Disability issues
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Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA)

The Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA) brings together a body of dedicated medical researchers. Their aim is to improve the living conditions and lifestyles of thousands of people both in Australia and abroad who are now, or may in the future, be affected by vision impairment. It is also...
Music Sweet Music, Inc.

Music Sweet Music, Inc. is a non-profit organisation which provides music therapy and the special instruments used in music therapy to children with disabilities or illnesses. They provide Music Therapy services to children in hospitals, rehabilitation clinics and Foster homes and to adults with...

Inspire, formly known as Cross Border Arts, is a arts organisation based in Cambridge which uses art as a part of a wholistic approach to health. It has a number of programs in place to support people with mental and/or physical disabilities. Inspire is particularly keen to provide...
Nazareth House

Nazareth House is a Catholic welfare organisation based in Johannesburg, South Africa. The organisation is dedicated to the care of the elderly and frail who cannot care for themselves. Currently, Nazareth House cares for 30 HIV orphans, 22 terminally ill HIV/AIDS adults, 100 frail elderly people...
Fundación Operación Sonrisa Panamá

Fundación Operación Sonrisa Panamá, an affiliate of Operation Smile International, utilises volunteers to repair childhood facial deformities while building public and private partnerships that advocate for sustainable healthcare systems for children and families.
HOPE Worldwide - UK

Hope worldwide - UK was established in 1991 with the mission to 'Bring hope to a hurting world'. It is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. Hope worldwide works with socially excluded people in the UK and overseas.These people include those disadvantaged by homelessness,...
Ezer Mizion

Ezer Mizion, the Israel Health Support Organization established in 1979, offers an extensive range of medical and social support services to help Israel's sick, disabled, elderly and underprivileged populations.
Children's Burn Trust

The Children's Burn Trust (CBT) is a UK-based charity committed to providing support for burn and scald injured children and their families both in the UK and internationally. CBT also runs education and public awareness programmes designed to spread awareness of ways to prevent injuries from fire...
Asociatia Nevazatorilor din Romania, Filiala Teleorman Giurgiu

The Asociatia Nevazatorilor din Romania, Filiala Teleorman Giurgiu is a Romanian NGO dedicated to the needs of visually handicapped people in two districts, Telorman and Giurgiu. The organisation provides services for independent blind people, and lobbies on behalf of the visually handicapped. ...
Friends of Children Everywhere - Casa Bernabe

La Casa Bernabe is dedicated to the protection of orphans in Guatemala through adoption, foster homes and care at Casa Bernabe. The charity provides help, protection, medical assistance, education, Christian training and a home for orphans and abandoned or abused children, including handicapped...
Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) - Czech Republic

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is an international humanitarian organization providing assistance to people in need. ADRA-Czech Republic(CR) strives to increase the level of life and health of inhabitants of the Czech Republic, developing countries and all people who needed her...
Small World Foundation (SWF)

The Small World Foundation is an American NGO dedicated to providing reconstructive surgery and medical aid throughout the developing world for children and adults who have no access to proper health care or resources for treatment. Medical education, training and informational exchange form part...
Blind Foundation for India

The Blind Foundation for India is an American NGO established to help in preventing blindness in India. The Foundation focuses on education, rehabilitation and prevention wherever possible. Doctors involved in the Foundation have restored sight to 75,000 people through the removal of cataracts and...
International Committee of the Red Cross - Sri Lanka

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an independent organization whose mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence, and to provide them with assistance. It directs and coordinates the international relief activities conducted by the...
Sarvodaya Headquarters

The Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement is a self-governance movement working in ten thousand villages with nearly four million people across Sri Lanka. It works to fulfill human needs such as clean and healthy environment, water, clothing, food, health care, housing, energy, education and spiritual and...
Burned Children's Club

The Burned Children's Clubs gives support to young burns survivors and their families. We promote self esteem, and help children come to terms with their altered body image, offer support to parents;- all through fun, recreation and mutual support.
Bridge Over Troubled Waters (BOTW)

Bridge Over Troubled Waters (BOTW) works to promote poverty alleviation and improvements in health and well-being for individuals, families and communities in the UK and overseas. The organization advocates a holistic approach to promoting and maintaining positive mental health, through the...
The Sower House

The House of the Sower is an initiative of Youth With A Mission (YWAM), an international interdenominational Christian organisation, operating in more than 900 locations in over 140 countries, with a staff of over 11,000. The House of the Sower provides training in sign language for 12 deaf...
Yad Sarah

Yad Sarah, an Israel-wide network of volunteers, provides a spectrum of free or nominal-cost sevices designed to make home care possible for the sick, disabled, elderly&recuperating people and their families. Some of Yad Sarah's core services include: lending medical equipment, transportation...
Caritas Internationalis - Singapore

CSCC was set up in November 2006 as the Archdiocesan arm for social and community outreach. Its mission is to help provide leadership to the Catholic community in Singapore in fulfilling the Church’s social mission for the benefit of the broader community. As an enabling body, CSCC works with...