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Human rights

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United Social Welfare Society

The United Social Welfare Society is an NGO in the Punjab, Pakistan. The Society works for and with marginalised communities, advocating for change and helping to build/strengthen existing social institutions. The Society also aims to provide clean water and sanitation, to work on mother and child...

Peace and Community Development Initiative (PCDI)

The Peace and Community Development Initiative (PCDI) is an NGO based in Kisoro, Uganda. The organisation aims to equip the community with knowledge, skills and resources to establish peace and the maintenance of justice, and to assist in eradicating poverty. PCDI runs programmes in leadership...

International Centre For Environment,Social and Policy Studies (ICESPS)

The International Centre For Environment,Social and Policy Studies (ICESPS) is an NGO based in Kenya established to address environmental, social and sustainable development issues. The Centre is involved in consultancy, training, research and project implementation, and provides detailed...

Global Unification The Gambia

Global Unification The Gambia (GU) is a chapter of Global Unification International (GUI) in Australia. The organisation is a youth-led research and development NGO at the University of the Gambia. In partnership with relevant institutions, the organisation aims to provide education and...

Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

The Pan American Health Organisation is the regional office of the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the Americas. PAHO recognizes that health is a necessary pre-condition for securing development. Health facilitates economic growth, reduces poverty, advances education, preserves the...

The MDG Achievement Fund

The MDG Achievement Fund is an international cooperation mechanism whose aim is to accelerate progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) worldwide. It supports national governments, local authorities and citizen organizations in their efforts to tackle poverty and inequality. The Fund...

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that...

National Civil Society Consortium (CONGAD)

CONGAD is a consortium of 178 national NGOs, both foreign and international. The consortium headquartered in Senegal aims to develop dialogue and exchanges between NGOs, to promote international solidarity between NGOs and grassroots organisations, defend the interests of NGOs and mobilize around...

Buwama Community Development Organisation (BUCODEO)

The Buwama Community Development Organisation (BUCODEO) is a Ugandan NGO engaged in fostering community development by working in a number of areas including food security, advocating civil and social rights, education for marginalized children, HIV/AIDS and environmental conservation. ...

Oxfam GB - Yemen

Oxfam is a development and relief agency that helps people worldwide in the struggle against poverty by finding lasting solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice. In Yemen, Oxfam focuses on women's rights, healthcare, education, disaster preparedness and helping people have a say on issues that...

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - Algeria

UNICEF is an international aid agency which prioritizes on children's health, education, equality and protection, with HIV/AIDS, refugees, infant mortality and girls' education. Under the cooperation program UNICEF-Algeria, survival and child development, quality education, child protection,...

Fondation des Femmes pour l'Action au Développement

Fondation des Femmes pour l'Action au Développement is a network of 4 women-based CBOs working on gender issues, the environment, health and community development in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation works with partners on human rights and solidarity.

Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition

The Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition is a conglomeration of more than 350 civil organisations in Zimbabwe working together to bring about democratic change in Zimbabwe. The Coalition works on human rights issues, democratic governance, political freedom, women's rights, electoral reform, and...

Danish Agency for International Development Assistance (DANIDA)

Danish Agency for International Development Assistance (DANIDA) provides critical investments in education and health, infrastructure plus support for the development of a private sector as an engine for growth. Also DANIDA promotes respect for human rights and poverty reduction for women and their...

The Genocide Intervention Network (GI-NET)

The Genocide Intervention Network (or GI-NET) is a non-profit organization that envisions a world in which the global community is willing and able to protect civilians from genocide and mass atrocities. Its current mission is to empower individuals and communities with the tools to prevent and...

Asian Women's Empowerment Project

Women's NGO that aims to empower female immigrant workers from Southeast Asia and reduce their exploitation within the sex industry

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - Philippines

USAID is an independent agency that supports long-term economic and social development through policy dialogue, conflict prevention, technology transfer in sectors such as health, agriculture, education and housing, and promotion of trade and investment. U.S. assistance is channeled through...

Information and Documentation Center on Child Rights (IDCCR) - Moldova

The Information and Documentation Center on Child Rights (IDCCR) - Moldova contributes to the implementation of the "UN Convention on the Rights of the Child" in Moldova by providing information services and support for children's participation initiatives. The organization works to change...

Action Aid International

An independent international organisation aiming to fight causes of poverty and social exclusion. They focus on the people that others forget. People in poverty. People who face discrimination. People whose voices are ignored. They help people fight for the rights that they are denied. Simple...

Canadian Centre for International Studies and Cooperation(CECI)

The Canadian Center for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping poor countries and communities through the promotion of human rights, raising funds for development projects, and implementing humanitarian initiatives. Established in 1958, this...