HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical
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Gilead Global Initiative For The Less Privileged
Gilead Global Initiative for the Less Privileged (GiGILEP) is a Non-profit Organization with a mandate to bring healing to the physically, spiritually, socially and economically less privileged in our society. GiGILEP is incorporated in Nigeria in 2009 in accordance with the Companies and Allied...
Green Future Dream Initiative

Green Future Dream Initiative is a non-profit, non-governmental organization whose primary aim is to join and contribute the government effort to help and expand the community development capabilities and to empower communities to address public health priorities and to access quality health...
JOMIGO Family Enterprises
JOMIGO FAMILY ENTERPRISES is a comprehensive community engagement initiative with a wide range of unique and strategic agricultural activities to polarize the neighborhood families into meaningful actions for survival and positive livelihood transformation. The vision of the enterprise is to...
Rural Care Ministries

Rural Care Ministries is a registered not for profit organization in India. The ministries is conducting education, health (HIV) and environmental care, women empowerment and community development programmes in Guntur district rural areas in India.
Global Minder Cameroon
Globalminder Cameroon is an apolitical, non-profit making civil society organization which started in 2003 under the name Forestry and Environmental Conservation Society (FOECONS) with registration number G39/10/014/5/113/04 and legalized under country laws in 2004 and recognized under the law NO...
Life Line Trust

Life Line Trust was set up to help poor Women and Children. The trust is now in need of donation. The money raised will be used for the caring and develop of children's and women empowerment. In India, there are lots of poor peoples who cannot meet their needs, they need some help to develop their...
Kshek Junior School

Kshek Junior School is a community initiative started in 2016 to create social, economic transformation by educating the less fortunate children in the communities of Kapchorwa District, Uganda. The school aims to provide quality education that will nurture, guide and train children to be God...
Uganda United Skills Trainers Association Community Based Organisation

Uganda United Skills Trainers is a community based organization with over 1000 or more beneficiaries. The organization aims to empower, support and economically build a group of self-reliant youth, young mothers, vulnerable children, disabled, prostitutes and women who are sustainably contributing...
Front Eye For Rural Empowerment & Development (FERED)

FERED intends to operate in the entire West Nile region in the Northern part of Uganda. FERED is yet a newly founded Community Based Organization that intends to serve Host and Refugee Communities In the West Nile Region of Uganda. The organization is founded by qualified personnel in the field of...
TWGHs Jockey Club Rehabilitation Complex
TWGHs Jockey Club Rehabilitation Complex, under Tung Wah’s community services, aims at providing a spectrum of social welfare services catering to the needs of the disabled in accordance with the main theme “Quality Care, Holistic Development”.
St. Mary's Orphans Educational Trust SOET
St. Mary’s Orphans Education Trust was established and registered as Community Based Organisation (CBO) in March 2008 to help the disadvantaged children and their mothers/caregivers become self-reliant and resourceful to their respective communities. Mission To facilitate all African...
International Humanity Foundation

The International Humanity Foundation (IHF)is an American NGO that aims to educate the poor and also to educate the world about the poor. ITF runs a number of programmes staffed by volunteers in Indonesia, Kenya and Thailand, including an education programme, a feeding programme in Kenya, a...
Hope for a Better Future (H4BF-CAMEROON)

H4BF CAMEROON is a Non-Governmental Organization constituted by professionals since 2009 to meet up with the developmental challenges facing the Rural Communities in Cameroon, with commitment and professional inputs backed by professional knowledge of the development dynamics of the contemporary...
St. Henry's High School Kaboyo

St. Henry’s High School Kaboyo is a non government institution located in one rural environment of Kisekka Sub-county in Lwengo District. It was established with an aim of providing high quality education to the orphaned and vulnerable children ( OVC ) in the area. The school started as a...
Child Heart Foundation

Child Heart Foundation is a Delhi based registered Non Government organization. The foundation's work involves screening, diagnosis and treatment of children born with congenital heart diseases who are born in underprivileged families that cannot afford the treatment costs. They have already...
Uganda Professional Drivers' Network

UPDN is an umbrella organisation for drivers’ associations / organisations and related industry stakeholders. UPDN was established in 2015 and registered as a legal entity with the National NGO Board under the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2016. This was at a time when many drivers’ associations...
Babuyirana Women Group

Babuyirana Women Group is situated in Kasese municipality. Its service focuses on women in marginalised situation. Its work has been towards ending marginalisation among HIV stigmatized women. The objective is accomplished by empowering them with modernised basket weaving. The HIV stigmatized...
New Beginnings Children’s Village

Skills training: Supporting orphaned and vulnerable children through educational sponsorship and running of orphanage
Care against Rural Poverty-CARP

CARP is dedicated to empowering local people to tackle social injustice and build a better future that captures all and sundry. CARP is a newly established as Community Based Organization for non- profit, operating in Kambia District, in the North-western of Sierra Leone. It was formed out...
Not Just Tourists Toronto

Not Just Tourists is a branch of a volunteer-run NGO that operates in various cities in Canada. The organisation encourages people to be more than simply tourists. It accepts donated surplus unwanted medical supplies from home care patients, clinics and hospitals, and repacks them into suitcases...