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Human rights

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AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trust

The AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trust is an Indian NGO based in Tamil Nadu that works for the rights and dignity of people with disabilities. The activities carried out by the organisation include the following: advocacy on behalf of people with disabilities, screening people with disabilities in...

Women Environment Conservation Project (WECOP)

The Women Environmentalthr Conservation Project (WECOP) is a Ugandan NGO. The organisation aims to respond to the challenges of disease, poverty, and illiteracy. WECOP has set up village saving and credit associations, and is also involved in a range of other activities including...

Link Against Poverty (LAP)

Link Against Poverty (LAP) is a Tanzanian NGO. The organisation aims to fight against poverty and take action on health and the environment. To date, LAP has undertaken research for Transparency International of Kenya in 2010 and 2011, trained people during a voter education project, done ...

Deepshikha Mahila Bal Utthan Samiti

Deepshikha Mahila Bal Utthan Samiti (DSMBUS) is an Indian social welfare NGO working in Rajasthan. DSMBUS works on a wide range of issues, including vocational training, women's and young people's empowerment, health, family welfare, disablity, environmental protection and rural development....

Centre for Girls and Interaction (CEGI)

The Centre for Girls & Interaction (CEGI) is an NGO in Malawi, primarily concerned with creating access to information on the rights of girls and young women and related issues through interaction, advocacy, documentation, education and networking for positive change.

Rural Development Media Communication (RUDMEC)

Rural Development Media and Communication (RUDMEC) is an NGO in Uganda. RUDMEC's core focus is on the initiation of behaviour change by using media as a change agent to enhance improved livelihoods. RUDMEC is currently involved in promoting the adoption and use of environmental friendly...

Alfajr Palestinian Youth Association

The Alfajr Palestinian Youth Association is a Palestinian NGO that works to integrate young people into civil society through programmes designed to promote the spirit of national belonging and develop self reliance. The Association also aims topromote trust, esteem and awareness of the way...

Kikumu Agriculture Research Centre

The Kikumu Agriculture Research Centre (KARK) is a women's organization in Kasese, Uganda. KARC promotes sustainable development through community education, and supports advocacy strategies relevant to marginalized rural women and slum communities. The organisation runs programmes including...

Voinesti Partnership

The Voinesti Partnership is an organisation in Romania, headed by Cornel Toma, a history teacher who teaches in the schools from the Voinesti area, including those in the proximity of the Roma community. Cornel is the Executive Co-ordinator of the Voinesti Partnership.The organisation aims to...

Somali Women Education Campaigners

Somali Women Education Campaigners (SWEC) is a women-led NGO working in southern and central Somalia on community development especially humanitarian protection, women's and children's literacy promotion, human rights advocacy and lobbying for women and children in urban and rural areas of Somalia.

Global Compassion

Global Compassion is a Cameroonian NGO that works on humanitarian issues including health, education and community services, such as the provision of clean drinking water.

Basic Needs and Human Rights Initiatives

The Basic Needs and Human Rights Initiatives is a Nigerian NGO that is active in the area of poverty, human rights, conflict, violence, education, and health.

African Movement of Working Children and Youth Ghana

The African Movement of Working Children and Youth Ghana (AMWCY GHANA) is an NGO whose main aim is to help working children and young people to claim their rights and improve their standard of living. The organisation's target groups are abused and vulnerable children, child labourers and street...

Tanzyme Falah-e-Mashra

Tanzyme-Falah-E-Moashra (TFM) is an NGO in Pakistan that aims to increase literacy rates, especially among women in rural areas. TFM is also involved in social-economic development activities on a participatory basis particularly in the areas of education, health, drug prevention, rural...

Alliance of Local Communities in Hardship Areas (ALCHA)

The Alliance of Local Communities in Hardship Areas (ALCHA) is an NGO in Kenya. The Alliance was formed to bring together efforts to empower pastoralist communities in the Moyale and Sololo districts through utilising resources and promoting sustainable development. Areas of intervention include...

La Floraison

La Floraison is an NGO based in Baraka, Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation aims to defend the social and economic rights of marginalized women, youths and vulnerable children by advocating for the human rights of young people, women and children, raising awareness of the need for...

Disabled Refugees Projects (DRP)

The Disabled Refugees Projects (DRP) is a South African NGO that aims to to respond to critical issues affecting people living with disabilities in Gauteng, Johannesburg. The DRP advocates for their human rights, provides basic skills and organizes awareness campaigns to reduce their...


Sudmigration is an organisation based in Oran, Algeria established to assist would-be migrants from Africa to reclaim their dignity and to promote their human rights following violent treatment and hardship in their attempts to gain entry into Europe. The organisation, which is currently seeking...

Human trafficking and business: An E-learning course on how to prevent and combat human trafficking

The United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) and the End Human Trafficking Now! Campaign (EHTN!) have developed an eLearning course which is a modular training programme for business leaders, managers and employees of business companies.

LexisNexis Human Trafficking Awareness Index

The Human Trafficking Awareness Index uses the respected Nexis® service to track and analyze the volume of news articles related to human trafficking. It is hoped that the service will provide a valuable tool for campaigners looking to raise awareness of human trafficking on an ongoing basis.