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HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical

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Centre for Human Rights Protection (CHRiP)

The Centre for Human Rights Protection (CHRiP) is a Malawian NGO that aims to promote and protect the rights of vulnerable and voiceless groups through programmes that focus on democratic governance, child and women’s rights, legal assistance, HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health rights, and...

Glasgow International Medical Aid

Glasgow International Medical Aid is a Scottish NGO set up to improve access to medicines and medical supplies. The organisation aims to coordinate donated and purchased products for distribution in the developing world.

Hope for the Upcoming Generation (HUPGEN)

Hope for the Upcoming Generation (HUPGEN) is a Ugandan NGO that works of young people through the provision of skills. Currently, the organisation is involved in community mobilization; HIV/AIDS and other STDs awareness programmes; peer education for adolescent sexual and reproductive health;...

Institute for Development and Welfare Services (IDEWES)

The Institute for Development and Welfare Services (IDEWES) is a Kenyan NGO working in the Kibera area of Nairobi. The organisation runs a number of programmes including home based care, care and support for orphans and vulnerable children; reproductive health awareness; HIV/AIDS awareness and...

Samaritan Touch Organisation (STO)

The Samaritan Touch Organisation is a Christian NGO in the republic of South Sudan that aims to assist communities through working on education, child rights, gender based violence, HIV/AIDS, and other programmes.

Help and Save Development Organization (HASDO)

The Help and Save Development Organization (HASDO) is an NGO in Somalia. HASDO advocates for and supports vulnerable communities, including refugees,and pastoral communities.

Project Harar

Project Harar is an NGO with offices in the UK that works in the Oromia and Somali regions of Ethiopia, providing access to free surgical treatment for cleft lip and palate (CLP) and other facial conditions, available only in the capital city - Addis Ababa. The Project also builds capacity in local...

Opening the Door to Development Technology to Rural People (ODDTRP)

Opening the Door to Development Technology to Rural People (ODDTRP) is a NGO that works to change the structure and processes that perpetuate poverty and suffering among the economically poor, vulnerable, disadvantaged and marginalized groups in the community. They aim to mobilize...

Samara's Aid Appeal

Samara’s Aid Appeal is a new humanitarian NGO that has been sending relief goods to Iraq, Syria and Jordan since October 2014. The organisation is appealing for donation of medical and other items.

International Volunteers Initiatives

International Volunteers Initiatives is an NGO, aimed at improving the lives of all those in need in the local community. Specifically, we work with underprivileged groups such as women and children. Established to bring Western enthusiasm, expertise and passion to tackling some of the problems...

Janamangal (Centre for Independent Living)

Janamangal (Centre for Independent Living) is an Indian NGO that aims to help tribal women to improve their lives through training, counselling and entrepreneurship.

Women's Centers International

Women's Centers International (WCI) is an American NGO that develops community-based centres for women affected by chronic poverty and war. The centres provide training programmes that empower members to identify their potential and to create progressive and sustainable life and work options. Each...

Inter-Confessional AIDS Network (INTERNAP) Cameroon

Inter-Confessional AIDS Network (INTERNAP) CAMEROON is an organisation established by 4 faith-based women's organisations. The aim of the Network is to promote woman’s rights and to reduce the impact of HIV and AIDS transmission especially in rural communities in Cameroon, also to fight against...

Humanist Watch Salone

Humanist Watch Salone (HUWASAL) is an NGO in Sierra Leone. The organisation envisages a society that empowers marginalized people and vulnerable groups to participate fully in peaceful and sustainable development initiatives. HUWASAL works in war affected rural communities, designing and...

Bigogwe Trust

The Bigogwe Trust seeks to relieve sickness and to protect and preserve the health of people residing in the provinces of Gisenyi and Ruhengeri, Rwanda. This is achieved primarily through the work of the Bigogwe Health Centre.

Shines Children's Foundation

Shines children’s foundation (SCF) is a Ugandan NGO that works for disadvantaged children. The organisation supports and cares for orphans, vulnerable children, and the elderly.

Edem Children Foundation (ECF)

The Edem Children Foundation (ECF) is a Nigerian NGO that promotes the rights of women and children through education, training, research and other. The organisation focuses on reducing violence against women, children and young people, reducing the incidence and impact of HIV/AIDS on orphans and...

Volunteer Action for Change Kenya

Volunteer Action for Change Kenya (VACK) is an NGO that aims to offer opportunities for young men and women to become actively involved in the development process through volunteering. The organisation is also involved in capacity building and enterprise development. ...


CTECO is a Tanzanian NGO that aims to mobilize and sensitize the community in regard to problems in education, agriculture, science, health and business and entrepreneurship.

Me and You Child Aid Project ( MAYCAP)

Me and You Child Aid Project ( MAYCAP) is a Ugandan NGO that works for children's rights. It also works with orphans, HIV/AIDS affected children and street children.