakonam, registered in 2002. They operate various developmental activities to help the needy people in Kumbakonam. This organisation particularly focuses on educating needy children and those in rural areas.