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Doing business with the poor

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Humanitarian Assistance in Disaster Situations - A Quick Guide for Effective Donations

Humanitarian Assistance in Disaster Situations - A Quick Guide for Effective Donations, a guidebook, is designed to assist donors and recipients to make decisions that will have the greatest long-term benefit to countries affected by natural or complex disasters.

Handbook for emergencies, second edition

Effective emergency preparedness and response is a major priority of UNHCR. Crises have caused widespread human suffering and put great demands on UNHCR, prompting them to develop an effective response mechanism. Having dispatched over 300 missions throughout the world since 1992, UNHCR now has in...

Guidelines for Emergency Humanitarian Assistance Project Proposals and Reports

The Guidelines for Emergency Humanitarian Assistance Project Proposals and Reports are for agencies seeking emergency funds to support short-term international humanitarian assistance. The guidelines clarify the types of projects for which they have been developed (ie. short-term responsive...

Principles of Accountability for International Philanthropy

The Principles of Accountability for International Philanthropy, created by the Council on Foundations (COF) and the European Foundation Centre (EFC), are designed to increase the accountability and effectiveness of cross-border grantmaking. The document is intended as a voluntary and aspirational...

Quality and Accountability Initiatives: Questions and Answers

Quality and Accountability Initiatives: Questions and Answers, a web resource page, speaks to four of the most widely known inter-agency initiatives to improve accountability, quality and performance in humanitarian action: Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian...

Corporate Social Responsibility: An Implementation Guide for Business

Corporate Social Responsibility: An Implementation Guide for Business aims to provide practical guidance on CSR to companies operating in the international context. It contains information on how to assess the effects of business activities on others, develop and implement a CSR strategy and...

Public-Private Partnerships for Development - A Handbook for Business

Public-Private Partnerships for Development - A Handbook for Business was developed to help businesses operating in developing countries to understand how to build public-private partnerships that will benefit their host country populations and participating firms.

International Non Governmental Organisations Accountability Charter

International Non Governmental Organisations Accountability Charter resulted from a gathering of INGOs to systematise and reduce the number of structures NGOs must respond to. The INGOs who are signatories to the Charter agree to abide by the following principles: respect for universal principles,...

Enterprise Solutions to Poverty: Opportunities and Challenges for the International Development Community and Big Business

Enterprise Solutions to Poverty: Opportunities and Challenges for the International Development Community and Big Business, a report written by the Shell Foundation, argues that enterprise and business thinking must be placed at the heart of efforts to address poverty. The report concludes by...

G3 Guidelines of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Framework

The G3 Guidelines of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Framework provide guidance for organisations to use as the basis for disclosure about their sustainability performance (organisation’s economic, environmental, and social performance), and also provide stakeholders a universally-applicable,...