Information and communications technologies
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Worldwide embassy information
These websites provide information about embassies and consulates in different countries around the world.
LexisNexis Human Trafficking Awareness Index
The Human Trafficking Awareness Index uses the respected Nexis® service to track and analyze the volume of news articles related to human trafficking. It is hoped that the service will provide a valuable tool for campaigners looking to raise awareness of human trafficking on an ongoing basis.
Technology Donation Guidelines
These guidelines refer to an American community school, but may be useful to donors who wish to donate technological hardware to NGOs or similar organisations.
Socially Inclusive Business: Engaging the Poor through Market Initiatives in Iberoamerica
The first section of this chapter defines its object and the main research questions that guided the researchers' collective efforts. is a website and blog bringing together the community of business leaders, social entrepreneurs, NGOs, policy makers and academics who want to explore the connection between development and enterprise. It is a discussion forum, networking space and knowledge base for individuals...
Publications on PPPs and Inclusive Business
Many agencies are working to build a vibrant private sector, and to partner with business for development goals. But donor coordination is only possible if agencies share a ‘world view’ on how to do this most effectively. The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) works to build that...
United Nations World Summit on the Information Society
The United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was established by the UN General Assembly to develop a better understanding of the information revolution and its impact on the international community. Objectives of the summit, held in 2 phases during 2003 and 2005, were (1) to...
Time and
This site gives the time and date in any country or city in the world. Allows the user to view the time in every country at once.
Sierra Leone Information System (SLIS)
Sierra Leone Information System (SLIS) was established to implement a simple and robust management information system that could draw primarily on data already collected by the humanitarian community and the Government. SLIS's aim is to develop sustainable solutions which are primarily geared...
Dubai International Humanitarian & Re-Development Conference & Exhibition (DIHAD) 1-3 April 2012
DIHAD is a humanitarian aid, disaster management and re-development event that takes place in Dubai every year. DIHAD is recognised as the leading humanitarian event in the region and aims to help facilitate a greater and more efficient relationship between aid agencies, NGO's, suppliers and needy...
Real Access Criteria
Real Access Criteria are used to frame the analysis of all issues surrounding ICT access and use, including the aspects that are often overlooked. They are designed to anticipate or detect the reasons that ICT development initiatives, government e-strategies, or grassroots projects fail to achieve...
Food Sustainability: a Guide to the Private Sector
A practical and illustrative guide for businesses that presents sets of inspirational examples of how companies can contribute to sustainable food production and supply. Examples cover various sectors and show actions of small companies as well as multinational corporations from around the world. ...
Joining Forces for Change: Demonstrating Innovation and Impact through UN-Business Partnerships
Joining Forces for Change: Demonstrating Innovation and Impact through UN-Business Partnerships, a publication by the UN Global Compact Office, presents a case for partnering with the UN in addition to listing case studies of successful UN-business partnerships. The partnerships presented in the...
India 2001 Earthquake Case Study
India 2001 Earthquake Case Study, by the IBM Crisis Response Team, provides advice and lists some basic guidelines for those working in the disaster areas.
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are recommendations addressed by governments to multinational enterprises operating in or from adhering countries. They provide voluntary principles and standards for responsible business conduct in a variety of areas including employment and industrial...
Twelve Habits of Highly Effective ICT-Enabled Development Initiatives
Twelve Habits of Highly Effective ICT-Enabled Development Initiatives are a set of best practice guidelines for project management, which aim to ensure the internal health of initiatives harnessing ICT for development. Like the Real Access criteria, the 12 Habits can be used proscriptively for...
Flood Observatory - Dartmouth
Flood Observatory - Dartmouth detects, maps, measures, and analyzes extreme flood events worldwide using satellite remote sensing. Imaging of selected river reaches is used to detect floods and extreme low flow conditions. The Observatory also provides yearly catalogues, large-scale maps, and...
Centers for International Trade Development (CITD) - Trade Information Database
Centers for International Trade Development (CITD) is a California based agency which provides information and tools to train and prepare individuals / companies for international trade. The site also has some useful links to Export/Import Guides and to the US Customs Guide to Importing and...
Iran's Export-Import Regulations
This is an internet directory which lists rules and regulations for importing and exporting goods in Iran. It provides internet resources on conditions and regulations in Iran.
Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network (NTEN) - Nonprofit Technology Conference, New Orleans, 17-19 March, 2011
NTEN is an association of professionals and technology providers seeking to improve the nonprofit sector's use of technology. Effective technology can help nonprofits to achieve greater social impact. At the annual technology conference, breakout groups are scheduled, including topics such as...