HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical
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VisionSpring creates a new method of distributing reading glasses in India and other developing countries

This video introduces VisionSpring, a project jointly implemented by the SCOJO Foundation, Goldman Sachs, and various other groups in the private sector.
Body Shop & MTV partner with NGO to help prevent HIV/AIDS
To illustrate the power of the word Yes when it comes to safe sex, The Body Shop and MTV Networks International have created a one minute promotional film, "Yes, Yes, Yes to Safe Sex". The film shows young people from different backgrounds illustrating the film's message in various ways.
Coca-Cola joins with 46664 in the fight against HIV/AIDS
46664 has partnered with Coca-Cola South Africa to produce a campaign that gives voice and support to initiatives that fight against one of the greatest issues facing people living in Africa today -- HIV/AIDS.
LifeSpring Hospital CARES

This video was shot in Hyderabad for LifeSpring Hospital and introduces the mission and beliefs of the hospital.
Distribution of self-adjustable glasses in Manado, Indonesia

This video is about another project done by Kopernik to distribute self-adjustable glasses to poor communities in Manado.