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Disability issues

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Handi*Vangelism Ministries International (H*VMI)

Handi*Vangelism Ministries International (H*VMI)is a Ministry of Compassion, existing to share the love of the Lord Jesus Christ and to equip the church facilitates the provision of medical, educational, vocational and other rehabilitation services to street kids and homeless people with...

The Arc Mercer

The Arc Mercer is a private non-profit agency dedicated to reducing the incidence and limiting the consequences of developmental disabilities through prevention, education, and advocacy. Programs are provided for those who need them and opportunities for integration in the larger community are...

Odamiyat Association

Odamiyat Association assists the poor, disabled and elderly in Dushanbe, with a particular focus upon veterans. Odamiyat runs a medical clinic, food bank and social club for veterans and helps find employment opportunities for elderly veterans who need additional income to supplement their pensions.

Pader Orphans Caring Project

The Pader Orphans Caring Project is a Ugandan NGO that provides education, help and support for child victims of the conflict in the war torn regions of northen Uganda. Founded by a former child soldier, the oganisation helps to rehabilitate,reintegrate and educate the children.

Uwezekano Initiatives

Uwezekano Initiatives is a Kenyan NGO working with grassroots communities to promote socio-economic empowerment and development of the less priveledged. The organisation endeavours to develop knowledge and capacity of vulnerable groups through training,support and information sharing in order to...

Ever Prasinus Organisation

The Ever Prasinus Organisation is a Kenyan NGO that assists disabled children. The organisation is currently looking for partners for a waste recycling project.

World Vision - Philippines

World Vision is a Christian relief and development organisation working for the well being of all people, especially children. Through emergency relief, education, health care, economic development and through raising public awareness they seek to promote the situation of the needy and provide for...

Cornhouse Foundation

This German, Christian-based aid agency is involved in youth and adult education programmes, the prevention and therapy of addiction, networking with other NGOs, transportation of charitable goods and worldwide emergency aid.

Children's Medical Ministries (CMM)

Children's Medical Ministries (CMM) provide humanitarian aid including wheelchairs, prosthesis, and vitamin distribution to children in need and their families.

A Youth With A Mission (YWAM)

A Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is an international interdenominational Christian organisation dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. YWAM aims to spread the love of God through operating relief and development programs in over 100 countries, working among people living in desperate...

Give A Limb

Give a Limb is a South African NGO established to help people without limbs (arms/legs) by donating prosthetics. The organisation also engages in other disability-related activity.

Bashiran Munshi foundation(BMF)

The Bashiran Munshi Foundation (BMF) is an NGO based in Multan, Pakistan. The organisation works on disability, deprivation, education, displacement and destitution. It currently provides mother and child health care and facilities for drug addicts and runs free medical camps providing free...

Kiya Survivors

Kiya Survivors is an organisation focused on the educational welfare of special-needs, abused and abandoned children (but also offering support to young and violated women, and families living in severe poverty). Aside from these services, Kiya also provides its child beneficiaries with food...

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

UNHCR is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. It strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in...

Makhir Community Organisation

Makhir Community Organisation is an NGO based in the UK, currently working to build a higher educational college in Somalia. The organisation also assists the elderly and disabled children. It also helps schools for children with uniforms and books.

Afoni Children of Hope Foundation (ACOHOF)

Afoni Children of Hope Foundation (ACOHOF) is an NGO in Cameroon. . ACOHOF works with HIV/AIDS orphans, underprivileged children (OVCs, poor and street children), children suffering from Muscular Dystrophy and similar diseases, those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS and fights stigma and...

United Nations Joint Logistics Centre (UNJLC) - Indian Ocean

UN Joint Logistics Centres are set up in cases of major disaster with substantial humanitarian multi-sectorial involvement to contribute to the rapid response, better coordination, and improved efficiency of the humanitarian operation at hand. A new UNJLC has been set-up in response to the...

World Health Organization (WHO) -Western Pacific

Our purpose is to lead the regional response to public health issues on all fronts - medical, technical, socio-economic, cultural, legal and political -towards the achievement of WHO's global health mission.

Bairro Pite Clinic

Medical students from Ireland, Portugal, Australia and the USA work at Bairo Pite as part of their medical training. Services provided by BPC include maternity and infant care including delivery and vaccinations; diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis (TB), malaria, dengue fever and HIV;...

Shafallah Centre for Children with Special Needs

The Shafallah Centre for Children with Special Needs was established to provide comprehensive services to children with disabilities in Qatar. The centre provides diagnosis, evaluation, school programs, training and developmental services for children with any disability from the ages of three to...