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Human rights

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Oxfam - Ireland

Oxfam Ireland is part of Oxfam International, a confederation of 14 organisations working worldwide to combat poverty and to promote social justice. Oxfam Ireland works with local partner organisations, particularly in East, Central and Southern Africa, to develop effective solutions to poverty...

Department of Foreign Affairs - Ireland

The Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland is responsible for advising the Irish Government on all aspects of foreign policy and for coordinating the official response to international developments. The Department also provides legal information and advice, particularly on matters of public...

Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)

Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) is an independent non-partisan organization devoted to protecting and promoting human rights and civil liberties in Israel and in the territories under its control. ACRI's work encompasses litigation and legal advocacy, education, and public outreach as...

Child Watch Phuket

Child Watch Phuket (CW) is a Thai NGO established in 1998 to promote the welfare and rights of children in Thailand. The organisation provides child care, free healthcare and basic education for deprived and abused children. CW has carried out research for UNICEF, and runs a safe house for abused...

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - Yemen

UNICEF is an international aid agency that works with communities and governments in 191 countries for the survival, development and protection of children worldwide, upholding the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The priorities of the programme are children's health, education, equality and...

OneWorld South Asia (OWSA)

OneWorld works in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for sustainable development and human rights. The OneWorld network disseminates relevant and topical information to audiences worldwide on development issues, makes technology work for the people at the grassroots and...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office (IAPSO) (Nordic Liaison Office)

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the United Nations' global development network,advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to build a better life. The Nordic Liaison Office represents the UNDP in the Nordic countries, with offices in...


CORD operates across the spectrum of violent conflict from displacement to repatriation, and from rehabilitation to the re-development of conflict-damaged communities. CORD’s key sectors are education and livelihoods. CORD's work also addresses the cross-cutting issues of child protection, gender...

Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA)

Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA) is a membership organisation working with the people of southern Africa for justice, democracy and development in the region. ACTSA keeps Southern Africa in the public and political spotlight through lobbying, publication of reports and media work. ACTSA also...

Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia

Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia (PDCS) is an independent civic association, working as a nonpartisan non-governmental educational institution within the international network Partners for Democratic Change (PDC). PDCS aims to help create and spread democratic approaches to conflict...

International Crisis Group (ICG) - Algeria Programme

International Crisis Group (ICG) - Algeria Programme monitors the state's efforts to overcome a decade of civil war, and suggests ways of accelerating and managing the transition to a law-bound government. ICG's Algeria Programme's reports seek to disentangle and highlight the root causes of the...

Open Society Forum

The Open Society Forum promotes active civic participation in Mongolian political and social life. The successor of the Mongolian Foundation for Open Society, the forum builds on the legacy of the foundation’s work. It provides a physical and virtual space for high-quality policy research and...

Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC)

The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) will promote the development of, and support specific legal service and resource programmes promoting self-help at the local level. ALRC will also seek to strengthen and encourage positive action on legal and human rights issues by the bar and other legal...

Asia Foundation - Thailand

The Asia Foundation is an American NGO committed to the development of a prosperous and open Asia-Pacific region. The four areas of particular interest to the Foundation are governance, law and civil society; women's participation; economic reform and development; and international development. The...

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - Slovakia

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)is an international aid agency, established in the aftermath of the second world war to provide food, clothing and shelter for children affectedby disease and famine. This mandate was extended indefinitely in 1953, and UNICEF now works in 191 countries...


Landesa is an international nonprofit organization working to secure land rights for the world's poorest people, those 3.4 billion chiefly rural people who live on less than $2 a day. The organization’s attorneys have helped tackle the land problem with great effect, using law and policy to confer...

ONE Campaign

The ONE Campaign is an international, nonpartisan, non-profit organization which aims to increase government funding for and effectiveness of international aid programs. ONE is an organization which attempts to mobilize supporters around its issues and organize them into a lobbying force, with the...

Amnesty International - Philippines

Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognised human rights. AI-Philippines' focuses on campaigns in the country and around the region on issues that include the death penalty, juvenile justice, women's rights, child soldiers, extra-judicial...

Centre Europe - Tiers Monde (CETIM)

Centre Europe - Tiers Monde (CETIM)(European Third World Centre) is a Swiss NGO whose primary concern is the search for alternatives capable of ensuring the survival and development of countries of the south by encouraging critical debate between institutions in the north and the south. CETIM's...

Calvary Ministries (CAPRO)

Calvary Ministries (CAPRO) is a non-denominational organisation which performs missionary work as well as humanitarian aid projects. CAPRO targets unreached ethnic groups within a country for effective evangelism, discipleship and church planting. In countries where there is a strong Christian...