Information and communications technologies
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Eden Gumbesi Children Centre

Eden Gumbesi is an International Non-Governmental Organization started in 2009 and became legally registered in 2013 under section 10 of the Non-Governmental Organization Coordination Act in Kenya. The establishment of the Center was in response to devastating Risk behaviours, lack of health...
Uganda Agri-Tourism Network (UATNET)
Uganda Agri-tourism Network is Non Governmental Organisation Specializing in National and International Agri-Tourism. The organisation has an objective of exposing local farmers from rural and urban areas in Uganda to new Agricultural Technologies, Methods and Practices of farming. These include...
Basket of Hope Charity organization for children and women in Liberia

The Basket of Hope Charity Organization for Children and Women in Liberia (Basket of Hope Liberia) is a Liberian National Non-governmental Organization NGO that is in search of International partnership and project implementation or charity donation for needed and vulnerable people in society. This...
FEDA (Femmes et Education des Adultes)

FEDA was created on September 8, 2007 at the occasion of International Literacy Day following the needs of providing education and income opportunities to women, who were denied an education as a result of confict and now need support to help re-build their lives. FEDA recognizes Education as a...
Sebika Songstha(SS)

Sebika Songstha (SS) is a Non - Government voluntary Organization (NGO) established in 1987 with an aim to dedicate its mission towards the development of the poor. Sebika Songstha (SS) has been working with the aim to establish human rights and justice especially for the neglected and deprived...
Women Empowerment Literacy and Development Organization

WELDO is a leading not-for-profit developmental organization rendering valuable services to the development sector in Pakistan since 2003. WELDO is the only women organization in Pakistan working on a wide array of areas like Gender, Energy, Responsible Trade, Tobacco Control and Research &...
Planet Of Hope Organization

Planet of Hope organization, based in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, is a charitable organization providing training to street football teams. They support vulnerable group like orphans, disable group and elders. They also provide home base care and help advertising tours and safari for charity. ...
Tororo Women And Disabled Person Development Initiative (TWADDI)

TWADDI (Tororo Women and Disability Persons Development Initiative) purpose and vision is transforming the community which is much stricken by poverty, illiteracy, and poor sanitation and environmentally destructed. TWADDI was established as an autonomous organization but coordinate and work with...
Foundation for Development and Relief Africa (FIDRA)

Established in 2011, Foundation for Development and Relief Africa (FIDRA) formally known as FDR AFRICA is a community based local organization situated in the post conflict affected Northern Uganda. The organization has committed itself and built a solid reputation focusing on eradicating poverty,...
Chak Kumar Association for Social Service

Paschim Medinipur is the biggest district in West Bengal where people are mostly poor and backward and living in villages. Lots of frustrated unemployed youth are being exploited and found helpless. A few enlightened & energetic youths formed the foundation in the year 1994 to undertake some...
Beacon Foundation for Research and Development.

Beacon Foundation for Research and Development (BFRD) is promoting social change in our society. BFRD is Non-political, Non-Government, Non-profit, Secular Development Oriented Organization formed by a group of highly motivated Professionals and Volunteers. BFRD aims to help the under privileged....
International Development Partnerships

International Development Partnerships (IDP) is a UK-registered NGO working with some of the poorest communities in rural Ethiopia, providing them with the basic services they need to help them fight poverty. IDP aims to provide affordable health care, a clean and reliable water supply, hygienic...
The Other Side of the Tracks

The Other Side of the Tracks is a media and marketing consulting business. The company offers to assist the development of NGOs and other not-for-profit organisations at discounted rates on conditions explained on its website.

GTG INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION is an NGO registered in Uganda (2016), whose role and strategy for sustainable development has gained roots for more than 12 years of existence in Uganda and beyond, with steady partnerships of like minded local and global organisations. GTG International...
Divine Mercy Tooro Empowering Youth and Orphans

This organization aims to be an empowered caring and self supporting community that responds to the needs of most vulnerable youth, orphans and children in Uganda. Its mission is to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable youth, orphans and children through increased access to health,...
People Empowering People International

People Empowering People(PEP) is an indigenous Non Governmental Organisation(NGO) Not-for-Profit operating in Arua District, the sub-counties of Rigbo, Rhinocamp, Ogoko and Pawor. These subcounties are in Lower Madi Constituency with higher poverty indices in the District. Yet the biggest natural...
Quaker United Nations Office

QUNO staff work with people in the UN, multilateral organisations, government delegations, and non-governmental organisations, to achieve changes in international standards and practice. Quakers are known for speaking out against injustice and war - issues that are incompatible with our vision of a...

We give professional IT training to the less privileged in rural areas. We also provide training for pupils in primary school who don't have resources to register for industries standard IT training. More so, we assist students in public secondary school and also give discounted trainings to...
Research Institute for Development,Communication and School Partnership (RIDCSP)
The Research Institute for Development, Communication and School Partnership (RIDCSP) is an NGO in Cameroon that aims to meet the needs of local communities through education and research. It is a development oriented organisation with a focus on the promotion of education, research, communication...

HARITIKA works with people whose lives are dominated by extreme poverty, illiteracy, disease and other handicaps. With multifaceted development interventions, HARITIKA strives to bring about positive change in the quality of life of the poor people of BUNDELKHAND region of UP and MP. HARITIKA...