HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical
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Literates Welfare Association (LAW)

The Literates Welfare Association (LAW) is an NGO in Tamilnadu, India, working for the welfare of the downtrodden especially dalits, women, marginal landholders, landless peasants, and underprivileged children. Among the current programmes sponsored by the organisation are the following:...
Christian Organization for the Child and Sustainable Development- International

The Christian Organization for the Child and Sustainable Development- International COCSD-INTEL is an NGO in Zambia. The organisation aims to fight against discrimination, hunger, disease, malnutrition, illiteracy, domestic violence, child abuse and stigma. Its target groups are orphans, women,...
Mountains of Hope Children's Ministries
Mountains of Hope Children’s Ministries is an NGO that cares for orphans and destitute children in Uganda. Currently, the organisation cares for 28 children in its orphanage, and runs three programmes: the necklace project, where children are taught to make necklaces that can be sold to raise money...
Solidarité Internationale pour l'Afrique

Solidarité Internationale pour l'Afrique (SIA) is a Malian NGO engaged in relief and development work in poor rural communities. SIA aims to contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of rural populations. Target groups are children and adolescents and young farmers' organisations....
Somali Welfare Organisation

The Somali Welfare Organisation is an active national NGO that has gained wide recognition for its social, economic and rehabilitative development initiatives. The organisation focuses on poverty eradication, the fight against chronic hunger and on empowering low income earners, vulnerable, women...
Redemption Research for Health and Educational Development Society (RRHEDS)

The Redemption Research for Health and Educational Development Society (RRHEDS) is an Indian NGO based in Andhra Pradesh. The organization provides services in the fields of education, health and housing, water and sanitation, environment, rural development and animal welfare,disaster management...
Kisumu Disabled Self-Help Group (KIDSEG)

Organization profile Kisumu Disabled Self help Group is a community development organization which was founded and registered in 2003 by young people with disabilities who had a common goal and a mission to involve young people with disabilities in activities that promote dignity and well being...
Kenya Community Health Network

Kenya Community Health Network (KCHN) is a national NGO. The Network works on increased access to quality health care for all, and promotes access to and management of safe and adequate water.
Qendra Shqiptare per Integrimin e Njerezve me Nevoja te Veçanta

Qendra Shqiptare per Integrimin e Njerezve me Nevoja te Veçanta is the Albanian Center for the Integration of People with Special Needs (ACIPSN). Based in Elbasan, Albania. We are a non-profit organization founded by parents of children with special needs. This organization was created with the...
ALE Center Inc (Angelica Louise Education Center)
Angelica Louise Education Center (ALE Center,) Inc is a non-profit education center for mothers and children in the Philippines. The Center runs a preschool education and nutrition programme, aiming not only to provide daycare for the children and literacy classes but also to increase community...
Olancho Aid Foundation, Inc.

The Olancho Aid Foundation has created an economically sustainable community in Olancho, Honduras that provides families an opportunity to stay well, stay together and an option to stay at home. The Foundation accomplishes it’s work through a partnership with the Catholic Diocese of Juticalpa. It...
Future Leaders Children Academy

The main purpose of the academy is to reach he most marginalized children and provide quality care and services unavailable to them while concentrating resources in Early Childhood Development within the context of families and community by providing children between 0-5 years with stimulus, tools...
Caritas Internationalis - Bolivia

Pastoral Social Caritas is an institution of the Catholic Church, self-sustainable, transparent and consolidated in its internal structure, reference at the national level in the animation and promotion of Integral Human Development and the Care of Creation, which contributes to forging a...
CARE International - Guatemala

CARE is one of the world's largest private international humanitarian organisations, committed to helping families in poor communities improve their lives and achieve lasting victories over poverty. With programmes in over 87 countries, CARE touches the lives of over 82 million of the world's...
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Ecuador

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged outside the country. In Ecuador, CRS supports initiatives that respond to the needs of the poorest and enhances their capacity to improve family incomes, health and...
Hearts of Care Orphan Project

The project aims at providing primary, secondary and vocational educational services to orphaned and underprivileged children and youths in the local community.
Health And Development Agency for Community Empowerment
HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT (HADACE Uganda) targets to promote efforts that empower the community with focus on capacity building in Humanitarian work, Agriculture, Health, Human rights, Education, Environment and advocacy for multi-sectoral approaches to community...
Ambassadors of God Organisation

The Ambassador of God Organisation was set up to fulfill the following missions : 1. To perform works of charity and promote youth empowerment and self-reliance as agreed by the Organization 2. To gather aid for the underprivileged in the society, and also offer necessary guidance and...
Humaniterian Development Center (HUDEC)

Humaniterian Development Center (HUDEC) is a community development organisation established in 2018 and registered at the district level of Mbale. It was formed by the Imams, Sheikhs and community leaders of Mbale and Sironko to run activities such as education, orphan care, water and sanitation,...
Zidan Benevolence International

Zidan Benevolence International is a local community based organization that works to fight against pediatric HIV and AIDS, and operates in Buikwe district to provide HIV prevention, care and treatment services for women, children, and families. In order to achieve the mission, Zidan Benevolence...