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Human rights

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Pretty Development for Poverty Reduction

Pretty Development for Poverty Reduction (PDPR) is a Tanzanian NGO that serves women, children, young people and marginalized groups including small scale farmers and small businessmen in rural areas. The organization aims to provide aid on legal matters, support environmental conservation...


AJEAH is a Togolese NGO that works on issues related to human rights. The organisation promotes the protection of the environment, grass roots development, education and community health.

Cameroon Experiment in International Living Federation

The Cameroon Experiment in International Living Federation (CASICNET) is an NGO that promotes the rights and well being of young men and women, especially in rural areas, targeting the underprivileged including orphans and vulnerable children. The organisation works specifically in education and...

Net Organisation for Youth Empowerment and Development (NOYED-Ghana)

The Net Organization for Youth Empowerment and Development (NOYED–Ghana) is an NGO that serves as a voice for young people and champions their developmen.The organisation works on issues related to education, health, human rights, gender, good governance and livelihood development, largely through...

Ukhondo Services Foundation

The Ukhondo Services Foundation (USEF) is a Malawian NGO that is dedicated to integrated community development through the provision of safe drinking water, promotion of sanitation and hygiene, conservation of the environment and implementing projects aimed at mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDs. GG

Ved International Society

Ved International Society is an Indian NGO that organises discussion forums, seminars, rallies, and medical camps. The Society also distributes books and clothes and holds tree planting drives. In addition, the Society provides vocational training and has run various campaigns on anti-corruption, ...

Huqooq-ul-Ebad Development Foundation (HEDF)

Huqooq-ul-Ebad Development Foundation (HEDF) is a Pakistani NGO that works for undeveloped and marginalised groups. HEDF seeks particularly to empower women from marginalized segments of the target communities. The organisation has campaigned against corruption, provided support to people...

Vivian Karimi Foundation

The Vivian Karimi Foundation is a Christian NGO in Kenya that promotes access to education, and provides basic needs and psychosocial support to girls. The Foundation sponsors vocational training and education programmes and encourages self-employment. The Foundation also assists refugees,...

Deepam Trust

Deepam Trust is an Indian NGO working among rural people, especially women and children, for socio-economic empowerment.

Reach Out to Deaf Children in Busoga - Uganda (RODCIBU)

Reach Out to Deaf Children in Busoga - Uganda (RODCIBU) is an NGO that advocates and lobbies for the rights of deaf children, and provides vocational skills and sign language training for deaf children and their parents.

Calvary Rural Evangelical Fellowship ( CREF )

CREF as a charitable voluntary organization and Gospel-Centered and Evangelical Christian ministry was legally registered in the year 2009 in Andhra Pradesh, South India. CREF resolutely believes that it will be an effaceable iniquity if we do not lend a hand of support to the needy. Thus joining...

Association for Sustainable Development Livelihood Initiatives (SUSTAIN Cameroon)

The Association for Sustainable Development Livelihood Initiatives (SUSTAIN Cameroon) is an NGO that aims to bring about lasting and positive change to the country's most vulnerable people by helping them to acquire the education, skills and resources necessary to build secure and peaceful lives ...

Persatuan Bimbingan Kemajuan Kanak-kanak, Remaja dan Wanita, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan

The Persatuan Bimbingan Kemajuan Kanak-kanak, Remaja dan Wanita, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan is an organisation established by a group of friends from the minority Indian community in Malaysia. The organisation aims to work oj community development, particularly for women and young girls, and has...

Seeds of Hope Foundation

Seeds of Hope Foundation is an international human rights, advocacy, and development organization working with the marginalized communities in Pakistan. SOHF offers education, training, and health counseling to those in need through various campaigns and projects, and makes people aware of...

Horn of Africa Peace Network (HAPEN)

The Horn of Africa Peace Network (HAPEN) is an NGO based in Kenya that aims to build peace and security through working with local communities to improve their living conditions. The organisation focuses on livelihood development, water and sanitation projects, education and advocacy.

Rural Women Centre for Education and Development (RuWCED)

The Rural Women Centre for Education and Development (RuWCED) is a Cameroonian NGO that promotes the health, education, livelihoods and human rights of rural women and children. The organisation is dedicated to education, advocacy, research, service provision and networking.

National Women's Welfare Society

The National Women’s Welfare Society is an Indian NGO that works for the rights of Muslim women and children, in particular, widows, divorcees and deserted women. The organisation also seeks to influence policy towards its client groups through lobbying and advocacy.

Social and Healthy Action for Rural Empowerment (SHARE)

Social and Healthy Action for Rural Empowerment (SHARE) is an Indian NGO that aims to assist communities living in remote hilly areas of the country. SHARE organizes health and medical camps, awareness drives and education campaigns, and works on water related issues and training programmes...

Isore Women Initiative for Sustainable Development

Isore Women Initiative for Sustainable Development (IWNSUDE) is a Ugandan NGO that works on advocacy and capacity building programmes.

Prime Welfare Foundation

The Prime Welfare Foundation is a Pakistani NGO that promotes volunteerism in Pakistan. The Foundation has a particular interest in human rights, economic development, education and health in rural areas.