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HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical

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Amazing Saving Grace

Amazing Saving Grace is a Christian NGO in Ghana that works on issues related to education, health and agriculture, and the provision of micro-credit for vulnerable women. Its target groups include needy children, desperate young people, street children, rural youths, people living with HIV and...

Zabibu Community Centre

Zabibu Community Centre is a Kenyan NGO established by young residents of the Kibera slums. The Centre and is dedicated to working with children, young adults, families and communities to overcome poverty and unite the community in peaceful coexistence. The Centre aims to empower young people by...

TFE10 Trading Ltd

TFE10 Trading Ltd is an independent medical device company based in the UK supplying a range of innovative, cost effective products to the healthcare industry globally

IHOPE Foundation

IHOPE Foundation is a Kenyan NGO working to improve rural health through creative and innovative approaches targeting the most at risk population. Thematic areas include health, reproductive health, OVC support, water sanitation and health education, and the environment.

Child Welfare Society

The Child Welfare Society is a Sierra Leonean NGO that focuses on the development and welfare of vulnerable children including street children and children who have been abandoned, abused, war affected and neglected. The Society aims to support the efforts of Government and development partners...

Kamonkoli Youth Training Centre (KYTC)

Kamonkoli Youth Training Centre (KYTC) is a Ugandan NGO. Its primary objective is to support young mothers, disadvantaged youths, destitute children and elderly persons by providing skills training. The organisation would also like to set up a youth information centre to collect and disseminate ...

Ostomy Lifestyle

Ostomy Lifestyle is a UK charity that provides support, advice and information to anyone affected by stoma surgery on their bowel or urinary system. The charity seeks to empower people, enabling them to make informed choices and to communicate frankly about all aspects of stoma surgery; and...

Mbonweh Women's Development Association

The Mbonweh Women's Development Association is a women-led NGO in Cameroon that strives for equal justice and fair treatment of all irrespective of gender. The Association works a range of initiatives including education and vocational training, sustainable agriculture, women's empowerment,...

Helping Children

Helping Chldren is a Sri Lankan NGO that focuses on children and young people. The organisation is involved in a range of programmes including early childhood development, protection of children's rights, protection of the environment, entrepreneurial development, education and training, health...

Mwosieta Company Ltd.

The Mwosieta Company Ltd is a Kenyan company that markets Freedays sanitary pads in the slums of Nairobi.

Centre for Youth Development

The Centre for Youth Development is an NGO in Malawi that works on youth empowerment. The organisation advocates for the protection and promotion of the human rights of young people and children, lobbies the government and other stakeholders on climate change, and provides information HIV/AIDS,...

Carry a Smile Foundation

The Carry a Smile Foundation is a Gambian NGO involved in issues related to child protection,health care,and education.

Busoga Integrated Development and Care Foundation

Busoga Integrated Development and Care Foundation (BIDCAF) is a Christian Ugandan NGO established to serve marginalised and deprived members of the community. BIDCAF runs a number of programmes focusing on its target groups, including people living with HIV/AIDS, orphans and women: the Orphans...

Producers of Natural Herbal Solutions ( PONAS )

Producers of Natural Herbal Solutions ( PONAS )is a Cameroonian NGO whose members are traditional herbal medicine researchers, producers, hospital practitioners and suppliers of herbs, herbal products and spices. The organisation produces traditional herbal medicines from natural...


BOLHY is a Senegalese company involved in the establishment and development of health facilities for African urban and rural areas.

Nulu Elderly Foundation

The Nulu Elderly Foundation is an organisation in Jinja,Uganda that aims to assist the elderly.

HELP for Peace

HELP for Peace is an NGO in the Philippines that cares for people affected in complex health emergencies and disasters. The organisaion also works on community health development. Its flagship programme is the Barefoot Doctors programme (villagers empowered to care and heal in their own...

Moonlight Friends Self Help Group

The Moonlight Friends Self Help (MFSH) is a Kenyan NGO that works on HIV/AIDS related issues. Currently, the Group is mobilising and scaling up a community based response to orphans and vulnerable children through a project called " The Six Services Key Areas" funded by AMPATH/USAID.

Asha Kiran (A Rural Development Organisation)

Asha Kiran (A Rural Development Organisation is a Indian NGO based in Andhra Pradesh. The organisation works for the development of the rural poor, the downtrodden and underprivileged members of the community, especially women and children. Projects include issues related to health, education,...

Hands of Hope Africa

Hands of Hope Africa is a women led NGO in Uganda. The organisation focuses on community empowerment, women and children's rights, girl child education, climate change and adaptation, and peace and conflict management.