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Doing business with the poor

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Unilever supports recycling initiatives in Ghana

Unilever Ghana's factory in Tema supports a recycling initiative that reduces waste and provides income for local people.

ALEB provides technical assistance for Egyptian food processing companies

ALEB (Agricultural-Led Export Businesses), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is a central component of the Growth through Globalization strategy supporting Egypt's private sector.

Mobilink Turns Billboards to Bags

The Mobilink Foundation, the non-profit arm of Mobilink, Pakistan’s leading cellular and Blackberry service providers, is turning plastic billboard skins into school bags for underprivileged children. The bags are distributed free of charge.

Santander Microcrédito (Banco Real ABN AMRO) works with Accion to support small businesses in Brazil

Santander Microcrédito, an initiative by Banco Real ABN AMRO, offers small loans to growing businesses that lack access to conventional forms of credit.

ICICI provides weather insurance for Indian farmers

Insurance company ICICI has partnered with Indian based microfinance institution BASIX to pilot the sale of rainfall insurance to farmers in India.

Mirakle Couriers : A Courier Service Run by the Deaf in India

Mirakle Couriers is a courier delivery company with a difference. They employ underprivileged deaf people who have almost no other means to earn a livelihood. India has one of the highest deaf populations in the world. NGO’s and charities try to help individuals marginalized by society, but they...

Coffee sustainability : Kraft Foods and Rainforest Alliance

Kraft Foods has been working in the area of coffee sustainability for over a decade and announced a partnership with the Rainforest Alliance in 2003. Since then, this relationship has benefited more than 400,000 farmers and their families and communities on more than 85,000 hectares of farmland in...

Meeting the demand of low-income women: Lifespring’s maternal care in India

LifeSpring Hospital in India is innovatively meeting the growing demand of low-income women who deserve affordable and dignified medical care. By focusing on a particular niche, maternal care, and different cost-saving strategies, this hospital provides maternal care at one-fifth of market...

Catastrophe insurance bond for Taiwan

The Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Program (TREIF) provides basic insurance to residents of Taiwan, that is specifically tailored to the earthquake risk in the area.

Freedom from Hunger’s Benkadi Tongorongo association provides micro loans and group support in Mali

In rural Mali, Miama sells rice to support her family, thanks to both a microloan and the group support she receives from Freedom from Hunger's Benkadi Tongorongo association.

A Ghanaian story about how a small loan can change lives

Sinapi Aba Trust helps Akosua, a housekeeper in Ghana, prosper in her business though microfinance. After years of knocking on doors to sell pastries, a small loan changed everything for Akosua.

Extending women enterpreneurship in India

To reach populations in remote areas, Hindustan Unilever has recruited and trained women in rural areas to act as direct sales operators. This led to the creation of Project Shakti in India which is now being extended to other countries as well.

Micro Credit or Dignity Funds in Tunisia

ENDA helped Mohsen, a young man in Tunisia, to start his business though micro-credit. ENDA was founded as a multi-sectoral development microfinance institution focusing on environment, health, education, and youth activities in Tunisia.

Fighting poverty through micro-credit

Mr Wolfonsohn said micro-finance had made a powerful impact on improving poor people's livelihood and was crucial in reducing poverty in poor countries.

Habitat for Humanity partners with ArcelorMittal designing low-cost steel housing solution

In 2008, soon after the Tecucel River in Romania flooded and destroyed more than 300 homes, the ArcelorMittal Foundation formed a global partnership with Habitat for Humanity to improve affected families’ lives.

Through an initiative of ASGN, micro-credit and tourism save giraffes in Niger

ASGN (the Association to Safeguard the Giraffes of Niger) used grants from the Wildlife Protection Foundation in the UK and from the Zoo de Doue in France to set up a successful micro-credit scheme.

Western Union takes microfinance route for rural spread

In 2009, money transfer company, Western Union, tied up with microfinance institutions (MFIs) and e-governance service providers to facilitate financial inclusion in India.

Danone focuses on providing and promoting affordable dairy products in India

Since 2009, Groupe Danone, the $18-billion French dairy company, has been developing strategies for India by leveraging on its experience, involving easily affordable dairy products, in Bangladesh.

Seventh Generation and WAGES partner to form a cooperative in San Francisco

Seventh Generation, an American company that distributes household and personal care products, has partnered with Women’s Action to Gain Economic Security (WAGES) to launch a new worker-owned residential green cleaning cooperative in San Francisco.

NGO to assist Nigerian government towards alleviation of poverty through micro-credit

The Growing Businesses Foundation (GBF, a Nigerian NGO), has announced its intention to contribute to the Federal Government's fight towards the alleviation of poverty in Nigeria by providing access to micro credit facilities at the grass roots and to small scale entrepreneurs.