Disability issues
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Access for Action Uganda (ACFA Uganda)

Access for Action Uganda (ACFA Uganda) is an NGO working with and for marginalised and vulnerable communities, including people with disabilities. ACFA aims to combat the social and economic exclusion and impoverishment of marginalized groups in Uganda, and to accelerate the inclusion of...
Friends of Camphill (Botswana)

Friends of Camphill (Botswana) is a registered society dedicated to supporting the Camphill Community Rankoromane Trust. Projects of the Trust include the Camphill Rankoromane School for disabled children and the Motse Wa Badiri centre for disabled adults, both situated in Otse village.
SABR Trust Centre

The “SABR” Center is a non-profit, non-governmental organization whose mission is to improve the socio economic situation and protect the interests of the most vulnerable layers of society - women and children. We provide support, encouragement and opportunities to have an independent life in a...
SHEKEL-Community Services for People with Special Needs

Shekel: Community Service for People with Special Needs is a non-profit organization assisting thousands of people with disabilities around Israel. SHEKEL operates a community living program with 45 units, including 4 units for severely disabled children, 4 vocational rehabilitation centers, 70...
Center for the Advancement of the Blind

The Center for the Advancement of the Blind is a non-governmental organization helping Israel's blind and visually impaired. The center’s ultimate goal is to help the visually impaired integrate into the seeing society. It also runs a senior’s club for visually impaired seniors, summer camps for...
Philip Hayden Foundation
The Philip Hayden Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization, established for the purpose of helping China's orphaned and special needs children, many of which are entrusted to them by government run orphanages. The organization, which was initially founded to sponsor minor surgeries (such...
Braille Without Borders (BWB)

Braille Without Borders (BWB) was founded with the determination to bring down the barriers of social exclusion that prevent blind people from playing a full role in society. BWB aims to literate blind people with the use of the Braille script so they gain access to literature and a vocation. The...
Tropical Health Foundation of India (THFI)

Tropical Health Foundation of India (THFI), a non profit charitable voluntary organisation operating in the Kunnamkulam Municipality of Thrissur District, provides health care, identification and rehabilitation of the disabled, care of elderly and promotes appropriate technology.
Rotary Australia World Community Service Ltd. (RAWCS) Northern Region

Rotary Australia World Community Service, Northern Region, has been a very active organisation supporting developing countries in our region in the fields of Health, Hunger, Education and other Humanitarian aid programmes. Projects within Australia dealing with poverty, sickness, suffering,...
Ebenezer Training Center

Ebenezer Training Center is a Hong Kong government aided special school, which provides education and rehabilitation training for children with both visual and intellectual disabilities.
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee - Uzbekistan

In Uzbekistan, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee supports vulnerable and disabled people and provides social aids to invalids, single pensioners and members of needy families.. JDC also works to support the growth of a communal Jewish life. JDC’s efforts include delivery of meals and...

Novartis is an international pharmaceutical company. Based in Basel, Switzerland and with operations in over 140 countries, the company is dedicated to discovering and marketing innovative products that cure diseases and improve quality of life. These products include vaccines, pharmaceuticals,...
Handi*Vangelism Ministries International (H*VMI)

Handi*Vangelism Ministries International (H*VMI)is a Ministry of Compassion, existing to share the love of the Lord Jesus Christ and to equip the church facilitates the provision of medical, educational, vocational and other rehabilitation services to street kids and homeless people with...
The Arc Mercer

The Arc Mercer is a private non-profit agency dedicated to reducing the incidence and limiting the consequences of developmental disabilities through prevention, education, and advocacy. Programs are provided for those who need them and opportunities for integration in the larger community are...
Odamiyat Association

Odamiyat Association assists the poor, disabled and elderly in Dushanbe, with a particular focus upon veterans. Odamiyat runs a medical clinic, food bank and social club for veterans and helps find employment opportunities for elderly veterans who need additional income to supplement their pensions.
Pader Orphans Caring Project

The Pader Orphans Caring Project is a Ugandan NGO that provides education, help and support for child victims of the conflict in the war torn regions of northen Uganda. Founded by a former child soldier, the oganisation helps to rehabilitate,reintegrate and educate the children.
Uwezekano Initiatives

Uwezekano Initiatives is a Kenyan NGO working with grassroots communities to promote socio-economic empowerment and development of the less priveledged. The organisation endeavours to develop knowledge and capacity of vulnerable groups through training,support and information sharing in order to...
Ever Prasinus Organisation

The Ever Prasinus Organisation is a Kenyan NGO that assists disabled children. The organisation is currently looking for partners for a waste recycling project.
World Vision - Philippines

World Vision is a Christian relief and development organisation working for the well being of all people, especially children. Through emergency relief, education, health care, economic development and through raising public awareness they seek to promote the situation of the needy and provide for...
Cornhouse Foundation

This German, Christian-based aid agency is involved in youth and adult education programmes, the prevention and therapy of addiction, networking with other NGOs, transportation of charitable goods and worldwide emergency aid.