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Doing business with the poor

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European Foundation Centre Principles of Good Practice

The European Foundation Centre (EFC) Principles of Good Practice represent a shared vision of good practices and constitute a general recommendation to reinforce good practice, openness and transparency in the European foundation community. As such, they are intended to be of application both...

A Business Case for Fighting Poverty

Action on poverty can benefit business performance, as well as building an enabling environment in which to operate. This is the second paper in Oxfam’s ‘Briefings for Business’ series, which aims to develop the debate on the role of the private sector in poverty reduction by offering ideas and...

UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: Complementarities and Distinctive Contributions

The UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises Complementarities and Distinctive Contributions, the world’s foremost comprehensive, voluntary corporate responsibility initiatives, are clarified in this document as to the complementarities and distinctive contributions...

Fighting Poverty: A Business Opportunity - Report on the 10th International Business Forum

Fighting Poverty: A Business Opportunity - Report on the 10th International Business Forum, a conference report, provides a summary of the Forum's proceedings in respect to how business is addressing the Millennium Development Goals.

InterAction's Private Voluntary Organization Standards

InterAction's Private Voluntary Organization Standards is a code of best practice for InterAction's members. The standards relate to the activity of non-profit organisations in areas of governance, volunteer involvement, support from the private sector, fundraising, service and programme...

Towards Global Partnerships

Towards Global Partnerships, a resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly, encourages partnerships between the UN and the private sector, outlines the principles that should govern such partnerships, and stresses the important role that the private sector can play in encouraging development and...

Independent Sector

Independent Sector is a network for organisations in the U.S. charitable and philanthropic sector. The organisation's website provides a detailed section on giving and volunteering in the U.S., as well as a wide range of resources on accountability and public policy. The site also has a resource...

Common Humanitarian Accountability Framework for IWG Agencies

Common Humanitarian Accountability Framework for IWG Agencies, a report, analyses the current understanding and practices within the member agencies in humanitarian accountability and examines how the agencies can take on board various existing international standards.

Brilliant Brokerage: tips for success

Brilliant Brokerage: tips for success, a booklet, is a guide to brokering business community partnerships. It demonstrates the value and importance of the brokerage role and identifies the key skills and processes required for effective delivery.

Humanitarian Practice Network

Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN) is a forum for improving humanitarian action. It is intended to be a place where policy-makers, practitioners and others working in or on the humanitarian sector share and disseminate information, analysis and experience, and learn from it. HPN plays a key role...